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🌐 EGS Installer Script

πŸš€ Overview

The EGS Installer Script is a Bash script designed to streamline the installation, upgrade, and configuration of EGS components in Kubernetes clusters. It leverages Helm for package management, kubectl for interacting with Kubernetes clusters, and yq for parsing YAML files. The script allows for automated validation of cluster access, installation of required binaries, and the creation of Kubernetes namespaces and resources.

πŸ“„ EGS Documents

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure the following steps are completed:

  1. πŸ“ Registration:

    • Complete the registration process at Avesha Registration to receive the image pull secrets required for running the script.
  2. πŸ”§ Required Binaries:

    • Verify that the following binaries are installed and available in your system's PATH:
      • yq πŸ“„ (minimum version: 4.44.2)
      • helm πŸ› οΈ (minimum version: 3.15.0)
      • kubectl βš™οΈ (minimum version: 1.23.6)
      • jq πŸ“¦ (minimum version: 1.6.0)
  3. 🌐 Kubernetes Access:

    • Confirm that you have administrative access to the necessary Kubernetes clusters and the appropriate kubeconfig files are available.
  4. βœ… Run EGS Preflight Check Script (Optional):

    • To ensure your environment meets all installation requirements, you can optionally run the EGS Preflight Check Script.
      • Refer to the EGS Preflight Check Guide for detailed instructions.
      • Example command:
        ./ \
          --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
          --kubecontext-list context1,context2
      • This step validates namespaces, permissions, PVCs, and services, helping to identify and resolve potential issues before installation.
  5. πŸ—‚οΈ Pre-create Required Namespaces (Optional):

    • If your cluster enforces namespace creation policies, pre-create the namespaces required for installation before running the script.
      • Use the provided namespace creation script with the appropriate configuration to create the necessary namespaces:
      • Example command:
        ./ \
          --input-yaml namespace-input.yaml \
          --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
          --kubecontext-list context1,context2
      • Ensure that all required annotations and labels for policy enforcement are correctly configured in the YAML file.
  6. πŸš€ Install Prerequisites for EGS (Optional):

    • To install prerequisites like GPU Operator, Prometheus for EGS inventory, and PostgreSQL for cost information visibility, you can run the Prerequisites Installer Script:
      • Example command:
        ./ --input-yaml egs-installer-config.yaml
      • Note: This step is optional but recommended if an existing instance of these services is not already running and configured. If skipped, some features might be broken or unavailable.

πŸ› οΈ Installation Steps

1. πŸ“‚ Clone the Repository:

  • Start by cloning the EGS installation Git repository:
    git clone

2. πŸ“ Modify the Configuration File (Mandatory):

  • Navigate to the cloned repository and locate the input configuration YAML file egs-installer-config.yaml.

  • Update the following mandatory parameters:

    • πŸ”‘ Image Pull Secrets (Mandatory):

      • Insert the image pull secrets received via email as part of the registration process:
          repository: ""
          username: ""  # Global Docker registry username (MANDATORY)
          password: ""  # Global Docker registry password (MANDATORY)
    • βš™οΈ Kubernetes Configuration (Mandatory) :

      • Set the global kubeconfig and kubecontext parameters:
        global_kubeconfig: ""  # Relative path to global kubeconfig file from base_path default is script directory (MANDATORY)
        global_kubecontext: ""  # Global kubecontext (MANDATORY)
        use_global_context: true  # If true, use the global kubecontext for all operations by default
    • βš™οΈ Additional Configuration (Optional):

      • Configure installation stages and additional applications:

        # Enable or disable specific stages of the installation
        enable_install_controller: true               # Enable the installation of the Kubeslice controller
        enable_install_ui: true                       # Enable the installation of the Kubeslice UI
        enable_install_worker: true                   # Enable the installation of Kubeslice workers
        # Enable or disable the installation of additional applications (prometheus, gpu-operator, postgresql)
        enable_install_additional_apps: false          # Set to true to enable additional apps installation
        # Enable custom applications
        # Set this to true if you want to allow custom applications to be deployed.
        # This is specifically useful for enabling NVIDIA driver installation on your nodes.
        enable_custom_apps: false
        # Command execution settings
        # Set this to true to allow the execution of commands for configuring NVIDIA MIG.
        # This includes modifications to the NVIDIA ClusterPolicy and applying node labels
        # based on the MIG strategy defined in the YAML (e.g., single or mixed strategy).
        run_commands: false

        βš™οΈ PostgreSQL Connection Configuration (Mandatory only if kubetallyEnabled is set to true (Optional otherwise))

        πŸ“Œ Note: The secret is created in the kubeslice-controller namespace during installation. If you prefer to use a pre-created secret, leave all values empty and specify only the secret name.

        • postgresSecretName: The name of the Kubernetes Secret containing PostgreSQL credentials.

