SWITCH and FORS organise an Open Research Data (ORD) Hackathon to strengthen collaboration and build a community around ORD. Students, academics, developers and service providers from Switzerland and beyond are invited to share their ideas and pave the way for innovative projects and applications.
Speak about
- 09:00 Kick-Off Meeting (Zoom)
- Welcome
- Agenda
- Idea presentation and voting
- 10:00 Start hacking (self-organised via Slack channels and GitHub)
- 17:00 Evening chat & virtual beer (Zoom)
- 09:00 Hacking (self-organised)
- 13:00 Quick update after lunch (Zoom)
- 5 min each group
- Hacking (self-organised)
- 17:00 Evening chat & virtual beer (Zoom)
- 09:00 Hacking (self-organised)
- 13:00 Presentation of results & summary (Zoom)
- Voting of ideas hacked (anonymous Zoom Poll)
- approx. 15:00 Virtual coffee (Zoom)