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Tictack-track (ttt)

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A simple but powerful personal time tracker, running on the command-line (Linux, Mac OS), w/o any external dependencies (no server nor database used). Work-entries are recorded directly to an HTML file, ready for print at any time. ttt provides options to quickly transfer time log entries to external issue tracking systems.

Table of contents


  • Works directly from CLI, on Linux and Mac OS (not tested on Windows)
  • Stores all work entries into an HTML file, ready to be printed
  • CLI viewer: The timesheet can be viewed pretty-printed user-friendly formatted and colored, directly within CLI
  • No external editor needed: Entries can be edited directly via ttt (start/end-time, comment, issue)
  • Issue-reference and comments: Timesheet entries contain start- and end-time and optionally an issue reference-number and comment
  • Search filter: The CLI viewer can use search filters (by date, week, month, issue-number, comment)
  • Time sum calculation: Recorded work times are additionally summed: per entry / issue per day / day / filtered view / in total
  • Overtime Saldo: Required vs. recorded work time per day is calculated automatically
  • Timesheet entries can be merged, split and deleted from the commandline
  • Automatic backup / undo option: Before modifications are done, a backup of the timesheet is recorded, every modification command can be undone. Note: currently only one previous command can be undone.
  • Terminal color themes: There are several color presets built-in to support different terminal color palettes
  • Optional dark theme for HTML Timesheet (must be configured before starting a new timesheet)
  • Export: Timesheets can be exported to CSV: whole timesheet, current day, recent referenced issue numbers
  • External URL-linking: Referenced items can be dynamically opened in web-browser: all issues of a day/week/month
  • Timesheet can be recorded in multiple languages (de, dk, en, es, fi, fr, hu, it, lv, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sv, tr)
  • Stable: The majority of commands and options is covered by functional tests

Commands Overview

  • For every command, there is also a 1 or 2 letter shortcut.
  • For every command, there is a help topic with more detailed information and various usage examples. Example: More detailed help on the start (or s) command is displayed via: ./ttt h s

1. Record work entries:

Command Description
start / s Start tracking new work entry or update Start-time of given entry
pause / stop / p Stop currently ongoing entry
resume / r Start new work entry at current time, w/ issue no. and comment from the previous entry

2. Update recorded entries:

Command Description
start / s Update start-time of given entry
stop / pause / p Set end-time of given or ongoing entry
day / d Add a full-day entry, useful to log days of e.g. absence, sickness, etc.
comment / c Unset or append to comment of given entry
task / t Update issue-number of given entry
split / sp Split given entry at given duration into two
merge / m Merge given entry w/ the following entry
remove / rm Remove given entry / given amout of latest entries / all entries
undo / z Undo last entry creation / modification
recalculate / rc Recalculate all duration sums (per entry, per issue per day, per day)
clear / cls Empty the timesheet

3. View and export timesheet:

Command Description
browse / b Open timesheet in web browser
view / v Display timesheet in command-line
week / w Display week out of timesheet in command-line
csv Export timesheet to CSV file
csvdt Output issue numbers tracked in the current day as CSV
csvrtn Output recent 30 tracked issue numbers as CSV
url / u Open external issue URL in web browser
dayTasks / ud Display issues of day sequentially in CLI and web browser

4. Meta Commands:

Command Description
calendarweek / W Display number of current- or calendar week at given offset of weeks
date / D Display current- or date at given offset of days
help / h Describe usage of this program
version / V Display installed version of this program

Commands in detail

Command: start (s) - Add new entry to timesheet or update start-time of given entry

The new entry's status is set to ongoing. If a previous entry has been ongoing when a new entry is started, the previous entry is being stopped, with the current time being recorded as that entry's end-time. For the first entry per day, a default issue number to be used when none is given, can be configured in ttt.ini.

Usage examples:

s - Start a new entry (w/o issue-no. or comment) at the current time

s Foo - Start a new entry commented w/ "Foo"

s "Foo bar" - Start a new entry commented w/ "Foo bar"

s Foo 123 - Start a new entry commented w/ "Foo" and issue number: 123

s 123 - Start entry w/ issue no. 123 w/o comment

s 3 08:30 - Update start-time of entry 3 to 08:30

s i=3 08:30 - Update start-time of entry 3 to 08:30

Command: stop / pause (p) - Stop ongoing entry, storing current time as end-time

Usage examples:

p - End currently ongoing entry, store current time as end-time

p Foo - End currently ongoing entry, append "Foo" to it's comment, store current time as end-time

p "Foo bar" - End currently ongoing entry, append "Foo bar" to it's comment, store current time as end-time

p 3 08:30 - Update end-time of entry 3 to 08:30

p i=3 08:30 - Update end-time of entry 3 to 08:30

Command: resume (r) - Resumes last or given entry (starts a new entry w/ same issue no. and comment)

If the given argument is no existing ID, but there is an entry w/ such a issue number, the system suggests to resume the related entry.