        • The secret must contain the following key-value pairs:

          Key Description
          postgresAddr The PostgreSQL service endpoint
          postgresPort The PostgreSQL service port (default: 5432)
          postgresUser The PostgreSQL username
          postgresPassword The PostgreSQL password
          postgresDB The PostgreSQL database name
          postgresSslmode The SSL mode for PostgreSQL connection

        Example Configuration to use pre-created secret

        postgresSecretName: kubetally-db-credentials   # Secret name in kubeslice-controller namespace for PostgreSQL credentials.
                                                       # Created by install, all the below values must be specified.
                                                       # Alternatively, leave all values empty and provide a pre-created secret.
        postgresAddr: ""  # Change to your PostgreSQL endpoint
        postgresPort: ""   # Change this to match your PostgreSQL service port
        postgresUser: ""  # Set your PostgreSQL username
        postgresPassword: ""  # Set your PostgreSQL password
        postgresDB: ""  # Set your PostgreSQL database name
        postgresSslmode: ""  # Change this based on your SSL configuration

        πŸ“Œ Alternatively, if you provide all values with a secret name as specified for postgresSecretName in the values file, using the key-value format below, it will automatically create the specified secret in the kubeslice-controller namespace with the provided values.

        Example Configuration to auto-create secret with provided values

            postgresSecretName: kubetally-db-credentials   # Secret name in kubeslice-controller namespace for PostgreSQL credentials created by install, all the below values must be specified 
                                                           # then a secret will be created with specified name. 
                                                           # alternatively you can make all below values empty and provide a pre-created secret name with below connection details format
            postgresAddr: "kt-postgresql.kt-postgresql.svc.cluster.local" # Change this Address to your postgresql endpoint
            postgresPort: 5432                     # Change this Port for the PostgreSQL service to your values 
            postgresUser: "postgres"               # Change this PostgreSQL username to your values
            postgresPassword: "postgres"           # Change this PostgreSQL password to your value
            postgresDB: "postgres"                 # Change this PostgreSQL database name to your value
            postgresSslmode: disable               # Change this SSL mode for PostgreSQL connection to your value

3. πŸš€ Run the Installation Script:

  • Execute the installation script using the following command:
    ./ --input-yaml egs-installer-config.yaml

4. πŸ”„ Mandatory for Multiple Worker Clusters: Update the Inline Values

This section is mandatory to ensure proper configuration of monitoring and dashboard URLs. Follow the steps carefully:

⚠️ Set the global_auto_fetch_endpoint Flag Appropriately

  1. 🌐 Single-Cluster Setups

    • If the controller and worker are in the same cluster, all the below setting can be ignored, and no change is required
  2. Default Setting

    • By default, global_auto_fetch_endpoint is set to false. If you enable it (true), ensure the following configurations:
      • πŸ’‘ Worker Cluster Service Details: Provide the service details for each worker cluster to fetch the correct monitoring endpoints.
      • πŸ“Š Multiple Worker Clusters: Ensure the service endpoints (e.g., Grafana and Prometheus) are accessible from the controller cluster.

    πŸ–₯ Global Monitoring Endpoint Settings

    These configurations are mandatory if global_auto_fetch_endpoint is set to true. Update the following in your egs-installer-config.yaml:

    # Global monitoring endpoint settings
    global_auto_fetch_endpoint: true               # Enable automatic fetching of monitoring endpoints globally
    global_grafana_namespace: egs-monitoring        # Namespace where Grafana is globally deployed
    global_grafana_service_type: ClusterIP          # Service type for Grafana (accessible only within the cluster)
    global_grafana_service_name: prometheus-grafana # Service name for accessing Grafana globally
    global_prometheus_namespace: egs-monitoring     # Namespace where Prometheus is globally deployed
    global_prometheus_service_name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus # Service name for accessing Prometheus globally
    global_prometheus_service_type: ClusterIP       # Service type for Prometheus (accessible only within the cluster)
  3. πŸ“’ Update inline-values for Multi-Cluster Setups

If global_auto_fetch_endpoint is false and the controller and worker are in different clusters, follow these steps:

  1. πŸ—’ Fetch the Grafana & Prometheus External IP
    Use the following command to get the Grafana LoadBalancer External IP:

    kubectl get svc prometheus-grafana -n monitoring
    kubectl get svc prometheus -n monitoring
  2. ✏ Update the egs-installer-config.yaml
    Replace <grafana-lb> and with the Grafana and prometheus LoadBalancer External IP or NodePort in the inline_values section:

    inline_values:  # Inline Helm values for the worker chart
        enabled: false  # Disable Kubeslice networking for this worker
        prometheusEndpoint: "http://<prometheus-lb>"  # Prometheus endpoint
        grafanaDashboardBaseUrl: "http://<grafana-lb>/d/Oxed_c6Wz"  # Replace <grafana-lb> with the actual External IP
        insecure: true  # Allow insecure connections for metrics

5. πŸ”„ Run the Installation Script Again:

  • Apply the updated configuration by running the installation script again:
    ./ --input-yaml egs-installer-config.yaml

πŸ—‘οΈ Uninstallation Steps

⚠️ Important Note:
The uninstallation script will delete all resources associated with EGS, including slices, GPRs, and all custom resources provisioned by egs. Use this script with caution, as it performs a complete cleanup of the egs setup.

Run the Cleanup Script

  • Execute the uninstallation script using the following command:
    ./ --input-yaml egs-installer-config.yaml

πŸ› οΈ Configuration details

The script requires a YAML configuration file to define various parameters and settings for the installation process. Below is an example configuration file (egs-installer-config.yaml) with descriptions for each section.

