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Merge pull request #2524 from caesarxuchao/storage
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[KEP] storage api version migration
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k8s-ci-robot authored Oct 15, 2018
2 parents 3067c78 + e6e3075 commit 17248af
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Showing 2 changed files with 290 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion keps/NEXT_KEP_NUMBER
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@@ -1 +1 @@
289 changes: 289 additions & 0 deletions keps/sig-api-machinery/
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@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
kep-number: 30
title: Migrating API objects to latest storage version
- "@xuchao"
owning-sig: sig-api-machinery
- "@deads2k"
- "@yliaog"
- "@lavalamp"
- "@deads2k"
- "@lavalamp"
creation-date: 2018-08-06
last-updated: 2018-10-11
status: provisional

# Migrating API objects to latest storage version

## Table of Contents

* [Migrating API objects to latest storage version](#migrating-api-objects-to-latest-storage-version)
* [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
* [Summary](#summary)
* [Motivation](#motivation)
* [Goals](#goals)
* [Proposal](#proposal)
* [Alpha workflow](#alpha-workflow)
* [Alpha API](#alpha-api)
* [Failure recovery](#failure-recovery)
* [Beta workflow - Automation](#beta-workflow---automation)
* [Risks and Mitigations](#risks-and-mitigations)
* [Graduation Criteria](#graduation-criteria)
* [Alternatives](#alternatives)
* [](#update-storage-objectssh)

## Summary

We propose a solution to migrate the stored API objects in Kubernetes clusters.
In 2018 Q4, we will deliver a tool of alpha quality. The tool extends and
improves based on the [oc adm migrate storage][] command. We will integrate the
storage migration into the Kubernetes upgrade process in 2019 Q1. We will make
the migration automatically triggered in 2019.

[oc adm migrate storage]:

## Motivation

"Today it is possible to create API objects (e.g., HPAs) in one version of
Kubernetes, go through multiple upgrade cycles without touching those objects,
and eventually arrive at a version of Kubernetes that can’t interpret the stored
resource and crashes. See"[1][]. We propose a solution to the


### Goals

A successful storage version migration tool must:
* work for Kubernetes built-in APIs, custom resources (CR), and aggregated APIs.
* do not add burden to cluster administrators or Kubernetes distributions.
* only cause insignificant load to apiservers. For example, if the master has
10GB memory, the migration tool should generate less than 10 qps of single
object operations(TODO: measure the memory consumption of PUT operations;
study how well the default 10 Mbps bandwidth limit in the oc command work).
* work for big clusters that have ~10^6 instances of some resource types.
* make progress in flaky environment, e.g., flaky apiservers, or the migration
process get preempted.
* allow system administrators to track the migration progress.

As to the deliverables,
* in the short term, providing system administrators with a tool to migrate
the Kubernetes built-in API objects to the proper storage versions.
* in the long term, automating the migration of Kubernetes built-in APIs, CR,
aggregated APIs without further burdening system administrators or Kubernetes

## Proposal

### Alpha workflow

At the alpha stage, the migrator needs to be manually launched, and does not
handle custom resources or aggregated resources.

After all the kube-apiservers are at the desired version, the cluster
administrator runs `kubectl apply -f migrator-initializer-<k8s-versio>.yaml`.
The apply command
* creates a *kube-storage-migration* namespace
* creates a *storage-migrator* service account
* creates a *system:storage-migrator* cluster role that can *get*, *list*, and
*update* all resources, and in addition, *create* and *delete* CRDs.
* creates a cluster role binding to bind the created service account with the
cluster role
* creates a **migrator-initializer** job running with the
*storage-migrator* service account.

The **migrator-initializer** job
* deletes any existing deployment of **kube-migrator controller**
* creates a **kube-migrator controller** deployment running with the
*storage-migrator* service account.
* generates a comprehensive list of resource types via the discovery API
* discovers all custom resources via listing CRDs
* discovers all aggregated resources via listing all `apiservices` that have
`.spec.service != null`
* removes the custom resources and aggregated resources from the comprehensive
resource list. The list now only contains Kubernetes built-in resources.
* removes resources that share the same storage. At the alpha stage, the
information is hard-coded, like in this [list][].
* creates `migration` CRD (see the [API section][] for the schema) if it does
not exist.
* creates `migration` CRs for all remaining resources in the list. The
`ownerReferences` of the `migration` objects are set to the **kube-migrator
controller** deployment. Thus, the old `migration`s are deleted with the old
deployment in the first step.

The control loop of **kube-migrator controller** does the following:
* runs a reflector to watch for the instances of the `migration` CR. The list
function used to construct the reflector sorts the `migration`s so that the
*Running* `migration` will be processed first.
* syncs one `migration` at a time to avoid overloading the apiserver,
* if `migration.status` is nil, or `migration.status.conditions` shows
*Running*, it creates a **migration worker** goroutine to migrate the
resource type.
* adds the *Running* condition to `migration.status.conditions`.
* waits until the **migration worker** goroutine finishes, adds either the
*Succeeded* or *Failed* condition to `migration.status.conditions` and sets
the *Running* condition to false.

