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Hkube - cloud-native open source framework to run distributed pipeline of algorithms


$ helm repo add hkube
$ helm repo update
$ helm install hkube hkube/hkube  --version=0.1.2


This chart deploys on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


Hkube requires a working installation of kubernetes.
There are many options for local k8s installations. e.g Minikube or microk8s.

Hkube is installed using helm. Both helm 2 and the newer helm 3 should work.

Make sure kubectl is configured to your cluster.
For collecting algorithm logs, and to create builds, Hkube requires that certain pods will run in privileged security permissions. Consult your kubernetes installation to see how to do that. "--allow-privileged flag must be set to true for both the API server and the kubelet (or set global.isPrivileged=false)"

  • Kubernetes v1.14+
  • Dynamic storage provisioning (optional)
  • Ingress controller (optional)

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name hkube:

$ helm repo add hkube
$ helm install hkube hkube/hkube

The command deploys on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the hkube:

$ helm delete hkube 

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the hkube chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
global.clusterName kubernetes cluster domain name cluster.local
global.registry private registry to use ""
global.registry_namespace private registry namespace for pulling images in builds hkube
global.registry_username private registry username for pulling images ""
global.registry_password private registry password for pulling images ""
global.registry_insecure private registry insecure (http) for pulling base image in builds false
global.registry_skip_tls_verify private registry with self signed certificate for pulling base image in builds false name of imagepullsecret. If global.registry_password is not empty, it will be created hkube-imagepullsecret
global.image_pull_secret.use_existing use an existing imagepullsecret (doesn't create the secret) false
global.resources_enable If false, will not set resource request and limits on hkube pods. If true will set the values for each pod false encoding for storage. can be msgpack, bson, json msgpack 500 s3 access and secret key. If using internal minio, must match minio.accessKey and secretKey hkubeminiokey hkubeminiosecret "http://hkube-minio:9000"
global.k8senv kubernetes environment. Possible values are k8s, openshift k8s
global.namespaced use only namespace. Set to true in restricted environments such as openshift false
global.isPrivileged run worker pods as privileged containers. Makes log aggregation easier true
global.ingress.hostname ""
global.ingress.prefix ""
global.ingress.use_regex set to false if using nginx-ingress-controller prior to 0.21 true
global.ingress.requireTls false
global.ingress.maxBodySize 500m
global.ingress.class nginx
global.sidecars.fluent_bit.enable false fluent-bit-cm
global.sidecars.fluent_bit.config.create_cm true
global.sidecars.fluent_bit.config.log_file "*.log"
global.sidecars.fluent_bit.config.mount_path /mnt/log "" "9200" "Off" "Off" "hkube-" "" ""
global.sidecars.fluent_bit.resources.limits.cpu 100m
global.sidecars.fluent_bit.resources.limits.memory 200Mi
env.default_storage storage mode. can be s3 or fs. Set or accordingly s3
env.node_env production
image.pullPolicy pull policy for images IfNotPresent
etcd.enable true
etcd.replicas set number of replicas. defualt 3 3
etcd.persistentVolume.enabled true
etcd.persistentVolume.storageClass "" 10Gi
etcd.resources {}
redis-ha.enable true
redis-ha.replicas set number of replicas. defualt 3. If set to 1 also set min-slaves-to-write to 0 3
redis-ha.redis.config.min-slaves-to-write 1
redis-ha.redis.config.client-output-buffer-limit "replica 1024mb 512mb 60"
redis-ha.redis.resources {}
redis-ha.sentinel.resources {}
redis-ha.hardAntiAffinity We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 300m memory: 512Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 256Mi set to true for multiple nodes false
jaeger.enable enable jaeger and cassandra false
jaeger.fullnameOverride jaeger
jaeger.nameOverride jaeger
jaeger.query.basePath /jaeger
jaeger.query.ingress.enabled true
jaeger.agent.deploymentKind set the deployment kind of the jaeger-agent. options are daemonset and deployment daemonset
jaeger.agent.deployment.replicas 1
jaeger.agent.daemonset.useHostPort set to false to allow running in non privileged environment (e.g. openshift) true
jaeger.cassandra.persistence.enabled true
jaeger.cassandra.persistence.storageClass cassandra data Persistent Volume Storage Class If defined, storageClassName: If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on GKE, AWS & OpenStack) null
jaeger.cassandra.config.cluster_size 1
jaeger.cassandra.config.cluster_domain cluster.local
jaeger.external_agent_address optional external jaeger agent address. leave blank for defaults ""
nginx-ingress.enable install nginx-ingress-controller with hkube false