⚠️ Warning

Do not copy the YAML configuration directly from this README. Hash characters (#) used for comments may not be interpreted correctly. Always refer to the actual egs-installer-config.yaml file available in the repository for accurate configuration.

YAML Configuration File

# Base path to the root directory of your cloned repository
base_path: ""  # If left empty, the script will use the relative path to the script as the base path

# Precheck options
precheck: true  # Run general prechecks before starting the installation
kubeslice_precheck: true  # Run specific prechecks for Kubeslice components

# Global installation verification settings
verify_install: true  # Enable verification of installations globally
verify_install_timeout: 600  # Timeout for global installation verification (in seconds)
skip_on_verify_fail: false  # If set to true, skip steps where verification fails, otherwise exit on failure

# Helm repository settings
use_local_charts: true  # Use local Helm charts instead of fetching them from a repository
local_charts_path: "charts"  # Path to the directory containing local Helm charts
global_helm_repo_url: ""  # URL for the global Helm repository (if not using local charts)
global_helm_username: ""  # Username for accessing the global Helm repository
global_helm_password: ""  # Password for accessing the global Helm repository
readd_helm_repos: true  # Re-add Helm repositories even if they are already present

# List of required binaries for the installation process
  - yq  # YAML processor
  - helm  # Helm package manager
  - jq  # JSON processor
  - kubectl  # Kubernetes command-line tool

# Global image pull secret settings
  repository: ""  # Docker registry URL
  username: ""  # Global Docker registry username
  password: ""  # Global Docker registry password

# Node labeling settings
add_node_label: true  # Enable node labeling during installation

# Kubeconfig settings
global_kubeconfig: ""  # Path to the global kubeconfig file (used if no specific kubeconfig is provided)
global_kubecontext: ""  # Global kubecontext to use; if empty, the default context will be used
use_global_context: true  # If true, use the global kubecontext for all operations by default

# Enable or disable specific stages of the installation
enable_prepare_worker_values_file: true  # Prepare the worker values file for Helm charts
enable_install_controller: true  # Enable the installation of the Kubeslice controller
enable_install_ui: true  # Enable the installation of the Kubeslice UI
enable_install_worker: true  # Enable the installation of Kubeslice workers

# Kubeslice controller installation settings
  skip_installation: false  # Do not skip the installation of the controller
  use_global_kubeconfig: true  # Use global kubeconfig for the controller installation
  specific_use_local_charts: true  # Override to use local charts for the controller
  kubeconfig: ""  # Path to the kubeconfig file specific to the controller
  kubecontext: ""  # Kubecontext specific to the controller; if empty, uses the global context
  namespace: "kubeslice-controller"  # Kubernetes namespace where the controller will be installed
  release: "kubeslice-controller-release"  # Helm release name for the controller
  chart: "kubeslice-controller-egs"  # Helm chart name for the controller
  inline_values:  # Inline Helm values for the controller chart
        endpoint: ""  # Endpoint of the controller API server; auto-fetched if left empty
            install: "false"  # Do not install MinIO during migration
  helm_flags: "--timeout 10m --atomic"  # Additional Helm flags for the installation
  verify_install: true  # Verify the installation of the controller
  verify_install_timeout: 30  # Timeout for the controller installation verification (in seconds)
  skip_on_verify_fail: false  # If verification fails, do not skip the step

# Kubeslice UI installation settings
  skip_installation: false  # Do not skip the installation of the UI
  use_global_kubeconfig: true  # Use global kubeconfig for the UI installation
  namespace: "kubeslice-controller"  # Kubernetes namespace where the UI will be installed
  release: "kubeslice-ui"  # Helm release name for the UI
  chart: "kubeslice-ui-egs"  # Helm chart name for the UI
  helm_flags: "--atomic"  # Additional Helm flags for the UI installation
  verify_install: true  # Verify the installation of the UI
  verify_install_timeout: 50  # Timeout for the UI installation verification (in seconds)
  skip_on_verify_fail: false  # If UI verification fails, do not skip the step
  specific_use_local_charts: true  # Override to use local charts for the UI

# Kubeslice worker installation settings
  - name: "worker-1"
    use_global_kubeconfig: true  # Use global kubeconfig for this worker
    skip_installation: false  # Do not skip the installation of the worker
    specific_use_local_charts: true  # Override to use local charts for this worker
    namespace: "kubeslice-system"  # Kubernetes namespace for this worker
    release: "kubeslice-worker1-release"  # Helm release name for the worker
    chart: "kubeslice-worker-egs"  # Helm chart name for the worker
    inline_values:  # Inline Helm values for the worker chart
        name: worker-1
        endpoint: <worker-cluster-endpoint> # Cluster Endpoint Accessible from Controller Cluster
        enabled: false  # Disable Kubeslice networking for this worker
        prometheusEndpoint: "http://prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090"  # Prometheus endpoint
        grafanaDashboardBaseUrl: "http://grafana-test"  # Grafana dashboard base URL
        insecure: true  # Allow insecure connections for metrics
    helm_flags: "--atomic"  # Additional Helm flags for the worker installation
    verify_install: true  # Verify the installation of the worker
    verify_install_timeout: 60  # Timeout for the worker installation verification (in seconds)
    skip_on_verify_fail: false  # Do not skip if worker verification fails

