If you would like to help test the latest development release signup on our TestFlight page.
Have a jailbroken device? Install the latest commit build
See our contributing guidelines and roadmap.
Our huboard lists development priorites and status updates.
As mentioned in the Contributing Guidelines, we require that all submitted code follows the New York Times style guide. One of the easiest ways to make sure code is compliant is to run Uncrustify on any modified or created files. The easiest way to do that is to install BBUncrustifyPlugin, which will automatically use the uncrustify config included in the OBA repo, and allows for quick cleanup of selected lines, the active file, or a selection of files from the XCode Edit menu.
- Clone the repository.
- Open the
project file.
You should now be able to build.
Development: Xcode 5/iOS 6.0 & 7.0 SDK
Runtime: iOS 5.1 or higher
- Update the CHANGELOG to reflect the changes in this release
- Update the version number
- Merge in to
branch - Create AppStore build
- Upload to AppStore, use changelog as release notes
- Create GitHub release based on changelog
- Upload dSYM for AppStore build to crashes page (might have to wait until first crash occurs)