Usage examples:

r - Resume latest entry (has to be not onging anymore).

r c=foo - Resume latest entry, append/add "foo" to/as comment.

r 1 - Resume entry with ID 1. Stops ongoing entry, if any.

r 1 foo - Resume entry with ID 1, append/add "foo" to/as comment. Stop ongoing entry, if any.

r 2 - Resume entry with ID 2. Stops ongoing entry, if any.

r -1 - Resume entry 1 place before latest entry. Stops ongoing entry, if any.

r -2 - Resume entry 2 places before latest entry. Stops ongoing entry, if any.

Command: day (d) - Add all-day entry

Adds a new entry, starting at the configured daily default starting time (default_daily_start_time) spanning for the configured required hours/day (debit_per_day). Useful to log full days of e.g. external work, conferences, sickness, etc.

Usage examples:

d - Add all-day entry at current day

d t=123 - Add all-day entry at current day, for issue 123

d 123 - Add all-day entry at current day, for issue 123

d c=foo - Add all-day entry at current day, commented "foo"

d 123 c=foo - Add all-day entry at current day, for task 123, commented "foo"

d c="foo bar" - Add all-day entry at current day, commented "foo bar"

d -1 - Add all-day entry at previous day

d -2 c=foo - Add all-day entry two days in the past, commented "foo"

d -3 c="foo bar" - Add all-day entry three days in the past, commented "foo bar"

d -3 123 c="foo bar" - Add all-day entry three days in the past, for task 123, commented "foo bar"

Command: comment (c) - Appends given text to comment of given or latest timesheet entry

Usage examples:

c - Remove comment from latest entry

c Foo - Append "Foo" to comment of latest entry

c 3 - Remove comment from entry with ID 3

c "Foo bar" - Append "Foo bar" to comment of latest entry

c i=3 - Remove comment from entry with ID 3

c i=3 "Foo bar" - Append "Foo bar" to comment of entry with ID 3

c 3 "Foo bar" - Append "Foo bar" to comment with ID 3

c i=3,6,7 - Remove comments from entries with IDs 3, 6 and 7

c i=3,6,7 "Foo bar" - Append "Foo bar" to comments of entries with IDs 3, 6 and 7

Command: task (t) - Stores given issue number to given entry/entries or latest entry

Usage examples:

t - Unset issue number of the latest entry

t 123 - Set issue number of the latest entry to 123

t 123 foo - Set issue number of the latest entry to 123 and append "foo" to its comment

t i=3 - Unset issue number of the entry with ID 3

t i=3 123 - Set issue number of the entry with ID 3 to 123

t i=3,5,7 - Unset issue number of the entries with IDs 3, 5 and 7

t i=3,5,7 1234 - Set issue number of entries with IDs 3, 5 and 7 to 1234

t i=3 1234 " foo bar" - Set issue number of the entry with ID 3 to 1234 and append " foo bar" to its comment

t i=3,5,7 1234 foo - Set issue number of the entries with IDs 3, 5 and 7 to 1234 and append " foo bar" to their comments

Command: split (sp): Splits given timesheet entry into two

Usage example:

sp 5 0:30 - Reduce end-time of entry 5 by 0:30, insert new entry with duration of 0:30 after it

Command: merge (m): Merges two successive entries

Only successive entries within the same day can be merged.

Usage examples:

m 5 - Remove entry 6, set end-time of 5 to that of 6, set issue number to first given, merge comments if different

m - Merge last two entries

Command: remove (rm): Removes one or multiple timesheet entries

Usage examples:

rm - Remove last entry

rm 5 - Remove entry with ID 5

rm i=5 - Remove entry with ID 5

rm -5 - Remove last 5 entries

rm a - Remove all entries, initialize timesheet anew

Command: clear (cls): Clears the timesheet

Usage examples:

cls - Asks for confirmation, than after hitting [y] clears the timesheet

cls y - Clears the timesheet w/o asking for confirmation

Command: undo (z): Reverts last operation (comment, remove, start, stop, task)

Please note: Only one operation can be undone.

Command: recalculate (rc): Calculates all duration sums anew (per entry, per issue per day, per day)

Helpful after manual editing of timesheet entries in an external editor. Recalculate also updates all localizable labels (column titles, day of week, etc) into the configured language's translation.

