This portfolio displays the first five projects I completed in the Team Treehouse: Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree.
Selecting a project takes you to the description page where you can view screenshots or click links taking you either to a live version of the project, or to the GitHub repository.
This portfolio's features include:
✔️ Breakdowns of languages used in each project.
✔️ Custom styling.
✔️ Custom error pages with "back" buttons to return to safety.
Thanks for visiting!
Feedback, follows, and stars are all appreciated!
Developer's Notes:
- In styles.css from line 262 to line 270, I changed the original box-shadow properties and added other properties for a more defined mouse hovering effect.
- Changed sidebar color by changing the sidebar and body background color in styles.css at lines 25 and 140, respectively.
- Changed about page and project pages button colors in styles.css at line 306.