The Mark I programmer had many flaws, but one of them was debilitating enough to deserve a respin: I had to remove the programmer from the Arduino every edit-compile-test cycle. In between flashing the ArduinoISP software each time and taking the ATTiny in and out of the socket, the whole process was too painful and made me resistant to playing around.
The fundamental reason for this was that, because the pin headers that fit into the Arduino's female headers had to point down, the socket for the ATTiny was also mounted upside-down. This made it inaccessible once the shield was attached.
What I needed was some kind of double-sided perfboard, or some way to lengthen the pins and turn them back around. I did neither and instead made my first big soldering mistake. I decided to try and just solder the pins on the wrong side of the perfboard.
This ... didn't work that well. The joints between the pins and wires were fine, but the joints to the board were loose. Even worse, in this configuration I was often relying on solder to mechanically hold everything together. I managed to make it to the end and even added a convenient switch to turn the capacitor on and off (explained below), but it was a dog's breakfast indeed. I immediately started planning my next version.
Soldering to the wrong side of the board was so messy that I realized I was doing something dumb, something wrong. This wasn't a matter of lacking dexterity. I needed a smarter way.
Using my Arduino Uno for programming ATTinys was really painful, because I was working on a project where two microcontrollers were communicating with each other. So I was constantly flashing the Arduino with ArduinoISP, programming the ATTiny with that, and then flashing it with my code so I could test the communication between the two chips. Yikes.
What I needed was a permanent solution: a male USB connector that I could solder onto my perfboard, connect some IC to it and then connect the microcontroller (an ATMega328, same as what's on an Arduino) to that. Searching for this led me to the amazing CP2102, a tiny USB-to-serial board that is currently sold for $1.99 on
Now, $2 is the kind of price I'm looking for. That's not a product, that's a component. I don't feel like I'm just paying for someone else's solution, I'm buying a building-block component. But can it be used to program ATTiny's? That's the wrong question. The right question is, Can a noob like me make it program ATtiny's?
For $2 I was willing to just take a shot. Actually I found an even cheaper option, a tiny board with FT232RL chips from FTDI going for $1.79 at taydaelectronics I found this so amazing that I bought 8 of them. That's about how much 1 of this board from Sparkfun costs, ostensibly with the same chip. Cheap clones are cheap! Having a bunch of these USB chips will allow me to fearlessly solder in USB connectivity to my projects.
So can I do it? Can I use this cheap board to program ATTinys? From reading this stackexchange page, it appears that it cannot be used alone. The reason is that USB is an inherently serial protocol, and so is UART. This is a USB to UART converter, a serial to serial converter. But the ISP protocol used to program AVR chips is a parallel protocol. A microcontroller is certainly capable of talking a serial protocol on one end (certain pins) and a parallel protocol on another (other pins).
Thinking about this makes me understand the bootloader a bit more. You can program an AVR chip with a serial connection if the chip has a bootloader on it. I guess the bootloader talks a serial protocol and then directly writes the program data it receives onto flash memory. This bypasses Atmel's ISP protocol for programming the chip.
(I'm guessing the bootloader is also responsible for Arduino's easy
It seems like we will end up with a stripped-down Arduino board. One thing that I don't understand about the actual Arduino is whether there is a tiny microcontroller on the board in addition to the big one in the socket. I do see a tiny chip on there that I don't know the purpose of. I should learn more about exactly what's on an Arduino board.
Well of course I am traveling a well-trodden road, and I will cheat a
little and watch this video for tips. One tip I will
have to follow up with later is this alice
, a seller of electronics
on Ebay who I've heard of before on some forum or another. There is
also a very helpful official guide here And here's a pretty nice
long forum discussion about exactly the kind of boards I'd purchased: .
I hooked up an ATmega328 on the breadboard with the FTDI USB breakout
and tried loading Blink
on it. This didn't work. Many things could
be wrong: the microcontroller could be dead, it might not have the
bootloader on it (even though it was sold as having the bootloader),
the bootloader might be corrupted, the FTDI breakout board could be
bad, my USB cable could be bad, the Arduino IDE could be calling
with bad parameters for this FTDI board. And so on.
The fact that my Arduino Uno has a removable atmega328 will make
debugging this a lot easier. I flashed Blink
on that one and then
transferred it to the breadboard. I removed everything but V_cc
coming from the USB board, and connected the cable. It blinked!
This eliminates the following possibilities: crystal is bad, no power coming from USB board, power from USB is too noisy, crystal capacitors are bad, blinking LED is bad. That's not much, in fact I knew all of those except the crystal and crystal caps just from multimeter testing earlier.
I can get the upload to work by taking the wire that goes to RESET on the atmega and holding it to ground, then letting it go at the right moment. I can also get upload to work by unplugging and replugging the USB cable in time with pressing the upload command. So something is wrong with the capacitor I have inline with RESET and DTR.
But something could be wrong with the USB breakout board, or with my circuit. I'm glad I had the foresight to buy two different kinds of USB breakout board, even though I got eight of the cheap(er) ones and only one of the more expensive ($1.99 vs. $1.79) boards. I hooked up the other board and tried. Same problem! Same timing finickiness with the RESET and DTR lines.
Something is probably wrong with my circuit, then. Makes sense! I'm the weakest link in the chain, an electronics noob who's too impatient to read documentation until a problem occurs.
Let's read the docs and think about this for a second. RESET is supposed to be an active low pin, which means it needs to be held up usually.
Okay, I have figured it out. On the FTDI board, the DTR pin is being held LOW all the time. Instead, it needs to be held HIGH and then made LOW during communication. Combined with our resistor and capacitor assembly, this will pulse the RESET pin of the chip and run the bootloader.
This is what the $2 board is doing. Hmm, now is there maybe some other pin on the FTDI board that is held HIGH and then made low during transmission?
