MoreCalculus` Mathematica package repository.
This package is meant to provide additional functions with application in calculus area.
It's in a very crude state, released to get some feedback and test cases from community.
( If[DirectoryQ[#], DeleteDirectory[#, DeleteContents -> True]]; CreateDirectory[#]; URLSave[ "", FileNameJoin[{#, "MoreCalculus.m"}] ] ) & @ FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications", "MoreCalculus"}]
This procedure will overwrite anything in
or go to "release" tab, download the latest one and extract MoreCalculus folder in
. -
When installed:
<< MoreCalculus`
Currently it contains only one function DChange
, which helps transforming differential expressions to different coordinates.
For example, a wave equation in retarded/advanced coordinates:
D[u[x, t], {t, 2}] == c^2 D[u[x, t], {x, 2}],
{a == x + c t, r == x - c t}, {x, t}, {a, r}, u[x, t]
c u^(1,1)[a,r]==0
More examples and comments in Mathematica.StackExchange topic where this idea originates from: