- Linux Survival:
A very good app for understanding basic and not-so commands for a novice user, especially the first stage.
Good guide about HTTP to understand what it is and how to use it.
- Intro to Git and GitHub:
Listen to 3th and 4th weeks of the course, repeated the basic terms and moments.
- Learn Git Branching:
Came out harder than expected, especially the To Origin and Beyond part.
- Intro to HTML and CSS on Coursera:
- Learn HTML and CSS(Codecademy)
Course from Codecademy was better and relevant than the course from Coursera
I thought it would be easier, but no. As I a plactical learner, it was easier at the end of the work in assignment, that at the beginning
As for me, I learn and memorize in practice and I lacked good examples and explanations because of this, the course quite difficult. The course, not JS
In progress...
In progress...
In progress...