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LLM generative agents for Golang

The library enables development of LLM-based generative agents for Golang.


The generative agents autonomously generate output as a reaction on input, past expereince and current environment. Agents records obervations and reason over with natural language description, taking advantage of LLMs.

In this library, an agent is defined as a side-effect function ƒ: A ⟼ B, which takes a Golang type A as input and autonomously produces an output B, while retaining memory of past experiences.

Getting started

The latest version of the library is available at main branch of this repository. All development, including new features and bug fixes, take place on the main branch using forking and pull requests as described in contribution guidelines. The stable version is available via Golang modules.

Running the examples you need access either to AWS Bedrock or OpenAI.

Quick example

See "Hello World" application as the quick start. The example agent is ƒ: string ⟼ string that takes the sentence and returns the anagram.

package main

import (

  // LLMs toolkit

  // Agents toolkit

// This function is core in the example. It takes input (the sentence)
// and generate prompt function that guides LLMs on how to create anagram.
func anagram(expr string) (prompt chatter.Prompt, err error) {
    WithTask("Create anagram using the phrase: %s", expr).
      // instruct LLM about anagram generation
        "Strictly adhere to the following requirements when generating a response.",
        "The output must be the resulting anagram only.",
      // Gives the example of input and expected output
        Input: "Madam Curie",
        Reply: "Radium came",


func main() {
  // create instance of LLM client
  llm, err := bedrock.New(
  if err != nil {

  // We create an agent that takes string (sentence) and returns string (anagram).
  agt := agent.NewAutomata(llm,
    // Configures memory for the agent. Typically, memory retains all of
    // the agent's observations. Here, we use a void memory, meaning no
    // observations are retained.

    // Configures the reasoner, which determines the agent's next actions and prompts.
    // Here, we use a void reasoner, meaning no reasoning is performed—the agent
    // simply returns the result.
    reasoner.NewVoid[string, string](),

    // Configures the encoder to transform input of type A into a `chatter.Prompt`.
    // Here, we use an encoder that converts string expressions into prompt.

    // Configure the decoder to transform output of LLM into type B.
    // Here, we use the identity decoder that returns LLMs output as-is.

  // Evaluate expression and receive the result
  val, err := agt.Prompt(context.Background(), "a gentleman seating on horse")
  fmt.Printf("==> %v\n%+v\n", err, val)

Agent Architecture

The thinker library provides toolkit for running agents with type-safe constraints. It is built on a pluggable architecture, allowing applications to define custom workflows. The diagram below emphasis core building blocks.

%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%
graph TD
    subgraph Interface
    A[Type A]
    B[Type B]
    subgraph Memory
    subgraph Commands
    subgraph Agent
    A --"01|input"--> E[Encoder]
    E --"02|prompt"--> G((Agent))
    G --"03|eval"--> L[LLM]
    G --"04|reply"--> D[Decoder]
    D -."05|exec".-> C
    C -."06|result".-> G
    G <--"07|observations" --> S
    G --"08|deduct"--> R[Reasoner]
    R <-."09|reflect".-> S
    R --"10|new goal"--> G
    D --"11|answer" --> B

Memory is core element of agents behaviour. It is a database that maintains a comprehensive record of an agent’s experience. It recalls observations and builds the context windows to be used for prompting.

Reasoner serves as the goal-setting component in the architecture. It evaluates the agent's current state, performing either deterministic or non-deterministic analysis of immediate results and past experiences. Based on this assessment, it determines whether the goal has been achieved and, if not, suggests the best new goal for the agent to pursue.

The type-safe agent interface ƒ: A ⟼ B is well-suited for composition and agent chaining. However, encoding and decoding application-specific types must be abstracted. To facilitate this, the library provides two key traits: Encoder for constructing prompts and Decoder for parsing and validating LLM responses.

The rainbow example demonstrates a simple agent that effectively utilizes the depicted agent architecture to solve a task.

Commands & Tools

The thinker library enables the integration of external tools and commands into the agent workflow. By design, a command is a function Decoder[CmdOut] that takes input from the LLM, executes it, validates and returns the output and any possible feedback - similary as you implement basic decoder.

When constructing a prompt, it is essential to include a section that "advertises" the available commands and the rules for using them. There is a registry that automates prompting and parsing of the response.

The script example demonstrates a simple agent that utilizes bash to generate and modify files on the local filesystem.

Supported commands

  • bash execute bash script or single command
  • golang execute golang code block
  • python execute python code block

Chaining agents

The thinker library does not provide built-in mechanisms for chaining agents. Instead, it encourages the use of standard Go techniques either pure functional chaining or chaining of go routines (e.g. golem/pipe).

The chain example demostrates off-the-shelf techniques for agents chaining.


Do agents support concurrent execution?

This design does not support concurency on the purpose - the pure actor architecture is used. The agent follows a sequential decision-making loop:

  • Inner for {} loop causes each step depends on the previous result to maintain conversational causal effect
  • While memory is thread-safe and sharable among agents in the pipeline. It is not design to support multiple isolated session.
  • LLM calls are synchronous.

To enable concurrency, the application have to implement worker pools.

How can an agent maintain a global state accessible to the encoder, decoder, and reasoner?

Use a struct with receiver methods to encapsulate state and provide direct access to the encoder, decoder, and reasoner. This keeps state management simple and idiomatic in Go.

type Agent struct{
  // declare global state

func (*Agent) Encode(string) (prompt chatter.Prompt, err error) { /* ... */ }

func (*Agent) Decode(chatter.Reply) (float64, string, error) { /* ... */ }

func (*Agent) Deduct(thinker.State[string]) (thinker.Phase, chatter.Prompt, error) { /* ... */ }

How To Contribute

The library is MIT licensed and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

The build and testing process requires Go version 1.21 or later.

build and test library.

git clone
cd thinker
go test ./...

commit message

The commit message helps us to write a good release note, speed-up review process. The message should address two question what changed and why. The project follows the template defined by chapter Contributing to a Project of Git book.


If you experience any issues with the library, please let us know via GitHub issues. We appreciate detailed and accurate reports that help us to identity and replicate the issue.




LLM-Powered Agents for Golang







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