Build scripts for mcpelauncher-thesonicmaster, The Sonic Master's fork of the Minecraft Bedrock Linux Launcher that fixes the license error. For more information about this project, visit
git clone
cd mcpelauncher-build-scripts
You need the following software:
- Standard build tools
- Clang
- CMake
- libcurl
- libegl (libglvnd)
- libevdev
- libpng
- libzip
- Ninja
- OpenSSL
- Protobuf
- Qt5 development libraries
- Xorg development libraries
- zlib
Note: Still experimental. It may randomly fail. For best results, compile on Ubuntu with an official Qt5 installation (not using the distro's Qt5 packages).
This will produce mcpelauncher-thesonicmaster-<ver>-<arch>.AppImage
Execute the AppImage to run it.
This will produce mcpelauncher-thesonicmaster_<ver>~<os-codename>_<arch>.deb
Install it with sudo apt install ./<filename>.deb
makepkg -sc
This will produce mcpelauncher-thesonicmaster-<ver>-<arch>.pkg.tar.zst
Install it with sudo pacman -U ./<filename>.pkg.tar.zst
If this is your first time building a Snap package, you have to setup Snapcraft first. This only has to be done once, it can be skipped for subsequent builds:
sudo snap install --classic snapcraft
sudo snap install multipass
Now you can build the Snap package with the following command:
This will produce mcpelauncher-thesonicmaster_<ver>_<arch>.snap
Install it with sudo snap install --dangerous <filename>.snap