This projects generates the documentation for pipeline jobs.
In order to install and run the project on your local machine, a rough outline of the steps is provided below.
You will need to clone the following repositories
- this repo (
) jenkins-infra/
(this plugin is only used as an easy example; you can run similar commands for other plugins too)
Make sure that the file structure on your local machine is matching with the one mentioned above
You will need to temporarily patch
as follows:
diff --git a/scripts/fetch-external-resources b/scripts/fetch-external-resources
index d3ee8319..cf8e38d2 100755
--- a/scripts/fetch-external-resources
+++ b/scripts/fetch-external-resources
@@ -25,12 +25,6 @@ RESOURCES = [
- [
- '',
- 'content/_tmp/',
- nil,
- 'content/doc/pipeline/steps'
- ],
You will need to manually create a Makefile inside jenkinsci/schedule-build-plugin
; then add the following:
command copies the plugins into the target folder
TAG=$(shell date -I -u)
if [ \! -f target/test-classes/test-dependencies/index -o \
pom.xml -nt target/test-classes/test-dependencies/index ]; then \
mvn clean validate hpi:resolve-test-dependencies; fi
rm -rf plugins
mkdir plugins
cp -v target/test-classes/test-dependencies/*.hpi plugins
Next, run the following commands from this repository (with others in relative positions):
rm -v ../*.adoc
This command runs the makefile created earlier
make -C ../../jenkinsci/schedule-build-plugin copy-plugins
mvn clean install
Next, execute the following line to run this project and generate the documentation.
Note: In case you're working with another plugin, you can replace the path after
-homeDir $(pwd)/../../
with that of your plugin
mvn "-Dexec.args=-classpath %classpath org.jenkinsci.pipeline_steps_doc_generator.PipelineStepExtractor -homeDir $(pwd)/../../jenkinsci/schedule-build-plugin -asciiDest $(pwd)/../ -declarativeDest /tmp/declarative" -Dexec.executable=$(which java) org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.0.0:exec
Finally, build and run the jenkins website
make -C ../ run
Then browse to: http://localhost:4242/doc/pipeline/steps/