# Project and cluster registration settings
enable_project_creation: true  # Enable project creation in Kubeslice
enable_cluster_registration: true  # Enable cluster registration in Kubeslice

# Define projects
  - name: "avesha"
    username: "admin"  # Username for accessing the Kubeslice project

# Define cluster registration
  - cluster_name: "worker-1"
    project_name: "avesha"
      enabled: true  # Enable telemetry for this cluster
      endpoint: "http://prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090"  # Telemetry endpoint
      telemetryProvider: "prometheus"  # Telemetry provider (Prometheus in this case)
      cloudProvider: "GCP"  # Cloud provider for this cluster (e.g., GCP)
      cloudRegion: "us-central1"  # Cloud region for this cluster (e.g., us-central1)

# Enable or disable the installation of additional applications
enable_install_additional_apps: true  # Set to true to enable additional apps installation

# Define additional applications to install
  - name: "gpu-operator"
    skip_installation: false  # Do not skip the installation of the GPU operator
    use_global_kubeconfig: true  # Use global kubeconfig for this application
    namespace: "gpu-operator"  # Namespace where the GPU operator will be installed
    release: "gpu-operator-release"  # Helm release name for the GPU operator
    chart: "gpu-operator"  # Helm chart name for the GPU operator
    repo_url: ""  # Helm repository URL for the GPU operator
    version: "v24.6.0"  # Version of the GPU operator to install
    specific_use_local_charts: true  # Use local charts for this application
    inline_values:  # Inline Helm values for the GPU operator chart
        driverInstallDir: "/home/kubernetes/bin/nvidia"
        installDir: "/home/kubernetes/bin/nvidia"
        enabled: true
        default: true
        enabled: false
    helm_flags: "--wait"  # Additional Helm flags for this application's installation
    verify_install: true  # Verify the installation of the GPU operator
    verify_install_timeout: 600  # Timeout for verification (in seconds)
    skip_on_verify_fail: false  # Do not skip if verification fails

  - name: "prometheus"
    skip_installation: false  # Do not skip the installation of Prometheus
    use_global_kubeconfig: true  # Use global kubeconfig for Prometheus
    namespace: "monitoring"  # Namespace where Prometheus will be installed
    release: "prometheus"  # Helm release name for Prometheus
    chart: "kube-prometheus-stack"  # Helm chart name for Prometheus
    repo_url: ""  # Helm repository URL for Prometheus
    version: "v45.0.0"  # Version of the Prometheus stack to install
    specific_use_local_charts: true  # Use local charts for this application
    values_file: ""  # Path to an external values file, if any
    inline_values:  # Inline Helm values for Prometheus
          type: LoadBalancer
          port: 32270
          - job_name: tgi
            - role: endpoints
            - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
              target_label: pod_name
            - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name]
              target_label: container_name
              - targets: ["llm-inference.demo.svc.cluster.local:80"]
          - job_name: gpu-metrics
            scrape_interval: 1s
            metrics_path: /metrics
            scheme: http
            - role: endpoints
                - gpu-operator
            - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_name]
              action: drop
              regex: .*-node-feature-discovery-master
            - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
              action: replace
              target_label: kubernetes_node
        enabled: true
            disable_login_form: true
            disable_signout_menu: true
            enabled: true
            org_role: Viewer
          type: LoadBalancer
          enabled: true
          size: 1Gi
    helm_flags: "--wait"  # Additional Helm flags for this application's installation
    verify_install: true  # Verify the installation of Prometheus
    verify_install_timeout: 600  # Timeout for verification (in seconds)
    skip_on_verify_fail: false  # Do not skip if verification fails

# Enable custom applications
enable_custom_apps: true  # Set to true to enable custom apps

# Define custom applications and their associated manifests
  - appname: gpu-operator-quota
    manifest: ""  # URL or path to the manifest file; if empty, inline YAML is used
    overrides_yaml: ""  # Path to an external YAML file with overrides, if any
    inline_yaml: |  # Inline YAML content for this custom application
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ResourceQuota
        name: gpu-operator-quota
          pods: 100
          - operator: In
            scopeName: PriorityClass
              - system-node-critical
              - system-cluster-critical
    use_global_kubeconfig: true  # Use global kubeconfig for this application
    skip_installation: false  # Do not skip the installation of this application
    verify_install: true  # Verify the installation of this application
    verify_install_timeout: 30  # Timeout for verification (in seconds)
    skip_on_verify_fail: false  # Do not skip if verification fails
    namespace: gpu-operator  # Namespace for this application
    kubeconfig: ""  # Path to the kubeconfig file specific to this application
    kubecontext: ""  # Kubecontext specific to this application; uses global context if empty

  - appname: nvidia-driver-installer
    overrides_yaml: ""  # Path to an external YAML file with overrides, if any
    inline_yaml: null  # Inline YAML content for this application
    use_global_kubeconfig: true  # Use global kubeconfig for this application
    skip_installation: false  # Do not skip the installation of this application
    verify_install: true  # Verify the installation of this application
    verify_install_timeout: 200  # Timeout for verification (in seconds)
    skip_on_verify_fail: true  # Skip if verification fails
    namespace: kube-system  # Namespace for this application
# Command execution settings
run_commands: true  # Enable the execution of commands defined in the YAML