mongodb.enable true
mongodb.persistence.storageClass null
mongodb.useStatefulSet true
mongodb.auth.rootPassword ehtyTJj4mR
mongodb.auth.user_name root
mongodb.auth.databaseName hkube
mongodb.podSecurityContext.enabled false
mongodb.containerSecurityContext.enabled false
minio.enable true
minio.accessKey hkubeminiokey
minio.secretKey hkubeminiosecret
minio.persistence.enabled true
minio.persistence.storageClass ""
minio.resources {}
gitea.enable true
gitea.persistence.storageClass null
gitea.service.http.port "3000"
gitea.gitea.config.repository.ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_USER true
gitea.gitea.admin.username hkube
gitea.gitea.admin.password "123456" ""
gitea.postgresql.persistence.storageClass null
gitea.postgresql.securityContext.enabled false
gitea.postgresql.containerSecurityContext.enabled false
gitea.memcached.securityContext.enabled false
metrics.serviceMonitorSelector.release metric
metrics.grafanaDashboardLabel.grafana_dashboard "1"
metrics.grafana_version set to '7' when use Grafana version >= 7, default '6' "6"
systemversion v2.5.24
build_secret.docker_registry docker registry for algorithm builds. defaults to ""
build_secret.docker_namespace docker registry namespace for algorithm builds. defaults to username ""
build_secret.docker_username docker registry username for algorithm builds. ""
build_secret.docker_password docker registry password for algorithm builds. ""
build_secret.docker_registry_insecure docker registry is insecure for algorithm builds. false
build_secret.docker_registry_skip_tls_verify docker registry has self signed certificate for algorithm builds. false
build_secret.npm_registry npm registry for algorithm builds. Defaults to ""
build_secret.npm_token npm registry token for algorithm builds. Mutually exclusive with npm_user and npm_password ""
build_secret.npm_user npm registry user for algorithm builds. Mutually exclusive with npm_token ""
build_secret.npm_password npm registry password for algorithm builds. Mutually exclusive with npm_token ""
build_secret.pip_registry pip registry for algorithm builds. Defaults to ""
build_secret.pip_token pip registry token for algorithm builds. Defaults to ""
build_secret.maven_registry ""
build_secret.maven_token ""
build_secret.maven_user ""
nodeSelector node selector for hkube containers. {}
site.env {}
site.image.repository hkube/hkube-site
site.image.tag v1.0.1
site.ingress.enabled true
site.ingress.path hkube/site
site.service.port 80
site.service.type ClusterIP
site.resources.limits.cpu 200m
site.resources.limits.memory 512Mi
site.resources.requests.cpu 100m
site.resources.requests.memory 256Mi
algorithm_operator.build_mode build mode for automatic builds. set to openshift if running on openshift kaniko
algorithm_operator.resources_enable enable resource limits for algorithm operator false
algorithm_operator.resources Compute resources required for algorithm-operator {"limits":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"1024Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"512Mi"}}
api_gateway.ingress.path /hkube/api-server
api_gateway.ingress.enabled true
task_executor.env.worker_socket_max_payload_bytes 1000000000
task_executor.env.worker_algorithm_start_timeout_ms 300000
task_executor.env.created_jobs_ttl interval in MS, in which we verify if a job was deployed 15000
task_executor.env.worker_memory worker container memory request in MB. Only set if resources_enable=true 512
task_executor.env.worker_cpu worker container cpu request. Only set if resources_enable=true 0.1
task_executor.env.resources_enable if true, sets resource requests on worker container false
task_executor.env.interval task executor internal processing interval in MS "1000"
task_executor.env.default_quota_cpu set to the number of CPUs in the cluster (or quota) when running on openshift 30
task_executor.env.default_quota_mem set to the total amount of memory in the cluster (or quota) when running on openshift 20Gi
task_executor.env.default_quota_gpu set to the total number of GPUs in the cluster (or quota) when running on openshift 0
task_executor.env.has_node_list if running on openshift on labeled nodes, set to true and create a config-map named hkube-nodes with key hkube-nodes and value of the output of kubectl get nodes -o json false
task_executor.env.use_resource_limits set to true to set algorithm resource limit to equal resource request false
task_executor.env.pods_output_log_folder path where kubernetes stores the pods output logs. '/var/lib/docker/containers'
task_executor.resources_enable false
task_executor.resources {"limits":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"1024Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"512Mi"}}
fullSystemVersion v2.5.24-1678712208396

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example:

$ helm install hkube hkube/hkube  --version=0.1.2 --set global.clusterName=cluster.local

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example:

$ helm install hkube hkube/hkube  --version=0.1.2 --values values.yaml