This is a Dockerfile to build a (minimal) container image for a dancer app, with the ability to use local app or to pull code from git.
The container will eventually use environment variables to configure your web application.
The source files for this project can be found here:
If you have any improvements please submit a pull request.
The Docker hub build can be found here:
Pull the image from the docker index rather than downloading the git repo.
This prevents you having to build the image on every docker host.
docker pull ngineered/dancer:latest
To simply run the container:
sudo docker run --name dancer -p 80:5000 -d ngineered/dancer
You can then browse to http://<docker_host>:80 or http://localhost:80 or to view the site.
If you want to link to your app directory on the docker host to the container run:
sudo docker run --name dancer -p 80:5000 -v /your_code_directory:/var/www -d ngineered/dancer
One of the nice features of this container is its ability to pull code from a git repository with a couple of environmental variables passed at run time.
To run the container and pull code simply specify the GIT_REPO URL.
sudo docker run -e 'GIT_REPO=' -p 80:5000 -d ngineered/dancer
To pull a repository and specify a branch add the GIT_BRANCH environment variable:
sudo docker run -e 'GIT_REPO=' -e 'GIT_BRANCH=dev' -p 80:5000 -d ngineered/dancer
To push code changes back to git simply run:
sudo docker exec -t -i <CONATINER_NAME> /usr/bin/push
In order to refresh the code in a container and pull newer code form git simply run:
sudo docker exec -t -i <CONTAINER_NAME> /usr/bin/pull
- [] Ensure the
is configurable at runtime (as in within the container) - [] Ensure the
is configurable at runtime (not too sure why that would be usefull)/ ensure that making so it not needed - [] Ensure that the environment variable that plack support are all documented with example.
- [] Ensure that configuration file and environment file are also made into an option via env variable
- [] Make middleware/webserver available eg. Starman (create a new image each?)
- [] Look into carton exec and using git in the building part (create another image?)