RxVolley = Volley + RxAndroid3 + OkHttp3
RxVolley is modified Volley. Removed the HttpClient, and support RxJava.
If you are building with Gradle, simply add the following line to the dependencies
section of your build.gradle
implementation 'com.github.kymjs.rxvolley:rxvolley:3.0.0'
// If use okhttp function
implementation 'com.github.kymjs.rxvolley:okhttp3:3.0.0'
//or okhttp2
implementation 'com.github.kymjs.rxvolley:okhttp:3.0.0'// If use image-loader function
implementation 'com.github.kymjs.rxvolley:image:3.0.0'
Builder pattern to create objects.
HttpParams params = new HttpParams();
//http header, optional parameters
params.putHeaders("cookie", "your cookie");
params.putHeaders("User-Agent", "rxvolley");
//request parameters
params.put("name", "kymjs");
params.put("age", "18");
HttpCallback callBack = new HttpCallback(){
public void onSuccess(String t) {
public void onFailure(int errorNo, String strMsg) {
new RxVolley.Builder()
.httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.GET) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH
.cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min
.contentType(RxVolley.ContentType.FORM)//default FORM or JSON
.shouldCache(true) //default: get true, post false
.encoding("UTF-8") //default
String paramJson = "{\n" +
" \"name\": \"kymjs\", " +
" \"age\": \"18\" " +
//request parameters, json format
HttpParams params = new HttpParams();
// upload progress
ProgressListener listener = new ProgressListener(){
public void onProgress(long transferredBytes, long totalSize){
new RxVolley.Builder()
.httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.POST) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH
.cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min
.shouldCache(true) //default: get true, post false
.progressListener(listener) //upload progress
.encoding("UTF-8") //default
Observable<Result> observable = new RxVolley.Builder()
.httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.POST) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH
.cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min
//do something
RxVolley can be included in any Android application.
RxVolley supports Android 3.1, API12 (HONEYCOMB_MR1) and later.
Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. The "License"