By: Kyler Conant
This is a weather application that will work with a free API called "Meteomatics"
- The application will grab data from the 3 major cities in Arizona and show you the temperature(F) & Wind(m/s).
- Data will be one single data frame and will also show locations.
- The application was made semi-scaleable to add more cities.
- Information is collected hourly and everyday
- Possible database collection
- Adding more cities for more information
- If paying for API I can collect more information
- Possible phone app development with this product
You must register for the free version of the API
To run this code you must:
- pip install requests
- pip install datetime
- pip install geopy
- pip install pandas
The image presented in the Github is the application ran after midnight and before 1:00 am, it only shows one run of each city.