Asserting type with help of TypeScript compiler
- Node.js ≥ 8.9.0
- TypeScript ≥ 3.0.0
Example: pass.ts
import assert from 'static-type-assert'
// Comma-separated parameters
assert<string>('hello', 'world')
assert<number>(123, 456, 789)
// Curry function calls
assert<'abc' | 'def' | 123 | 456>('abc')(123)('def')(456)
// Combine
assert<string | number>('a', 0)('c', 'd')(1, 2)
Example: fail.ts
import assert from 'static-type-assert'
assert<number>('abc') // Expected Error: Argument of type '"abc"' is not assignable to type 'number'
tsc --noEmit
Example: pass.ts
tsc --noEmit pass.ts # Expects to pass (no errors)
Example: fail.ts
tsc --noEmit fail.ts # Expects errors