Alert provider for kthcloud services
The console fetches the alert.json file upon load, and displays any alerts there based on the configuration below:
"alerts": [
// Set the content
"title": "This is an alert",
"content": "", // optional
// Show only on certain pages or domains
"domains": ["", "", "localhost:3000"], // optional, default everywhere
"pages": ["/", "/deploy", "/edit"], // optional, default "/deploy"
// Will add a button to the alert
"link": "", // optional, default none
// Decide when to show the alert
"showFrom": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", // optional, default always
"showUntil": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", // optional, default always
// Set the severity (color and icon) of the alert
// Choose from: success, info, warning, error
"severity": "error", // optional, default info.
// Variant of alert bar
// Choose from: filled, outlined, (when not set it has the background color of outlined but no borders)
"variant": "outlined", // optional, default is the "not set" above
// Active
"active": true // optional, default true