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- summary Ways to get involved with AdBlock
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!AdBlock is a small open source project with a large user base, so your contribution can make a big impact.
To participate: *read the [ProjectOverview]*, find something interesting below, and feel free to ask questions. Have fun!
Outside the Issue Tracker, you can [#Answering_questions_from_users] in the help forum or [HowToTranslate] into your language.
- Everything else happens in the Issue Tracker.* You can:
* [#Verifying_issues verify a bug report or feature request], checking that it is legitimate and that it makes sense. * [#Investigating_ad_reports investigate a reported ad], so we know how best to get rid of it. * [#Debugging_issues find the cause] of a reported bug. * [#Writing_patches write code] to fix one of the many Issues awaiting attention.
- If you like contributing to !AdBlock, [WaysToHelpInstructions#Joining_the_project].* Then you'll be listed as a project member, and will have the power to:
* [#Unlabeling_MoreInfoNeeded_s unlabel MoreInfoNeeded issues] when the info arrives. Otherwise these Issues stay hidden and we don't handle them. * [#Triaging_issues triage an issue], doing whatever is needed to help move it forward. * [#Reviewing_code do a code review] - the author of the code will appreciate it. * [#Integrating_translations integrate a new translation].
_Once you're familiar with the project, you can use the "Task links" above to go straight to the Issues for the tasks you enjoy.
If you like doing everything, you may prefer to just watch the "`changed-this-week`" list and tackle any recently modified Issues as needed._
Each of the sections below is linked to from above; just read the ones that interest you.
Users file new Issue reports when they find a bug or have a feature request. As the very first step in handling the Issue, we must make sure we know what they are talking about.
When a new Issue labeled `Type-Defect` (bug report) or `Type-Enhancement` (feature request) arrives in this list, do the following:
* Add a comment asking for any missing info that we asked for in the [http://code.google.com/p/adblockforchrome/issues/entry?template=Defect defect Issue template] or [http://code.google.com/p/adblockforchrome/issues/entry?template=Feature%20request%20from%20user enhancement Issue template]. Here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Filling_in_missing_information detailed instructions] if you want them.
* Add a comment to `Type-Defect` Issues saying whether you can see the buggy behavior on your end. If no one can see the behavior, we can't proceed with fixing the bug. Here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Reproducing_bugs detailed instructions] for reproducing bugs.
Users can use !AdBlock's built-in ad reporting wizard when they see an ad. The wizard usually tells the user to report the ad elsewhere, to the people who run the "filter lists" containing lists of known ads to block. But sometimes the wizard thinks the ad is not due to a missing filter, but due to a problem in !AdBlock itself.
In that case, the wizard tells the user to file a new Issue reporting the ad. We then go figure out exactly how we're going to handle the situation. Here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Investigating_ad_reports] for how to do that. (You'll only need to refer to them a couple of times before you get the hang of it.)
Here are all the ad reports to investigate. The ones that have been waiting longest for attention are listed first.
_If you enjoy investigating ad reports, you can subscribe to the `Type-AdReport` label to be emailed when a new ad report comes in._
Once a bug has been [#Verifying_issues], we need to know the cause in order to fix it. The person who finds the cause doesn't have to be the person who fixes the bug. If you don't feel that you have the time or ability to write code, you can still save someone else time by figuring out where in the code the problem lies -- and I'm sure they would appreciate your effort! This is also a great way to get to know !AdBlock's code better, to prepare you to submit your own patches.
If you're not familiar with extension development, here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Debugging_issues] for how to debug in the browser, and to get !AdBlock's code onto your machine if you need it.
When you're done, [WaysToHelpInstructions#When_you're_finished_debugging] you should update the Issue with your findings.
Here are all the Issues awaiting debugging. The ones that have been waiting longest for attention are listed first.
Code contributions are always welcome! In short, you find an interesting feature or bug report, get !AdBlock's code, make your changes according to the [WaysToHelpInstructions#Coding_style], then add a patchfile to the report. Here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Writing_patches] if you need them.
After a few of your patches have been accepted, you should [WaysToHelpInstructions#Joining_the_project] and ask for Commit permission. This makes writing, submitting, reviewing, and collaborating on code easier.
Here are all the open bug reports and feature requests. Bug reports that have been debugged already are listed first; otherwise, Issues that have been waiting longest for attention are listed first.
