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kustomize 5.4.3 and documentation updates #447

kustomize 5.4.3 and documentation updates

kustomize 5.4.3 and documentation updates #447

name: Proper linting on Bash, Python, and YAML files
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Python Files Formatting Guidelines
run: |
echo "### Python Files Formatting Guidelines ###
If there is a formatting error in your python files,
1. First install black
It requires Python 3.8+ to run.
Install with 'pip install black' and if you use pipx, install Black with 'pipx install black'.
If you want to format Jupyter Notebooks, install with 'pip install black[jupyter]'.
2. Run the command
'python -m black {source_file_or_directory}' or
'black {source_file_or_directory}'
to format python files.
- uses: psf/black@stable
src: |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Install yamllint
run: python3 -m venv myenv && source myenv/bin/activate && pip install yamllint
- name: YAML Formatting Guidelines
run: |
echo "### YAML Formatting Guidelines ###
If there is a formatting error in your YAML file, you will see errors like the one below:
'Error: 6:4 [indentation] wrong indentation: expected 2 but found 3'
6:4 means line 6, column 4.
To fix these errors, refer to the YAML formatting rules at:
Search for the keyword inside the brackets [] in the error message. In this example, it's 'indentation'.
Note: Some rules have been customized in the '.yamllint.yaml' file. Below is the content of that file:
extends: default
present: false
present: false
indent-sequences: false
max: 400
- name: Fetch master branch
run: git fetch origin master
- name: Set up changed files
id: changed_files
run: |
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=AM origin/master...HEAD \
| grep -v 'upstream' \
| grep -E '^common/.*\.ya?ml$|^example/.*\.ya?ml$|^hack/.*\.ya?ml$|^tests/.*\.ya?ml$|^.github/.*\.ya?ml$' \
> changed_files_in_PR.txt || true
if [ ! -s changed_files_in_PR.txt ]; then
echo "No YAML files have changed in this PR." > changed_files_in_PR.txt
- name: Display changed files
run: cat changed_files_in_PR.txt
- name: Run yamllint on changed files
id: lint
run: |
if grep -q 'No YAML files have changed in this PR.' changed_files_in_PR.txt; then
echo "No YAML files have changed in this PR."
cat changed_files_in_PR.txt | xargs -I {} yamllint {} || exit 1
shell: bash
- name: Check YAML lint results
if: success() && steps.lint.outcome == 'success'
run: echo "No styling issues with YAML files."
shell: bash
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Install ShellCheck
run: sudo apt install -y shellcheck
- name: Bash Formatting Guidelines
run: |
echo "### Bash Files Formatting Guidelines ###
If there are errors and warnings regarding your bash files,
You can check the error code definitions at
You can correct them using the site.
You have to ignore disable errors in the .shellcheckrc file.
- name: Fetch master branch
run: git fetch origin master
- name: Set up changed files
id: changed_files
run: |
git diff --name-only origin/master...HEAD | grep -E '^[AM].*\.sh$' | grep -v '^apps/' | awk '{print $2}' > changed_files_in_PR.txt || true
if [ ! -s changed_files_in_PR.txt ]; then
echo "No bash files have changed in this PR."
- name: Display changed files
if: always() # Always run this step
run: cat changed_files_in_PR.txt || echo "No bash files have changed in this PR."
- name: Run ShellCheck on changed files
id: lint
run: |
if grep -q 'No bash files have changed in this PR.' changed_files_in_PR.txt; then
echo "No bash files have changed in this PR."
cat changed_files_in_PR.txt | xargs -I {} shellcheck {} || exit 1
shell: bash
- name: Check Bash lint results
if: success() && steps.lint.outcome == 'success'
run: echo "No styling issues with Bash files."
shell: bash