My interest in Vagrant and thus this code waned some time ago. Fortunately the wonderful brbsix and I fully endorse this.
If you have a pull request you want merged, shout at me on Twitter [at]kuramanga or via email kura[at]kura[dot]io
sudo wget -O /etc/bash_completion.d/vagrant
@kura is now supporting releases to homebrew-completions because other people stopped doing it.
Please note: @kura is not a Mac user, all Mac & Homebrew support was provided by additional contributors. I will help as much as I can but I can't promise anything. Sorry.
With homebrew you can install the vagrant-completion recipe to use this plugin
brew tap homebrew/completions
brew install vagrant-completion
then add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc
if [ -f `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/vagrant ]; then
source `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/vagrant
This software is licensed using the MIT License. The license is provided in the source code repository.
Original -
Mine has more functionality and changes to locations