Data - list of Geographic data formats, their storage and actual database.
This list is not exhaustive, rather picks most important GIS software It is also mixed with javascript libraries to create maps (13 JS Libraries to create maps) Content is tagged. Inspirations:
General GIS tools
- Android GIS - section with software specifically for Android OS
- BT747 (log) #desktop #tool
- CAD Software (only GIS related topics) #desktop
- Carto #cloud #analytics
- Cartopy
- CesiumJS – Cesium (3D globes) #javascript
- CleverMaps #cloud #analytics
- CloudCompare #cloud
- D3.js #javascript
- DivaGIS #desktop
- ESRIArcGIS #desktop #cloud
- ETGeo Wizards #desktop #tool
- Folium visualization #python
- GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) #transformation #python
- geemap #python
- GeoDa #server #analytics
- Geoserver #server
- Geosetter - photography #geotagging #tool
- Geotagging - photography #geotagging #tool
- GeoPandas
- GeoTools, the Java GIS toolkit download | #desktop #tool
- GIS Cloud
- Google #cloud #maps
- GPS tools
- GPS Babel #desktop #tool
- GPSGate | GPS vehicle tracking and fleet management platform
- GPSPrune
- GPXSee
- GPS Visualizer - #cloud #tool
- Viking
- GSTools (part of Geostat framework)
- GRASS (OSGeo) #desktop #tool
- Leaflet.js #javascript
- lidar #raster #tool
- MapBox #cloud #javascript #tileset
- MapGuide Open Source - OSGeo #tool
- MapLibre #server #javascript
- MapServer #server
- MapTiler #cloud #javascript #tileset
- MapWindow
- MBTiles #tileset
- OpenCV
- OpenJUMP #desktop
- Openlayers #javascript
- OpenStreetMaps #cloud #maps #tileset
- Orfeo ToolBox #tool
- PMTiles #tileset
- PROJ #transformation #tool
- pyproj · PyPI
- pyshp
- Rasterio: access to geospatial raster data — rasterio 1.4dev documentation #raster
- RSGISLib Remote Sensing and other #tool
- QGIS #desktop
- QMapShack
- SAGA GIS - system for automated geoscientific analyses
- Shape Viewer
- Shapely — Shapely 2.0.6 documentation
- TatukGIS
- TileMill | TileMill
- uDig - User friendly GIS
- Whitebox Tools #desktop #tool
Specific tool sets
Comparison and general overview
- 15 Python Libraries for GIS and Mapping - GIS Geography
- Essential Python Geospatial Libraries
- 27 Differences Between ArcGIS and QGIS - GIS Geography
- Lessons | GEOG 485: GIS Programming and Software Development
- Python specific
Anything Geospatial
GIS Area
GIS Lounge
Geoawesomeness - Blog and Community
FreeGIS portál
GIS odkazy
Digital Social Science Center | Columbia University Libraries
GIS Live DVD - Wikipedia Useful free GIS shapefile map tools | StatSilk Open Source GIS and Freeware GIS Applications - GIS Lounge GIS - Fedora Project Wiki (99+) GIS AND OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE FOR GIS EDUCATION project Kauri Kiiman | Kauri Kiiman - Geographic Information SystemsAlternative GIS Software
Desktop GIS Linux
Jaký GIS na Linuxu
GIS on Ubuntu
Free GIS on Enterprise Linux
Free Geography Tools
Local maps for offline HTML5 app (
Javascript web API (
polymer - creating a google map with marker using web-component - Stack Overflow
offline maps web based
web mapping - How to serve local maps for an offline HTML5 webmapping app? - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange
- jwasilgeo (Jacob Wasilkowski) / Starred
- Mark Foley's DIT Lecture Notes
- mapsam (Sam Matthews)
- iNiKe (Galayko Nikita) - tools creator