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Dockerising Spring Boot application with Database

Download and install Docker for windows/Linux/mac from the official website

  • Clone the above Demo Spring Boot Application.
  • After installation in order to check whether the Docker is running or not

Take the CMD from the project folder (or anywhere) and type command

docker –v (will display current Docker version)

Then open the “DockerFile” from the project folder This contains the commands for generating Docker image

FROM openjdk:8  
ADD target/demo-docker.jar demo-docker.jar  
EXPOSE 8080  
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar" , "demo-docker.jar" ]

FROM will pull openjdk from Docker repo.

ADD will copy build jar form target folder to root folder of the Docker.

EXPOSE will expose the port 8080.

ENTRYPOINT will execute the command given. (Change the target jar name if you want)

docker build -f Dockerfile -t docker-spring-boot-user . From the cmd enter the command where –f -t and ‘.’ is the file path that is current as of now.

This will execute the commands from the docker file. Initially running may take some time as it downloads a openjdk from the repository.

docker image ls

This command will give you list of images you have and you can find one with the name docker-spring-boot-user.

Setup MySQL

Now we will create and run an image of the MySQL database. From our terminal, we will run the below command. Here, -d in this command indicates that the Docker command will run in detached mode.

docker run -d  -p  6033:3306 --name=mysql-docker --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root"  --env="MYSQL_PASSWORD=root"  --env="MYSQL_DATABASE=demo" mysql

Hopefully, the MySQL image is pulled and running as a container. To check this, we can run.

You can check that using docker container ls command.

Now we can check by logging in to MySQL.

docker exec -it mysql-docker bash

(mysql-docker is the tag name we have given while creating) Now you have the databse created inside the docker mysql

You can import the sql by following command

docker exec -i docker-mysql mysql -uroot -proot demo <demo.sql

Running the Project inside the Docker

docker run -t --link mysql-docker:mysql -p 8080:8080 docker-spring-boot-user

--link will link the MySQL container and will be exposing the port 8080

Now it will open up in





containerizing spring boot with docker






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