The Support page at [Support] lets users email !AdBlock's help forum with questions. It would be great if you would help respond, so users are answered quickly!
To sign up, go to the help forum and click "Join Group". Tell it to send you email for each message that arrives.
When you reply to an email, be sure to *reply-all*, because by default, replies only go to the author, not the group. If the author replies directly back to you, for posterity cc adblockforchrome-discuss@googlegroups.com again when you reply back.
In addition to directing users to the help forum, [Support] tells users to either read the [FrequentlyAskedQuestions] or [PaymentsFAQ]; to go to getadblock.com/bugs to solve simple problems or file a new Issue report; or to email Michael @getadblock.com directly. Read those pages so you know when to point users to one of those resources. And over time you'll learn how to answer more questions.
There's only one rule: *be polite* :)
Some useful links when composing your message:
getadblock.com/support getadblock.com/bugs getadblock.com/faq getadblock.com/faq/uninstall getadblock.com/faq/textenhance getadblock.com/faq/hunting`And `getadblock.com` itself opens the install page for the user's browser.
_You must be a [WaysToHelpInstructions#Joining_the_project] to triage issues._
New Issues are always being filed, and they start out as `Status:New` in the triage list. Triage is the process of *moving them out of that list*, one step closer to being closed.
Without triage, the Issue Tracker gets messy, important Issues go unnoticed for too long, and some Issues get missed entirely. Triage is therefore one of the most *important and useful things that you can do to help*. It takes more knowledge of the project than most other tasks, and is also the most complex task, since you're making a judgment call on how to proceed with the Issue, then doing whatever may be necessary to start the process.
Here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Triaging_issues] for how to triage an Issue. (You'll only need to refer to them a couple of times before you get the hang of it.)
Here are all the untriaged Issues. The ones that have been waiting longest for attention are listed first.
_If you enjoy triaging issues, you can subscribe to the `Type-Defect` and `Type-Enhancement` labels to be notified when a new report comes in. You'll get emailed all the updates too, that way, so you'll probably want to filter out the followup emails using email filters._
_You must be a [WaysToHelpInstructions#Joining_the_project] to unlabel issues._
We label an Issue `MoreInfoNeeded` when we're waiting on a user to leave a comment with more information. This removes it from most of the lists of Issues, since we can't really take action on them without that information.
Later, we must remove the label (if there was a reply) or close the Issue (if no reply ever came). Here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Unlabeling_MoreInfoNeeded_s] for how to do that. (You'll only need to refer to them a couple of times before you get the hang of it.)
Here are all the MoreInfoNeeded Issues. The *most* recently modified ones are listed first, as they are the ones that probably have been replied to. The ones listed last are getting old.
_If you enjoy handling `MoreInfoNeeded` issues, you can subscribe to the `MoreInfoNeeded` label to be emailed when replies come in from users._
_You must be a [WaysToHelpInstructions#Joining_the_project] to integrate translations._
!AdBlock is translated from English into dozens of languages. Whenever a sentence is added or changed in the English version, the Spanish translator adds or changes the Spanish sentence, the Slovak translator adds or changes the Slovak sentence, etc.
We let anybody offer translations, and they can make mistakes. So we review their changes before integrating them into !AdBlock itself. Here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Integrating_translations] on how to do that. (You'll only need to refer to them a couple of times before you get the hang of it.)
Here are all translations, with the most recently modified (possibly containing an update) listed first.
_If you enjoy integrating translations, you can subscribe to the `Type-L10N` label to be emailed when translators make changes. That's easier than checking every translation manually for updates._
_You must be a [WaysToHelpInstructions#Joining_the_project] to review code._
Code that goes into !AdBlock's trunk is almost always reviewed first. Having at least one other person see your code greatly increases the chance of getting it right.
Anyone may review code. Even if you don't understand that area of !AdBlock, you can comment on style and suggest ways to simplify or clarify the code. Even if you don't have time to download and test the code, you can still read it in the browser.
Here are [WaysToHelpInstructions#Detailed_instructions_for:_Reviewing_code] for how to do that. (You'll only need to refer to them a couple of times before you get the hang of it.)
Here are all the Issues awaiting code review. The ones that have been waiting longest for attention are listed first.