# Define commands to execute
  - use_global_kubeconfig: true  # Use global kubeconfig for these commands
    skip_installation: false  # Do not skip the execution of these commands
    verify_install: true  # Verify the execution of these commands
    verify_install_timeout: 200  # Timeout for verification (in seconds)
    skip_on_verify_fail: true  # Skip if command verification fails
    namespace: kube-system  # Namespace context for these commands
    command_stream: |  # Commands to execute
      kubectl get nodes
      kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.capacity[""] != null) |' | xargs -I {} kubectl label nodes {} gke-no-default-nvidia-gpu-device-plugin=true --overwrite

Explanation of YAML Fields

Field Description Default/Example
base_path Base path to the root directory of the cloned repository. If empty, the script uses the relative path to the script as the base path. "" (empty string)
precheck Run prechecks before installation to validate the environment and required binaries. true
kubeslice_precheck Run specific prechecks for Kubeslice components, including cluster access validation and node label checks. true
verify_install Enable installation verification globally, ensuring that all installed components are running as expected. true
verify_install_timeout Global timeout for verification in seconds. Determines how long the script waits for all components to be verified as running. 600 (10 minutes)
skip_on_verify_fail Decide whether to skip further steps or exit the script if verification fails globally. false
global_helm_repo_url URL of the global Helm repository from which charts will be pulled. Helm Repository
global_helm_username Username for accessing the global Helm repository, if required. ""
global_helm_password Password for accessing the global Helm repository, if required. ""
readd_helm_repos Re-add Helm repositories if they already exist to ensure the latest repository configuration is used. true
required_binaries List of binaries that are required for the installation process. The script will check for these binaries and exit if any are missing. yq, helm, kubectl
global_image_pull_secret Global image pull secret settings for accessing private Docker registries. Repository:, Username: "", Password: ""
add_node_label Enable node labeling during installation, useful for reserving nodes for specific tasks. true
global_kubeconfig Relative path to the global kubeconfig file used to access Kubernetes clusters. "" (empty string)
use_local_charts Use local Helm charts instead of pulling them from a repository, useful for testing or restricted access scenarios. true
local_charts_path Relative path to the local Helm charts directory, used only if use_local_charts is set to true. "charts"
global_kubecontext Global kubecontext to be used across all Kubernetes interactions. If empty, the default context will be used. "" (empty string)
use_global_context Use the global kubecontext by default for all operations unless a specific context is provided for a component. true
enable_prepare_worker_values_file Enable the preparation of the worker values file before installation, necessary if the worker configuration depends on dynamic values. true
enable_install_controller Enable the installation of the Kubeslice controller. true
enable_install_ui Enable the installation of the Kubeslice UI. true
enable_install_worker Enable the installation of the Kubeslice worker. true

kubeslice_controller_egs Subfields

Subfield Description Default/Example
skip_installation Skip the installation of the Kubeslice controller if it's already installed or not needed. false
use_global_kubeconfig Use the global kubeconfig file for the controller installation. true
specific_use_local_charts Use local charts specifically for the controller installation, overriding the global use_local_charts setting. true
kubeconfig Relative path to the kubeconfig file for the controller. Overrides the global kubeconfig if specified. "" (empty string)
kubecontext Specific kubecontext for the controller installation, uses the global context if empty. "" (empty string)
namespace Kubernetes namespace where the Kubeslice controller will be installed. "kubeslice-controller"
release Helm release name for the Kubeslice controller. "kubeslice-controller-release"
chart Helm chart name used for installing the Kubeslice controller. "kubeslice-controller-egs"
inline_values Inline values passed to the Helm chart during installation. For example, setting the controller endpoint. kubeslice.controller.endpoint: ""
helm_flags Additional Helm flags for the controller installation, such as timeout and atomic deployment. "--timeout 10m --atomic"
verify_install Verify the installation of the Kubeslice controller after deployment. true
verify_install_timeout Timeout for verifying the installation of the controller, in seconds. 30 (30 seconds)
skip_on_verify_fail Skip further steps or exit if the controller verification fails. false

kubeslice_ui_egs Subfields

Subfield Description Default/Example
skip_installation Skip the installation of the Kubeslice UI if it's already installed or not needed. false
use_global_kubeconfig Use the global kubeconfig file for the UI installation. true
specific_use_local_charts Use local charts specifically for the UI installation, overriding the global use_local_charts setting. true
namespace Kubernetes namespace where the Kubeslice UI will be installed. "kubeslice-controller"
release Helm release name for the Kubeslice UI. "kubeslice-ui"
chart Helm chart name used for installing the Kubeslice UI. "kubeslice-ui-egs"
helm_flags Additional Helm flags for the UI installation, such as atomic deployment. "--atomic"
verify_install Verify the installation of the Kubeslice UI after deployment. true
verify_install_timeout Timeout for verifying the installation of the UI, in seconds. 50 (50 seconds)
skip_on_verify_fail Skip further steps or exit if the UI verification fails. false

