Releases: la3za/Multi-Face-GPS-Clock
v2.2.1 2024-09-30
v2.2.0 2024-06-09
NextEvents() - New screen showing Next Equinox/Solstice, Easter, Lunar/Solar Eclipses in sorted order
SolarEclipse() - New screen showing solar eclipses for this year and coming years (table-based -> 2030)
Equinoxes() - New screen for time of equinoxes and solstices
Demo mode: Choice of increase, decrease, or random next screen number in Secondary menu
More languages selectable: {"en", "es", "fr", "de", "no", "se", "dk", "is", ...
Any language with max 4 special letters can be implemented -
InternalTime(): Julian Day - jd - (since 4713 BC) displayed instead of local now()
-- jd variable renamed to jd1970 in InternalTime() and Sidereal() -
UTCLocator(1) now has same layout as LocalUTC(1)
-- UTCLOCALLANGUAGE if defined (default): UTCLocator() day also in local language, was always English -
No longer need to reset processor on GPS baudrate change.
-- CodeStatus shown for a brief period after setting GPS baudrate or PPS flag -
Rewritten to use the more accurate longer instead of and sunpos from,
-- Sunrise library was inaccurate, obsolete, and won't compile for Metro Express without a fix -
Now runs on Adafruit Metro Express (M0). Much faster Hebrew calendar
-- Some fixes to code which was OK for Mega, but not Metro Express: RotarySetup(), Sidereal(), [Sunrise.cpp]
-- Metro Express: Flash as EEPROM OK but Reminder() won't work with flash. Interrupt works, but not software reset -
Changed definition of languageNumber: -1 was English, now 0 is English
Saved dynamic memory by using lcd.print(F(" ")) and putting MyDays in PROGMEM
Fixes for ver 2.1.0:
-- More accurate prediction of sun rise/set times
-- Nesting error in RotarySetup(): case 4: local language. Only apparent for fast processor like Metro
-- More accurate formula for Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter magnitudes in clock_z_planets.h, now follows Meeus [thanks Richard]
-- Islamic, Hebrew clock's second didn't increment immediately. Now less latency as routine is entered and at full minute
v2.1.0 2024-01-21
- Optional interrupt-driven time setting from GPS PPS
-- New parameters in Secondary menu: PPS enabled/disabled - Several sets of user-defined characters for LCD enabled:
-- WSPR: Progressbar showing on lower line
-- New screens: BigNumbers3 clock with digits w=3 x h=2 squares big: local time or UTC (the best looking ones)
-- New screens: BigNumbers2 clock with digits w=2 x h=3 squares big: local time or UTC
-- LinearUhr now indicates 5 x 12 second ticks within minute square
-- Clock based on Bar() now shows real bar of width 1, 2, 3, 4 by switching user-defined character sets - More screens that change every 5/10 seconds. In addition to ScreenUTCPosition, ScreenNCDXFBeacons1,
ScreenNCDXFBeacons2, ScreenPlanetsInner
-- also ScreenLocalSunSimpler, ScreenISOHebIslam, ScreenReminder - Completely rewritten and corrected multiple timezone handling with Timezone library
- 4 ArrowCharacters now in PROGMEM, saves 8 bytes per LCD character, ie. 32 for 4 arrows
- ISOHebIslam now has display of lunar phase with lunar calendars, Islamic, Hebrew
- NCDXF beacon switch-over was 1 second too late, now corrected
- Changed loop counter for Demo, no longer absolute time as it failed for corrupt GPS time
- Better test of GPS quality before estimating SNR
- Small formatting fixes for LCD display and updating when time-out from Setup
- Changed several "if (cond1 & cond2)" to "if (cond1 && cond2)"
- Removed support for potentiometer for backlight control as it is now done through menu system
v2.0.0 2023-08-02
All parameters can now be set by using the rotary encoder. That includes:
- Selection among several subsets of clock faces: All, Favorites, Calendar, Fancy clocks, Astronomy, Radio amateur
- Backlight value can be set
- Date format
- Time zone
- Local language (English, Spanish, French, German, Norwegian)
- Secondary menu gives access to GPS baudrate, Dwell time per screen in demo mode, etc
Values are stored in EEPROM and are used next time the clock is powered up
This means that a typical user should not have to edit a single file for using the clock more or less anywhere in the world.
v1.6.0 (2023-04-14)
ChemicalElements: new display
GPSInfo() now indicates 0 satellites etc when GPS signal is lost
UTCLocator() and UTCPosition(): Replaced gps.satellites.isValid with gps.satellites.isUpdated in order to see loss of GPS signal immediately in the no of satellites
Small formatting changes in LocalSunMoon(), localMoon()
A few bug fixes
v1.5.0 2022-11-03
Fixed some minor problems. New screens for Inner and Outer planets, Islamic and Hebrew calendar, GPS Status Info. Added ISO week number option
v1.4.0 2022-07-25
Multiple language support for day names when local time is displayed.
Cleaned display from LcdSolarRiseSet for Northern positions in case sun never goes below Civil, Nautical, Astronomical limit in summer
v1.3.0 2022-04-05
New Screens:
WordClock, DemoClock, Sidereal, Morse, Roman
v1.2.0: Ver 1.2.0 2022-01-22
MathClock (+,-,*,/)
Simplified menu order selection