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Linux build of open deep learning compiler stack for Kendryte K210 AI accelerator

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Linux build of open deep learning compiler stack for Kendryte K210 AI accelerator


ncc [-v|--version] { compile { -i|--input-format -t|--target <input file> [--input-prototxt] <output file> [--output-arrays] [--quant-type] [--w-quant-type] [--use-mse-quant-w] [--split-w-to-act] [--dataset] [--dataset-format] [--dump-range-dataset] [--dump-range-dataset-format] [--calibrate-method] [--preprocess] [--swapRB] [--mean] [--std] [--input-range] [--input-shape] [--letterbox-value] [--input-type] [--output-type] [--input-layout] [--output-layout] [--model-layout] [--is-fpga] [--dump-ir] [--dump-asm] [--dump-quant-error] [--dump-import-op-range] [--dump-dir] [--benchmark-only] } } { infer { <model filename> <output path> --dataset [--dataset-format] [--input-layout] } }

  -v, --version           show version
  -i, --input-format <input format>
                          input format, e.g. tflite|onnx|caffe
  -t, --target <target>   target architecture, e.g. cpu|k210|k510
  <input file>            input file
  --input-prototxt <input prototxt>
                          input prototxt
  <output file>           output file
  --output-arrays <output arrays>
                          output arrays
  --quant-type <quant type>
                          post trainning quantize type, e.g uint8|int8|int16, default is uint8
  --w-quant-type <w quant type>
                          post trainning weights quantize type, e.g uint8|int8|int16, default is uint8
  --use-mse-quant-w       use min mse algorithm to refine weights quantilization or not, default is 0
  --split-w-to-act        split weights to act or not, default is 0
  --dataset <dataset path>
                          calibration dataset, used in post quantization
  --dataset-format <dataset format>
                          datset format: e.g. image|raw, default is image
  --dump-range-dataset <dataset path>
                          dump import op range dataset
  --dump-range-dataset-format <dataset format>
                          datset format: e.g. image|raw, default is image
  --calibrate-method <calibrate method>
                          calibrate method: e.g. no_clip|l2|kld_m0|kld_m1|kld_m2|cdf, default is no_clip
  --preprocess            enable preprocess, default is 0
  --swapRB                swap red and blue channel, default is 0
  --mean <normalize mean> normalize mean, default is 0. 0. 0.
  --std <normalize std>   normalize std, default is 1. 1. 1.
  --input-range <input range>
                          float range after preprocess
  --input-shape <input shape>
                          shape for input data
  --letterbox-value <letter box value>
                          letter box pad value, default is 0.000000
  --input-type <input type>
                          input type, e.g float32|uint8|default, default is default
  --output-type <output type>
                          output type, e.g float32|uint8, default is float32
  --input-layout <input layout>
                          input layout, e.g NCHW|NHWC, default is NCHW
  --output-layout <output layout>
                          output layout, e.g NCHW|NHWC, default is NCHW
  --model-layout <model layout>
                          model layout, e.g NCHW|NHWC, default is empty
  --is-fpga               use fpga parameters, default is 0
  --dump-ir               dump ir to .dot, default is 0
  --dump-asm              dump assembly, default is 0
  --dump-quant-error      dump quant error, default is 0
  --dump-import-op-range  dump import op range, default is 0
  --dump-dir <dump directory>
                          dump to directory
  --benchmark-only        compile kmodel only for benchmark use, default is 0
  <model filename>        kmodel filename
  <output path>           output path
  --dataset <dataset path>
                          dataset path
  --dataset-format <dataset format>
                          dataset format, e.g. image|raw, default is image
  --input-layout <input layout>
                          input layout, e.g NCHW|NHWC, default is NCHW


ncc is the nncase command line tool. It has two commands: compile and infer.

compile command compile your trained models (.tflite, .caffemodel, .onnx) to .kmodel.