kubeslice_worker_egs Subfields

Subfield Description Default/Example
name Name of the worker node configuration. "worker-1"
use_global_kubeconfig Use the global kubeconfig file for the worker installation. true
skip_installation Skip the installation of the worker if it's already installed or not needed. false
specific_use_local_charts Use local charts specifically for the worker installation, overriding the global use_local_charts setting. true
namespace Kubernetes namespace where the worker will be installed. "kubeslice-system"
release Helm release name for the worker. "kubeslice-worker1-release"
chart Helm chart name used for installing the worker. "kubeslice-worker-egs"
inline_values Inline values passed to the Helm chart during installation. For example, disabling networking and setting Prometheus endpoints. kubesliceNetworking.enabled: false, egs.prometheusEndpoint: "http://prometheus-test", egs.grafanaDashboardBaseUrl: "http://grafana-test", metrics.insecure: true
helm_flags Additional Helm flags for the worker installation, such as atomic deployment. "--atomic"
verify_install Verify the installation of the worker after deployment. true
verify_install_timeout Timeout for verifying the installation of the worker, in seconds. 60 (60 seconds)
skip_on_verify_fail Skip further steps or exit if the worker verification fails. false

Custom App Manifests Subfields

Field Description Type Required Example
manifests A list of manifest configurations. Each entry defines how a specific Kubernetes manifest should be applied. list Yes See below for individual fields.
manifests[].appname The name of the application or resource. Used for logging and identification purposes. string Yes nginx-deployment
manifests[].manifest The path to the Kubernetes manifest file. Can be a local file or an HTTPS URL. string No nginx/deployment.yaml or
manifests[].overrides_yaml The path to a YAML file containing overrides for the base manifest. Merges with the base manifest before applying. string No nginx/overrides.yaml
manifests[].inline_yaml Inline YAML content to be merged with the base manifest. Allows for quick, in-line customization without separate files. string (YAML) No See inline YAML example below.
manifests[].use_global_kubeconfig Determines whether the global kubeconfig and context should be used. If false, specific kubeconfig and context must be provided. boolean Yes true
manifests[].kubeconfig_path Path to a specific Kubernetes configuration file to be used instead of the global kubeconfig. string No /path/to/specific/kubeconfig
manifests[].kubecontext The context name in the specific Kubernetes configuration file to be used for this manifest. string No specific-context
manifests[].skip_installation Whether to skip the installation of this manifest. Useful for conditional deployments. boolean Yes false
manifests[].verify_install Whether to verify that the application or resource was successfully deployed. boolean Yes true
manifests[].verify_install_timeout The timeout in seconds for the installation verification. integer Yes 60
manifests[].skip_on_verify_fail Whether to skip the remaining operations if the verification fails. boolean Yes false
manifests[].namespace The Kubernetes namespace where the resources should be applied. string Yes nginx-namespace
### πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Script Usage
To run the script, use the following command:
./ --input-yaml <yaml_file>

Replace <yaml_file> with the path to your YAML configuration file. For example:

./ --input-yaml egs-installer-config.yaml

πŸ’‘ Command-Line Options

  • --input-yaml <yaml_file>: Specifies the YAML configuration file to be used.
  • --help: Displays usage information.

πŸ”‘ slice & admin Token Retrieval Script - is a Bash script designed to retrieve tokens for Kubernetes slices and admin users within a specified project/namespace. This script can fetch read-only, read-write, and admin tokens based on the provided arguments, making it flexible for various Kubernetes authentication requirements.

πŸ“‹ Usage

./ -k <kubeconfig_absolute_path> [-s <slice_name>] -p <project_name> [-a] -u <username1,username2,...>

πŸ”Ή Parameters

  • -k, --kubeconfig (required): Absolute path to the kubeconfig file used to connect to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • -s, --slice (optional if -a is provided): Name of the slice for which the tokens are to be retrieved.
  • -p, --project (required): Name of the project (namespace) where the slice is located.
  • -a, --admin (optional): Fetch admin tokens for specified usernames (makes --slice optional).
  • -u, --username (required with -a): Comma-separated list of usernames for fetching admin tokens.
  • -h, --help: Display help message.

πŸš€ Examples

1️⃣ Fetching Slice Tokens Only

Retrieve read-only and read-write tokens for a specified slice:

./ -k /path/to/kubeconfig -s pool1 -p avesha
  • Explanation: This command fetches tokens for the slice pool1 in the namespace kubeslice-avesha.
  • Parameters:
    • -k /path/to/kubeconfig: Specifies the path to the kubeconfig file.
    • -s pool1: Specifies the slice name (pool1).
    • -p avesha: Specifies the project/namespace name (avesha).

2️⃣ Fetching Admin Tokens Only

Fetch admin tokens for specific users. When the -a flag is used, --slice becomes optional.

./ -k /path/to/kubeconfig -p avesha -a -u admin,dev
  • Explanation: This command fetches admin tokens for both admin and dev users in the namespace kubeslice-avesha.
  • Parameters:
    • -k /path/to/kubeconfig: Specifies the path to the kubeconfig file.
    • -p avesha: Specifies the project/namespace name (avesha).
    • -a: Indicates that we are fetching admin tokens.
    • -u admin,dev: Specifies a comma-separated list of usernames (admin and dev).

