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List Of Entities

Git Hub Wiki Publisher edited this page Apr 28, 2011 · 7 revisions


Describes an column in an Kanban board.

Fields summary:

  • Long id - Entity id
  • String name - Column name
  • Integer projectId - The id of the Project containing this Column
  • Boolean fixed - True if Column can NOT can be moved, false otherwise
  • Integer capacity - The Columns Capacity, AKA "Work In Progress Limit"
  • Integer position - Position on the board, 1-based

An estimate describes "how much work" a task is. You should not treat Estimates as "hours" as such estimates are always off, instead try to think of them as T-Shirt sizes (S, M, L, XL) or fruits (Orange, Coconut, Watermelon). Numeric values are also ok if you really want numbers :-)

Fields summary:

  • Long id - Estimate id
  • BigDecimal value - Numeric value, describing this estimate
  • String label - Label to display on kanban board
  • Integer projectId - Project to which the task type is assigned

An issue describes an externally tracked issue (or bug for example) that corresponds to the linked Task

Fields summary:

  • String url - URL pointing to the issue in an external bug-tracking system
  • Integer taskId - Task related to this issue
  • Boolean resolved - True if this issue was already resolved, false otherwise

Describes if an user is part of a project and if yes, what role he has in it. Please note that there are only 3 levels of Membership currently in Kanbanery, as defined in Permission.

Fields summary:

  • String email - User email (weird?)
  • Permission permission - What kind of permissions he has
  • Integer projectId - Id of the project we're talking about here
  • Integer userId - The id of the user we're checking here

A @{link Task} may contain @{link SubTask}s. A SubTask is a small chunk of text which may be marked as done. It can be used as super simple to-do list etc.

Fields summary:

  • String body - Short description of the subtask
  • Integer taskId - If of the "parent task"
  • Integer creatorId - Id of the user who created this SubTask
  • Boolean completed - True if it is completed, false otherwise

A task is the most important thing in Kanbanery, it specifies some chunk of work. It can be assigned, subscribed to and move though columns etc.

Fields summary:

  • Long id - Id of this task
  • String title - The tasks title
  • Long taskTypeId - The task's type, ie. "Bug", "Story", here an ID has to be given. Instead of setting this id you can just set task_type_name to "Bug".
  • String taskTypeName - The task's type, ie. "Bug", "Story". Instead of setting this name you can set task_type_id to 1337.
  • Long columnId - The Column in which this Task currently is.
  • Long creatorId - Id of the user who created this task.
  • String description - A short description of the task.
  • Long estimateId - The estimate - ie. "how much work is this task?"
  • Long ownerId - Who is currently assigned to it
  • Integer position - Position in column. 1-based and counting from the top.
  • Priority priority - Priority of this task. It's represented by a number of stars on the Kanban board (0, 1 or 2).
  • Boolean readyToPull - True if task is ready to be pulled, false otherwise
  • Boolean blocked - True if task is blocked by other task(s), false otherwise
  • DateTime movedAt - This date is being updated when it is moved around the Kanban Board.

A Task can have comments, these are just small chunks of text.

Fields summary:

  • String body - The content of the TaskComments
  • Integer taskId - Id of the task that this comment is about
  • Integer authorId - Id of the creator of this comment

A task subscription is when you get notified about a tasks status.

Notice: None of this entities properties are directly settable. When creating a subscription, task_id is taken from the URL and user_id is the id of API_TOKEN owner.

Fields summary:

  • Long taskId - Id of the subscribed task
  • Long userId - Id of the user who subscribed to the {@link #taskId} task

A Task can have a TaskType, which may determine how important or what about it is. For example "Story", "Bug", "Feature" are popular TaskTypes.

Fields summary:

  • Long id - Id of this entity
  • String name - Display name of this TaskType
  • Integer colorCode - Color code
  • String backgroundColor - Background color of label displayed by Kanbanery
  • String textColor - Color of the text on the taskTypes label displayed by Kanbanery
  • Integer projectId - Project to which the task type is assigned
  • Integer position - Position in project's task types list. 1-based.

ReadOnly Entities

A project is the Home for all Tasks etc.

Fields summary:

  • Long id - Project id
  • String name - Project name

A user object represents an account able to login into Kanbanery, it can have tasks assigned and do things. Please note that there are Permissions for API access that a user, and thus Janbanery (as it's using a User account internally) can have, these are:

  • project viewer (read only user)
  • project member
  • project manager
You can change a user's role in a specific project on the "Project members" page.

Fields summary:

  • Long id - The user's id
  • String apiToken - The user's API token
  • String email - The user's email
  • String firstName - The user's first name
  • String lastName - The user's last name
  • String gravatarUrl - User's avatar URL (at, determined from his email address

A Workspace object is the root of all other objects in the project flow in Kanbanery. A workspace has projects which have tasks etc.

A default workspace should be chosen while working with Janbanery to increase smoothness of all API calls inside your code :-)

Fields summary:

  • Integer id - Workspace id
  • String name - Workspace name
  • List projects - List of Project resources accessible by the current User


Task priorities. Currently kanbanery is only supporting 3 levels of priorities - {0, 1, 2} with 0 being the LOW and 2 being the HIGH priority.

Fields summary:

  • Priority LOW -
  • Priority MEDIUM -
  • Priority HIGH -
  • Integer priorityId - High priority. "Two stars".
  • Priority[] $VALUES -

Permission is the Role that can be taken by a User. Such permission is Project specific, and can be retrieved from ProjectMembership.

Fields summary:

  • Permission MANAGER -
  • Permission MEMBER -
  • Permission VIEWER -
  • String jsonName - A viewer, readonly role. It can not change or create resources.
  • Permission[] $VALUES -

A helper class to specify a Tasks location in Kanbanery. NEXT and PREVIOUS are only used when performing updates.

Fields summary:

  • TaskLocation NEXT -
  • TaskLocation PREVIOUS -
  • TaskLocation BOARD -
  • TaskLocation ICEBOX -
  • TaskLocation ARCHIVE -
  • String requestBody -
  • TaskLocation[] $VALUES -
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