Audiorecorder-Questiontypeplugin for ILIAS 8 (for 5.2.x to 7 see branches and releases)
The questiontype records media with built-in methods of the browser.
This plugin will add a questiontype, that:
- Records the voice of the participant
- Allows pause and resume while the recording is not finished
- Indicates successfull microphone input with a waveform
- Lets the participant rehear the recording
- Supports autosave and forced submission even in case the recording was not properly finished within an interval (see below)
Important for admins:
- The recordings are stored as recording_[active-fi]_[#testpass]_[timestamp].webm in the respective subfolder for assessment in the data directory
- The whole history of recordings is kept to allow the retrival of an earlier submission in case of an error in the browser or in ILIAS
- The size of a single recording will be around 700kB/min - keep in mind that a separate recording is created per autosave/edited submission
- The recordings will be deleted when the participants data or the test itself are deleted
- The interval in which the input is automatically prepared for submission increases over time to ease the CPU-load for the client
- First minute: every 5 seconds
- Minute 1-5: every 10 seconds
- After 5 minutes: every 20 seconds
Install the plugin
mkdir -p Customizing/global/plugins/Modules/TestQuestionPool/Questions
cd Customizing/global/plugins/Modules/TestQuestionPool/Questions
git clone
and activate it in the ILIAS-Admin-GUI. Activate manual correction.
Audio capture not yet possible with Safe Exam Browser 3.x
The plugin uses a flash-free approach which is not yet compatible with all browsers as the technology is currently work-in-progress at W3C. See:
Textual feedback about the length of a recording is only provided in Firefox
- Development by Christoph Jobst