A cross platform desktop application for data for vessels in shipping. Used to demonstrate ways a customer may use the sensor data that the Kyma API provides. The application is built using JavaScript with Electron and the Vue framework.
Requires Yarn
yarn install
yarn run electron:serve
yarn run electron:build
yarn run lint
Takes an email and a password and converts it into a 64bit api key and authenticates with the Kyma server
Lists all vessels and their basic information: /vessels
- id of vessel
- name of vessel
- logData min/max date
- trendData min/Max date
- lastExportDate
Finds log variables active on a vessel: /logvariables/find?vesselId={vesselId}
- id of variable
- name of variable
- min/max limit
- display precision
- units
Finds log data for the specific variable:/logdata/find?logVariableId={logVariableId}&granularity={granularity}&fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}
- Granularity: Frequency of data points(Raw, Minute, QuarterHour, Hour, Day)
- fromDate/toDate: yyyy-mm-dd