3️⃣ Fetching Both Slice and Admin Tokens

Retrieve both slice tokens and admin tokens in a single command:

./ -k /path/to/kubeconfig -s pool1 -p avesha -a -u admin,dev
  • Explanation: This command retrieves both read-only and read-write tokens for slice pool1 and admin tokens for admin and dev in the namespace kubeslice-avesha.
  • Parameters:
    • -k /path/to/kubeconfig: Specifies the path to the kubeconfig file.
    • -s pool1: Specifies the slice name (pool1).
    • -p avesha: Specifies the project/namespace name (avesha).
    • -a: Indicates that we are fetching admin tokens.
    • -u admin,dev: Specifies a comma-separated list of usernames (admin and dev).

πŸ› οΈ Help

For more details on usage or troubleshooting, you can refer to the help option:

./ --help

EGS Preflight Check Script

Kubernetes Bash License

A robust preflight check script designed for EGS setup on Kubernetes. This script verifies Kubernetes resource configurations, permissions, and connectivity to ensure the environment is ready for deployment.


  • πŸ› οΈ Resource Validation: Checks namespaces, services, PVCs, and privileges.
  • πŸ” Comprehensive Preflight Checks: Validates Kubernetes configurations and access.
  • 🌐 Internet Connectivity Checks: Ensures cluster access to external resources.
  • 🧹 Resource Cleanup: Optionally deletes created resources after validation.
  • ⚑ Multi-context Support: Operates on multiple Kubernetes contexts.
  • πŸ› Debugging: Provides detailed logs for troubleshooting.



Key Options:

Option Description
--namespace-to-check πŸ—‚οΈ Comma-separated list of namespaces to check existence.
--test-namespace 🏷️ Namespace for test creation and deletion (default: egs-test-namespace).
--pvc-test-namespace πŸ“‚ Namespace for PVC test creation and deletion (default: egs-test-namespace).
--pvc-name πŸ› οΈ Name of the test PVC (default: egs-test-pvc).
--storage-class πŸ—„οΈ Storage class for the PVC (default: none).
--storage-size πŸ“¦ Storage size for the PVC (default: 1Gi).
--service-name πŸ“Œ Name of the test service (default: test-service).
--service-type βš™οΈ Type of service to create and validate (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, or all). Default: all.
--kubeconfig πŸ—‚οΈ Path to the kubeconfig file (mandatory).
--kubecontext 🌐 Context from the kubeconfig file (mandatory).
--kubecontext-list 🌐 Comma-separated list of context names to operate on.
--cleanup 🧹 Whether to delete test resources (true or false). Default: true.
--global-wait ⏳ Time to wait after each command execution (default: 0).
--watch-resources πŸ‘€ Enable or disable watching resources after creation (default: false).
--watch-duration ⏱️ Duration to watch resources after creation (default: 30 seconds).
--invoke-wrappers πŸ› οΈ Comma-separated list of wrapper functions to invoke.
--display-resources πŸ‘οΈ Whether to display resources created (default: true).
--kubectl-path ⚑ Override default kubectl binary path.
--function-debug-input 🐞 Enable or disable function debugging (default: false).
--generate-summary πŸ“Š Enable or disable summary generation (default: true).
--resource-action-pairs πŸ” Override default resource-action pairs (e.g., pod:create,service:get).
--fetch-resource-names πŸ” Fetch all resource names from the cluster (default: false).
--fetch-webhook-names πŸ” Fetch all webhook names from the cluster (default: false).
--api-resources 🌍 Comma-separated list of API resources to include or operate on.
--webhooks 🌍 Comma-separated list of webhooks to include or operate on.
--help ❓ Display this help message.

Default Resource-Action Pairs:

πŸ“Œ The default resource-action pairs used for privilege checks are:

  • namespace:create,namespace:delete,namespace:get,namespace:list,namespace:watch
  • pod:create,pod:delete,pod:get,pod:list,pod:watch
  • service:create,service:delete,service:get,service:list,service:watch
  • configmap:create,configmap:delete,configmap:get,configmap:list,configmap:watch
  • secret:create,secret:delete,secret:get,secret:list,secret:watch
  • serviceaccount:create,serviceaccount:delete,serviceaccount:get,serviceaccount:list,serviceaccount:watch
  • clusterrole:create,clusterrole:delete,clusterrole:get,clusterrole:list
  • clusterrolebinding:create,clusterrolebinding:delete,clusterrolebinding:get,clusterrolebinding:list

Wrapper Functions:

Wrapper Function Description
πŸ—‚οΈ namespace_preflight_checks Validates namespace creation and existence.
πŸ” grep_k8s_resources_with_crds_and_webhooks Validates existing resources available in the cluster based on resource names. (e.g., prometheus, gpu-operator, postgresql)
πŸ“‚ pvc_preflight_checks Validates PVC creation, deletion, and storage properties.
βš™οΈ service_preflight_checks Validates the creation and deletion of services (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer).
πŸ” k8s_privilege_preflight_checks Validates privileges for Kubernetes actions on resources.
🌐 internet_access_preflight_checks Validates internet connectivity from within the Kubernetes cluster.


