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An Ubuntu 20.04 Docker container recipe and support files for testing Kutas Lab compiled 32-bit binary EEG analysis software and conda packages.


32-bit compiled EEG data analysis programs
Kutas Cognitive Electrophysiology Lab
University of California San Diego


  • git clone this repo to the machine where you will build and run the Docker container

  • on whatever machine you have ERPSS installed, make a tarball of the /usr/local/erp directory as erp.tgz

  • move or copy erp.tgz to the uxrdp_erpss/erpss_install directory of this repo.

  • In the repository root directory build the docker image like so.

    docker build -t uxrdp_erpss .
  • This will automatically

    • Install Ubuntu 20.04
    • Install the XRDP server
    • Untar erp.tgz where it belongs in /usr/local/erp
    • Update /etc/profile.d/ so the default user PATH includes /usr/local/erp/bin
    • Create an admin user, with userid lab and password lab
    • Install minconda3 so user lab can create and activate conda environments and install conda packages
  • Start the container:

    docker run -d \
      --name uxrdp_erpss --hostname erpss_server --shm-size 1g \
      -p 3389:3389 -p 2222:22 \
  • Connect Microsoft Remote Desktop client to localhost:3389 and login is a user lab, password lab

  • In the Ubuntu FXCE desktop, open a terminal window, navigate to /home/lab/tests and enter


  • Install the merp2tbl utility into the base conda environment like so:

    conda activate base
    conda install merp2tbl -c kutaslab -c defaults -c conda-forge -y
    cd /home/lab/tests
    merp2table typical_good.mcf | less -S


  • Miniconda is pre-installed per-user only for user lab.

  • To see host files from inside the Ubuntu run the container with the -v option like, for example, like so:

    docker run -d \
      --name uxrdp_erpss --hostname erpss_server --shm-size 1g \
      -p 3389:3389 -p 2222:22 \
      -v /Users/username/Work:/mnt/Work:/mnt:ro \

Docker image notes

Ubuntu 20.04/18.04/16.04 Multi User Remote Desktop Server

Fully implemented Multi User xrdp with xorgxrdp and pulseaudio on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04/16.04. Copy/Paste and sound is working. Users can re-login in the same session. Xfce4, Firefox are pre installed.


danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:16.04 danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:18.04 or latest danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:20.04


Start the rdp server (WARNING: use the --shm-size 1g or firefox/chrome will crash)

docker run -d --name uxrdp --hostname terminalserver --shm-size 1g -p 3389:3389 -p 2222:22 danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:20.04

*note if you already use a rdp server on 3389 change -p :3389 -p 2222:22 is for ssh access ( ssh -p 2222 ubuntu@ )

Connect with your remote desktop client to the docker server. Use the Xorg session (leave as it is), user and pass.

Creation of users

To automate the creation of users, supply a file users.list in the /etc directory of the container. The format is as follows:

id username password-hash list-of-supplemental-groups

The provided users.list file will create a sample user with sudo rights

Username: ubuntu Password: ubuntu

To generate the password hash use the following line

openssl passwd -1 'newpassword'

Run the xrdp container with your file

docker run -d -v $PWD/users.list:/etc/users.list

You can change your password in the rdp session in a terminal


Add new users

No configuration is needed for new users just do

docker exec -ti uxrdp adduser mynewuser

After this the new user can login

Add new services

To make sure all processes are working supervisor is installed. The location for services to start is /etc/supervisor/conf.d

Example: Add mysql as a service

apt-get -yy install mysql-server
echo "[program:mysqld] \
command= /usr/sbin/mysqld \
user=mysql \
autorestart=true \
priority=100" > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mysql.conf
supervisorctl update


This image uses two volumes:

  1. /etc/ssh/ holds the sshd host keys and config
  2. /home/ holds the ubuntu/ default user home directory

When bind-mounting /home/, make sure it contains a folder ubuntu/ with proper permission, otherwise no login will be possible.

mkdir -p ubuntu
chown 999:999 ubuntu

Installing additional packages during build

The Dockerfile has support for the build argument ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES to install additional packages during build. Either pass it with --build-arg during docker build or add it as args in your docker-compose.override.yml and run docker-compose build.

To run with docker-compose

git clone
cd ubuntu-xrdp/
vi docker-compose.override.yml # if you want to override any default value
docker-compose up -d


Ubuntu 20.04 with XRDP and kutaslab 32-binaries







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