Command: browse (b): Open timesheet in web browser

Command: view (v): Displays the timesheet in the command-line

Usage examples:

v - Display full timesheet

v d - Display entries of current day

v d -1 - Display entries of previous day

v w - Display entries of current week

v w -1 - Display entries of previous week

v t=123 - Display entries of issue 123

v d t=123 - Display entries of issue 123 in current day

v d -1 t=123 - Display entries of issue 123 in previous day

v w t=123 - Display entries of issue 123 in current week

v c=foo - Display entries with "foo" inside the comment

v d c=foo - Display entries of current day with "foo" inside the comment

v t=123 c=foo - Display entries of issue 123 with "foo" inside the comment

v d t=123 c=foo - Display entries of issue 123 of current day with "foo" inside the comment

v w -1 t=123 c=foo - Display entries of issue 123 of previous week with "foo" inside the comment

Command: csv: Exports timesheet to CSV file

The CSV is named automatically and stored to the current path.

Command: url (u): Opens configured issue action URLs in web browser

Usage examples:

u - Open url.default in web browser, with "#TASK#" removed

u edit - Open url.edit in web browser, with "#TASK#" removed

u 123 - Open url.default in web browser, with "#TASK#" replaced by 123

u d - Open url.default for all issues in current day, with "#TASK#" replaced by issue numbers

u d -1 - Open url.default for all issues in previous day, with "#TASK#" replaced by issue numbers

u d edit - Open url.edit in web browser, for all issues in current day, with "#TASK#" replaced by issue numbers

u d -1 edit - Open url.edit in web browser, for all issues in previous day, with "#TASK#" replaced by issue numbers

u 123 edit - Open url.edit in web browser, with "#TASK#" replaced by 123

Command: dayTasks (ud): Display issues of day sequentially in CLI and in web browser

ud - Sequentially display entries per referenced issue of current day in CLI, open rel. issue-URL in browser

ud -1 - Sequentially display entries per referenced issue of previous day in CLI, open rel. issue-URL in browser

Command: help (h): Describes usage of the program or its commands

Usage examples:

h view - Display info on using the view command

h v - Display info on using the view command

Command: version (V): Displays current version number


When run for the first time, tictac-track creates a default configuration file (".ttt.ini" in the path of the executable), which can than be edited. The following options are available:

  • report_path: Path where the timesheet is stored (if not specified: path where the application executable is)
  • locale: Language for calendaric and other labels (day, date, week, etc.). The following languages are built-in: German (de), Danish (dk), English (en), Spanish (es), Finnish (fi), French (fr), Hungarian (hu), Italian (it), Latvian (lv), Dutch (nl), Norwegian (no), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Romanian (ro), Russian (ru), Swedish (sv), Turkish (tr)
  • debit_per_day: Required daily working time. Needed for calculation of overtime saldo.
  • default_daily_start_time: Default daily starting time. Used for insertion of all-day entries. Format: HH:MM
  • first_task_of_day: Issue number to be used for the first entry per day, when no other issue-no. is given.
  • max_mergeable_minutes_gap: Maximum mergeable time gap between two entries, allowed to be merged. Prevents accidentally removing lunch breaks.
  • require_issue_no_when_stopping_entry: Entries require an issue number when being stopped, ttt otherwise prompts for input of issue no
  • require_comment_when_stopping_entry: Entries require a comment when being stopped, ttt otherwise prompts for input of comment
  • Arbitrary commands for opening URLs of other project-management tools, e.g. url.edit / url.log / ...
  • clear_before_view: Clears console before printing timesheet
  • cli_theme: Theme for commandline timesheet viewer. There are several color themes built-in, allowing to view timesheets with various different color palettes in different CLI applications (bash, terminal, etc.).
  • Date formatting: format_week_of_year, format_day_of_week
  • id_column: Offset of index-column within CLI viewer
  • browser: (Linux-only, Mac uses default web browser) Web-browser to open related issue in (e.g. firefox / chromium-browser / etc.)

Build Instructions

  • run: ./
  • or: cmake CMakeLists.txt; make

When building for productive use, ensure having checked-out the latest released tag.

Running tests

In order to run tests, Bats must be installed.

Run all tests: ./



Code Convention

The source code of tictac-track follows the Google C++ Style Guide, see:

Bug Reporting and Feature Requests

If you find a bug or have an enhancement request, please file an issue on the github repository.

Author and License

Written by Kay Stenschke in 2018-2020. Tictac-Track is licensed under the New BSD License

Copyright (c), Kay Stenschke All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.