Don't assume this is a perfect sandbox. Infinite loops will crash the main page. See this thread.
var IframeSandbox = require('iframe-sandbox')
IframeSandbox({ container: document.body }, function(err, sandbox){
sandbox.eval('1+2', function(err, result){
All config options are passed to iframe
See here for iframe
config options.
var opts = {
container: document.body,
src: urlOfBootstrappedIframe,
IframeSandbox(opts, cb)
To use a hosted, bootstrapped iframe, specify the url as the src
config option.
See here for more about using a bootstrapped iframe.
Evals js in the sandbox's context. Calls the callback with the error (as a string) or the result.
sandbox.eval( jsString, function(err, result){ /* ... */ } )
Creates a WriteStream that writes to the document via document.write
Note: scripts written to the DOM wont be run until 'document.close()' is called,
triggered by the end of the stream.
var ws = sandbox.createWriteStream()
Inside the sandbox context there is an extra exposed global sandboxMessage
that will re-materialize objects in the main context and handle cross-context callbacks via dnode.
Listen to the 'message' event in the main context to receive the messages
sandbox.on('message', function(arg1, arg2, ...){
sandbox.eval('sandboxMessage("hello", "world")')
Writing external script tags to the document does not seem to work.
The following will not load bundle.js
var ws = sandbox.createWriteStream()
ws.write('<script src="bundle.js"></script>')