This is the game snake, bootable on a x86_64 CPU, written completely in rust. Its foundation is following the very interesting Writing an OS in Rust blog which I would recommend everybody who is interested in this kind of stuff.
Modified the environment to run on Windows
- Play snake or 2048 on any x86_64 CPU
- Let's have fun!
- Dynamic memory management
- The snake can grow!
- Interrupt handling
- We can read the keyboard!
- Async/Await support
- We can update the world and read user input at the same time!
- Only 226kB kernel size
- You can even put this on a 8-inch floppy disk!
- All the infrastructure you need to implement and play a game
- You can implement your own game!
You need wsl and qemu
rustup override set nightly
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-none
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
cargo run --release