./ --namespace-to-check my-namespace --test-namespace test-ns --invoke-wrappers namespace_preflight_checks
./ --pvc-test-namespace pvc-ns --pvc-name test-pvc --storage-class standard --storage-size 1Gi --invoke-wrappers pvc_preflight_checks
./ --test-namespace service-ns --service-name test-service --service-type NodePort --watch-resources true --watch-duration 60 --invoke-wrappers service_preflight_checks
./ --invoke-wrappers namespace_preflight_checks,pvc_preflight_checks,service_preflight_checks
./ --resource-action-pairs pod:create,namespace:delete --invoke-wrappers k8s_privilege_preflight_checks
./ --function-debug-input true --invoke-wrappers namespace_preflight_checks
./ --generate-summary false --invoke-wrappers namespace_preflight_checks
./ --fetch-resource-names true --invoke-wrappers service_preflight_checks
./ --api-resources pod,service --invoke-wrappers namespace_preflight_checks

Note: If no wrapper function is specified, all preflight check functions will be executed by default.


  • πŸ“ Logs: Detailed logs are generated for each step, including successes and failures.
  • πŸ“Š Summary: A final summary is displayed, highlighting the status of all checks.

Namespace Creation Script

This script automates the creation of Kubernetes namespaces with specified annotations and labels based on a YAML configuration file. It dynamically supports multiple Kubernetes contexts and provides detailed success/failure logs with a final summary.


  • Dynamically processes namespaces and contexts from an input YAML file.
  • Supports multiple Kubernetes contexts in a single execution.
  • Logs detailed success/failure information for each namespace creation.
  • Provides a summary of operations at the end.
  • Handles annotations and labels for each namespace.
  • Deletes temporary YAML files after applying the configuration.


  • kubectl installed and configured.
  • yq installed for parsing YAML files.

Script Parameters

Parameter Description
--input-yaml Path to the input YAML file containing namespace definitions.
--kubeconfig Path to the Kubernetes kubeconfig file.
--kubecontext-list Comma-separated list of Kubernetes contexts to process.
--help or -h Display the help message and usage information.

Input YAML Format

The input YAML file should follow this format:

auto_create_namespace: true
  - name: egs-gpu-operator
      - key: application
        value: egs
      - key: avesha-tower-name
        value: development
      - key: application
        value: egs

  - name: egs-monitoring
      - key: application
        value: egs
      - key: avesha-tower-name
        value: development
      - key: application
        value: egs


Running the Script

Save the script as and make it executable:

chmod +x

Run the script with the desired parameters:

./ \
  --input-yaml namespace-input.yaml \
  --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
  --kubecontext-list context1,context2,context3

Help Option

To see usage information, run:

./ --help

Output Example

Console Logs

πŸ”„ Processing context: context1
πŸ”§ Creating namespace: egs-gpu-operator in context: context1
βœ… Successfully created namespace: egs-gpu-operator in context: context1
πŸ”§ Creating namespace: egs-monitoring in context: context1
❌ Failed to create namespace: egs-monitoring in context: context1
   Reason: Namespace already exists

πŸ“‹ Summary:
βœ… Successful operations: 1
   - egs-gpu-operator (context: context1)
❌ Failed operations: 1
   - egs-monitoring (context: context1): Namespace already exists


This script simplifies the namespace creation process in Kubernetes, making it ideal for environments with multiple clusters and namespaces. Customize the input YAML to suit your needs and track results through the detailed logs and summary provided.

πŸ”‘ Key Features

  1. Prerequisite Checks: Ensures that required binaries are installed. πŸ› οΈ
  2. Kubeslice Pre-Checks: Validates access to clusters and labels nodes if required. βœ…
  3. Helm Chart Management: Adds, updates, or removes Helm repositories and manages chart installations. πŸ“¦
  4. Project and Cluster Management: Automates the creation of projects and registration of clusters in the Kubeslice controller. πŸ—‚οΈ
  5. Worker Configuration: Fetches secrets from the controller cluster, prepares worker-specific values files, and manages worker installations. βš™οΈ

πŸ“œ Example Workflow

  1. Run Pre-checks: The script first validates that all prerequisites are met. βœ…
  2. Kubeslice Pre-Checks: Validates that the script can access all necessary clusters. πŸ”
  3. Install or Upgrade Helm Charts:
    • Installs or upgrades the Kubeslice controller. πŸ“¦
    • Installs or upgrades the Kubeslice UI. πŸ’»
  4. Project and Cluster Management:
    • Creates defined projects in the Kubeslice controller. πŸ—‚οΈ
    • Registers defined clusters within these projects. 🌍
  5. Worker Installation: Installs or upgrades worker nodes, applying the necessary configuration. βš™οΈ

πŸ“ Notes

  • Ensure the YAML configuration file is correctly formatted and contains all necessary fields. πŸ“„
  • The script will exit with an error if any critical steps fail unless configured to skip on failure. ❌
  • Paths specified in the YAML file should be relative to the base_path unless absolute paths are used. πŸ“

πŸ› οΈ Troubleshooting

  • Missing Binaries: Ensure all required binaries are installed and accessible in your system's PATH. ⚠️
  • Cluster Access Issues: Verify that kubeconfig files are correctly configured and that the script can access the clusters specified in the YAML configuration. πŸ”§
  • Timeouts: If a component fails to install within the specified timeout, increase the verify_install_timeout in the YAML file. ⏳