The **migration worker** runs the equivalence of `oc adm migrate storage
--include=<resource type>` to migrate a resource type. The **migration worker**
uses API chunking to retrieve partial lists of a resource type and thus can
migrate a small chunk at a time. It stores the [continue token] in the owner
`migration.spec.continueToken`. With the inconsistent continue token
introduced in [#67284][], the **migration worker** does not need to worry about
expired continue token.

[API section]:#alpha-api

The cluster admin can run the `kubectl wait --for=condition=Succeeded
migrations` to wait for all migrations to succeed.

Users can run `kubectl create` to create `migration`s to request migrating
custom resources and aggregated resources.

### Alpha API

We introduce the `storageVersionMigration` API to record the intention and the
progress of a migration. Throughout this doc, we abbreviated it as `migration`
for simplicity. The API will be a CRD defined in the `` group.

Read the [workflow section][] to understand how the API is used.

type StorageVersionMigration struct {
// For readers of this KEP, metadata.generateName will be "<resource>.<group>"
// of the resource being migrated.
Spec StorageVersionMigrationSpec
Status StorageVersionMigrationStatus

// Note that the spec only contains an immutable field in the alpha version. To
// request another round of migration for the resource, clients need to create
// another `migration` CR.
type StorageVersionMigrationSpec {
// Resource is the resource that is being migrated. The migrator sends
// requests to the endpoint tied to the Resource.
// Immutable.
Resource GroupVersionResource
// ContinueToken is the token to use in the list options to get the next chunk
// of objects to migrate. When the .status.conditions indicates the
// migration is "Running", users can use this token to check the progress of
// the migration.
// +optional
ContinueToken string

type MigrationConditionType string

const (
// MigrationRunning indicates that a migrator job is running.
MigrationRunning MigrationConditionType = "Running"
// MigrationSucceed indicates that the migration has completed successfully.
MigrationSucceeded MigrationConditionType = "Succeeded"
// MigrationFailed indicates that the migration has failed.
MigrationFailed MigrationConditionType = "Failed"

type MigrationCondition struct {
// Type of the condition
Type MigrationConditionType
// Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
Status corev1.ConditionStatus
// The last time this condition was updated.
LastUpdateTime metav1.Time
// The reason for the condition's last transition.
Reason string
// A human readable message indicating details about the transition.
Message string

type StorageVersionMigrationStatus {
// Conditions represents the latest available observations of the migration's
// current state.
Conditions []MigrationCondition

[continue token]:
[workflow section]:#alpha-workflow

### Failure recovery

As stated in the goals section, the migration has to make progress even if the
environment is flaky. This section describes how the migrator recovers from

Kubernetes **replicaset controller** restarts the **migration controller** `pod`
if it fails. Because the migration states, including the continue token, are
stored in the `migration` object, the **migration controller** can resume from
where it left off.

[workflow section]:#alpha-workflow

### Beta workflow - Automation

It is a beta goal to automate the migration workflow. That is, migration does
not need to be triggered manually by cluster admins, or by custom control loops
of Kubernetes distributions.

The automated migration should work for Kubernetes built-in resource types,
custom resources, and aggregated resources.

The trigger can be implemented as a separate control loop. It watches for the
triggering signal, and creates `migration` to notify the **kube-migrator
controller** to migrate a resource.

We haven't reached consensus on what signal would trigger storage migration. We
will revisit this section during beta design.

### Risks and Mitigations

The migration process does not change the objects, so it will not pollute
existing data.

If the rate limiting is not tuned well, the migration can overload the
apiserver. Users can delete the migration controller and the migration
jobs to mitigate.

Before upgrading or downgrading the cluster, the cluster administrator must run
`kubectl wait --for=condition=Succeeded migrations` to make sure all
migrations have completed. Otherwise the apiserver can crash, because it cannot
interpret the serialized data in etcd. To mitigate, the cluster administrator
can rollback the apiserver to the old version, and wait for the migration to
complete. Even if the apiserver does not crash after upgrading or downgrading,
the `migration` objects are not accurate anymore, because the default storage
versions might have changed after upgrading or downgrading, but no one
increments the `migration.spec.generation`. Administrator needs to re-run the
`kubectl run migrate --image=migrator-initializer --restart=OnFailure` command
to recover.

TODO: it is safe to rollback an apiserver to the previous configuration without
waiting for the migration to complete. It is only unsafe to roll-forward or
rollback twice. We need to design how to record the previous configuration.

## Graduation Criteria

* alpha: delivering a tool that implements the "alpha workflow" and "failure
recovery" sections. ETA is 2018 Q4.

* beta: implementing the "beta workflow" and integrating the storage migration
into Kubernetes upgrade tests.

* GA: TBD.

We will revisit this section in 2018 Q4.

## Alternatives


The Kubernetes repo has an script. It is not
production ready: no rate limiting, hard-coded resource types, no persisted
migration states. We will delete it, leaving a breadcrumb for any users to
follow to the new tool.

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