  • -i, --input-format option is used to specify the input model format. nncase supports tflite, caffe and onnx input model currently.
  • -t, --target option is used to set your desired target device to run the model. cpu is the most general target that almost every platform should support. k210 is the Kendryte K210 SoC platform. If you set this option to k210, this model can only run on K210 or be emulated on your PC.
  • <input file> is your input model path.
  • --input-prototxt is the prototxt file for caffe model.
  • <output file> is the output model path.
  • --output-arrays is the names of nodes to output.
  • --quant-type is used to specify quantize type, such as uint8 by default and int8 and int16.
  • --w-quant-type is used to specify quantize type for weight, such as uint8 by default and int8 and int16.
  • --use-mse-quant-w is used to specify whether use minimize mse(mean-square error, mse) algorithm to quantize weight or not.
  • --dataset is to provide your quantization calibration dataset to quantize your models. You should put hundreds or thousands of data in training set to this directory.
  • --dataset-format is to set the format of the calibration dataset. Default is image, nncase will use opencv to read your images and autoscale to the desired input size of your model. If the input has 3 channels, ncc will convert images to RGB float tensors [0,1] in NCHW layout. If the input has only 1 channel, ncc will grayscale your images. Set to raw if your dataset is not image dataset for example, audio or matrices. In this scenario you should convert your dataset to raw binaries which contains float tensors.
  • --dump-range-dataset is to provide your dump range dataset to dump each op data range of your models. You should put hundreds or thousands of data in training set to this directory.
  • --dump-range-dataset-format is to set the format of the dump range dataset. Default is image, nncase will use opencv to read your images and autoscale to the desired input size of your model. If the input has 3 channels, ncc will convert images to RGB float tensors [0,1] in NCHW layout. If the input has only 1 channel, ncc will grayscale your images. Set to raw if your dataset is not image dataset for example, audio or matrices. In this scenario you should convert your dataset to raw binaries which contains float tensors.
  • --calibrate-method is to set your desired calibration method, which is used to select the optimal activation ranges. The default is no_clip in that ncc will use the full range of activations. If you want a better quantization result, you can use l2 but it will take a longer time to find the optimal ranges.
  • --preprocess is used specify whether enable preprocessing or not.
  • --swapRB is used specify whether swap red and blue channel or not. You can use this flag to implement RGB2BGR or BGR2RGB feature.
  • --mean is the mean values to be subtracted during preprocessing.
  • --std is the std values to be divided during preprocessing.
  • --input-range is the input range in float after dequantization.
  • --input-shape is used to specify the shape of input data. If the input shape is different from the input shape of your model, the preprocess will add resize/pad ops automatically for the transformation.
  • --letterbox-value is used to specify the pad values when pad is added during preprocessing.
  • --input-type is to set your desired input data type when do inference. If --input-type is uint8, for example you should provide RGB888 uint8 tensors when you do inference. If --input-type is float, you should provide RGB float tensors instead.
  • --output-type is the type of output data.
  • --input-layout is the layout of input data.
  • --output-layout is the layout of output data.
  • --tcu-num is used to configure the number of TCU. 0 means do not configure the number of TCU.
  • --is-fpga is a debug option. It is used to specify whether the kmodel run on fpga or not.
  • --dump-ir is a debug option. It is used to specify whether dump IR or not.
  • --dump-asm is a debug option. It is used to specify whether dump asm file or not.
  • --dump-quant-error is a debug option. It is used to specify whether dump quantization error information or not.
  • --dump-import-op-range is a debug option. It is used to specify whether dump imported op data range or not, need to also specify dump-range-dataset if enabled.
  • --dump-dir is used to specify dump directory.
  • --benchmark-only is used to specify whether the kmodel is used for benchmark or not.

infer command can run your kmodel, and it's often used as debug purpose. ncc will save the model's output tensors to .bin files in NCHW layout.

  • <input file> is your kmodel path.
  • <output path> is the output directory ncc will produce to.
  • --dataset is the test set directory.
  • --dataset-format and --input-layout have the same meaning as in compile command.


Linux build of open deep learning compiler stack for Kendryte K210 AI accelerator






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