Can generate test resutls for configed data
Simple clone the project to your machine. Goto config file (configs.json): src/main/java/com/api/con/configs.json
If the request has dependancy with pre-request, then user has to enable isPreRequest config as true. If you do not have that dependacy then simply make it as false and no need to worry about preSendJson configs. (This only reads if the isPreRequest is true) And fill the request related info
"jsonPre": <Json Body>,
"preRequestType": <POST or PUT>,
"preContentType": <Content type>,
"preRequestUrl": <Request Url>,
"preHeaders": <Header array header name and value>
"jsonPre":["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday"],
"preContentType": "JSON",
"preHeaders":[ {"header": "Abc", "value": "test"}, {"header": "PQR", "value": "43534"}]
Now you need to add data on your main request JSON
Add the JSON
"jsonMain": {"test":"value", "age":12, "address":"Sri Lanka"}
"mainRequestType": <POST or PUT>,
"mainContentType": <Content type>,
"mainRequestUrl": <Request Url>,
"mainHeaders": <Header array header name and value>
"setFromPreResponse": <If this request need to add data from pre-request mapping should mention in here>
[{"pathOrName": "RESPONSEHED","isFromPreHeader": true, "updateKeyPath": "RESPONSEHEDTMP", "isToMainHeader": true}]
pathOrName - request header name or json path_
isFromPreHeader - Is mentioned pathOrName should take from pre-request Response header
updateKeyPath - main request header name or json path which value need to be update
isToMainHeader - Is mentioned updateKeyPath is in header or JSON Body
if user need to build JSON variations with assigning null value to each field put parameter "NULL_CHECK"
if user need to build JSON variations with assigning empty ("") value to each field put parameter "EMPTY_CHECK"
if user need to build JSON variations with removing each field put parameter "REMOVE_FIELD"
If the user need to build the JSONs to all above combinations:
"constructJsonForEachField": ["REMOVE_FIELD", "EMPTY_CHECK", "NULL_CHECK"]
Also user can build JSONs only for configed fields under modifyJson
If the user need to send a JSON assigning NULL values to "age", "address"
user need to enable the config isIgnore as false (Then config will read else this is ignored)
"modifyType": "NULL_CHECK" (Since ucer need to assigine NULL value)
"statusCode": expected response code if available
"responsePayLoad": expected response payload if available
"isStrictCompare": if need to compare payload as one to one mapping make this as true,
if the user need to verify given values in the payload then this should mark as false
"age", "address"
"isIgnore": false,
"modifyType": "NULL_CHECK",
"responsePayLoad":"{\n \"task\": \"Task 51\",\n}",
Under modify payload has "ONLY_USE" option which can use to test mandatory (Required) fields.
(JSON bulds using mentioned fields only)
User can add the testcases with length check parameters and value update paramenters.
lengthCheck, valueUpdate
For lengthCheck: generate values for below options
numNChars: Numbers and Chars
charOnly: chars only
numOnly: numbers only
To enable this config user need to make the isIgnore as false
In valueupdate JSON path values will update with the given value
After changes of the config file
Goto ( and Run the file
Results will generates as (output.csv) file under
This version supports to POST and PUT Methods