Credential Setup
- Move profiles-example.clj to profiles.clj
- Add your accounts to the account list
- Add your google maps key
Running the clojure codebase
cd cljpokego
lein cljsbuild once
lein run
- navigate to localhost:5000
Building javascript portion of lcient
cd modified-heatmap-overlay
npm install
npm run build-push-js
(adds to cljpokego resources/public) <- should switch to this?
- Pokemon icons with mapgl
- Spatially segment and identify composition of segments (PySAL?)
- Aggregate pokemon markers to highlight "spawns"
- Store each pokemon type in a different "markers" layer for simple filtering + easier aggregation
- Set scan location and size from client (I also have a theory that resolution is relevant, ref S2Cell portion of code)
- Login credentials in UI, update UI as multiple accounts are logged in or not
- Could really use some kind of indicator for where is going to be scanned
- Filter by pokemon type (ui)
- Heatmap - general + filtered by pokemon type
- Filter by pokemon type + evolutions? (mostly wonder if there's some kind of pattern)
- Write scanned data to log file or db (centralize?)
- Other player pokemon nicknames aren't visible on gyms, but the data is available
- Map spawn locations
- Local high score list / gym territory map
2016-07-27 14:02
* Removed lein-protobuf, moved cljs, added java sources under src/java