Another possibility is that DTR is being held LOW and then made HIGH during transmission.
Aha, it seems like both RTS and DTR start out HIGH, then go LOW for the first upload, but then stay LOW! So any subsequent tranmissions fail.
I tried using avrdude instead of the Arduino IDE. I tried playing with avrdude settings to see if I could get it to force DTR back to HIGH after the transmission was over. But no luck.
This really seems like a driver issue. Ultimately the driver controls whether DTR is HIGH or LOW during transmission and when idle. Since I'm a spoilt Mac user, I never restart my computer even after installing drivers or other OS-level software. But it's possible this niche driver is not as friendly as other OS X software. A restart could help...
... and it did! Now I have a fully functional breadboarded Arduino that I can solder up with an 8-pin socket to create my ATtiny programmer!
And the first damn thing I'm going to have to do after flashing ArduinoISP is permanently disabling RESET on the main chip. Hmm ... I guess I could have foregone that whole debugging exercise. But fully understanding the bug feels pretty good, and the whole thing solidified my knowledge of something as basic as a capacitor. A capacitor turns a transition into a pulse! That's something I kinda knew before, but now it feels real.
To elaborate on that: prviously, if you had asked me "Does a series capacitor turn a transition into a pulse?" I would have thought about it for a bit and then probably (hopefully) said Yes. But if I was in the situation of needing a pulse, I would not have thought "Hmm, I know I can get a pulse from a transition by just adding a series capacitor, so is the reduced problem of needing a transition any easier?" That's the difference, and it's important because it's such a general thing that it's sure to come up again.
So debugging this pointless issue was actually well worth my time.
It seems crazy that the bootloader is 32670 bytes! Of course avrdude reports an error at byte 0x7e00.
Had to set fuses. Learned about that from here:
Had to edit boards.txt to turn 0x05 to 0xFD. This is because only the lowest 3 bits of efuse are writable. The rest stay at one.
Had to use menu option "Upload using programmer."
After burning bootloader, do NOT "upload using programmer" another sketch. Directly take the newly bootloader-burned atmega and stick it in the Arduino for testing. This finally worked. Now I can repeatably burn the bootloader on fresh ATmega328p chips.
But I don't want to permanently solder in my 16MHz crystal for my ATtiny programmer. For that, I will need to set the correct fuses ... Looks like I shouldn't do this because I need accurate timing for serial USB communication. Ok.
This was a matter of connecting up and the Arduino pin mapping.
One final problem, which was that I had to tell the Arduino 1Mhz internal clock rather than 8Mhz. I suppose it's "burn bootloader"'s job to set fuses that tell the ATtiny which clock to use. Let's try that.
This is using the Arduino as ISP with my ATtiny shield v2.
Plug shield in. On one side pins go into Reset thru GND. On the other side pins go from 9 thru GND.
Switch should be in position AWAY from capacitor.
Use Arduino IDE to upload the ArduinoISP sketch, selecting Board = Arduino/Genuino Uno and Programmer = AVR ISP.
Move switch to other position (TOWARDS capacitor).
Run avrdude -p attiny85 -c arduino -P /dev/cu.usbmodem1411 -b 19200 -U flash:w:blink-attiny85.hex
Pull ATtiny85 out and put it on the breadboard. On the shield, GND and 5v are exposed. The pin closer to the capacitor is GND.
Led +ve side (long side, with resistor) goes in Pin 2, Led -ve side (short side) goes on Pin 4 which is GND. 5v goes to Pin 8.
Using your normal Arduino board, load up blink.
Remove the ATmega328p from the board.
Connect it up on a breadboard: 5v to pin 7, GND to pin 8, crystal on pins 9 and 10; LED +ve side on pin 19, -ve side on GND. This works for me (even without capacitors on the crystal).
Set up a bare 328p on a breadboard.
Set up MCUdude's MiniCore.
Load up ArduinoISP on your regular Arduino.
Connect it to the 328p on the breadboard: VCC and GND to the VCC and GND lanes; 17, 18, 19 on the 328p to 11, 12, 13 on the Arduino; 1 on the 328p to 10 on the Arduino.
Put a big cap on the Arduino: long leg (+ve) on reset, short leg (-ve) to GND.
Select Tools-> and set all the board options: 328p, 12Mhz external, Arduino as ISP.
Burn bootloader.
Disconnect the Arduino.
Connect the FTDI on the breadboard. GND and VCC lanes to GND and VCC lanes on the breadboard. TX to 328p pin 2, RX to 328p pin 3, 0.1uF capacitor between DTR on the FTDI and RESET (pin 1) on the 328p.
Upload a sketch, repeatedly touching the reset resistor to GND. This should work. Upload the Arduino as ISP sketch.
Remove the capacitor between DTR and RESET.
Connect the ATtiny85 to the 328p: 16, 17, 18, 19 on 328p to 1, 5, 6, 7 on the tiny85. Also, tiny85 4 and 8 to GND and 5v.
Should now be able to upload, using either Arduino IDE or just avrdude. Make sure to select tiny85, internal 8 or 1 MHz, Arduino as ISP. #define LED_BUILTIN 3 and connect LED long leg (+ve) to tiny85 pin 2.
For 8MHz internal clock: -U lfuse:w:0xe2:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U efuse:w:0xff:m
For 1MHz internal clock: -U lfuse:w:0x62:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U efuse:w:0xff:m
"Burn bootloader" is a dangerous operation. I bricked one ATTiny85 like this. I think it's because it sets the fuses that set whether it's on an internal or external clock; or maybe the fuse that says whether the RESET pin works.
I should be able to fix this with a high-voltage programmer, or ... by connecting up a crystal? The same crystal that's on my proto-board?