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Create body_part_identification.yaml
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new config file for body part identification.
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KaijieMo1 authored Nov 2, 2020
1 parent 5317528 commit e512f63
Showing 1 changed file with 396 additions and 0 deletions.
396 changes: 396 additions & 0 deletions config/new/body_part_identification.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@

## MedSegmentation configuration

# Name of the data
# Choose the data for the whole project.
dataset : [TULIP3T] # either known database [NAKO_AT,DIXON,TULIP1_5T,TULIP3T,NAKO,KORA]
#(i.e. converting and loading as TFRecords) or leave empty (only test/prediction) -> direct loading from Nifty, information specified in PREDICTION
project: NORA # project name
exp_name: exp0 # experiment name (used for storage)

# Seed for fixing the random data
tensorflow_seed: 1
numpy_seed: 1
random_seed: 1
seed_random_split: 1 # random seed of splitting data


# Paths for database
# root dir of data image and label, for more detailed configuration, please define them in med_io/
NAKO_AT: /mnt/data/rawdata/NAKO/AT_NAKO/AT_NAKO
DIXON: /mnt/data/rawdata/mMR_DIXON
TULIP1_5T: /mnt/data/rawdata/TULIP_PLIS/1_5T
TULIP3T: /mnt/data/rawdata/TULIP_PLIS/3T
NAKO: /mnt/data/rawdata/NAKO/NAKO_200_WB_GRE
KORA: /mnt/data/rawdata/KORA

NAKO_AT: /mnt/data/rawdata/NAKO/AT_NAKO/AT_NAKO
DIXON: /mnt/data/rawdata/mMR_DIXON
TULIP1_5T: /mnt/data/rawdata/TULIP_PLIS/1_5T
TULIP3T: /mnt/data/rawdata/TULIP_PLIS/3T
NAKO: /mnt/data/projects/Segmentation/NAKO_labels
KORA: /mnt/data/rawdata/KORA
# root directory of saving tfrecord files
NAKO_AT: ../data/tfrecords/NAKO_AT
DIXON: ../data/tfrecords/DIXON
TULIP1_5T: ../data/tfrecords/TULIP1_5T
TULIP3T: ../data/tfrecords/TULIP3T
NAKO: ../data/tfrecords/NAKO
KORA: ../data/tfrecords/KORA

# root dir of creating and saving tfrecord data
# filename of pickle files of storing the paths tfrecord data
TULIP1_5T: list_TULIP1_5T

# filename of pickle files of storing the paths max shape
NAKO_AT: NAKO_AT_max_shape
DIXON: DIXON_max_shape
TULIP1_5T: TULIP1_5T_max_shape
TULIP3T: TULIP3T_max_shape
NAKO: NAKO_max_shape
KORA: KORA_max_shape

# Channel Configuration
# Name of the input data channels
NAKO_AT: [F, W, in, opp]
DIXON: [f, umap, w]
TULIP1_5T: [img]
TULIP3T: [img]
KORA: [F, in, opp, W]

# Name of the output data channels, i.e. segmentation classes
DIXON: [f, l, w]
NAKO: [kidney_left, kidney_right, liver, pancreas, spleen]
KORA: [liver2d, spleen2d]
# Input and Output channel selection
# Choose the indices of the channels as format list,
# for example, name of the channel [A, B, C, D]. if choose channel B and D, write:[1,3]
# Index number must be no greater than max index of channel. Leave empty if choose all channels.
# Abbreviations:
# F/f/iso_F: fat, W/w/iso_W: water, opp/iso_opp: opposed-phase, in/iso_in: in-phase
# AT: subcutaneous adipose tissue, BG: background, LT/l: lean tissue, VAT: visceral adipose tissue
NAKO_AT: [0,1,2,3] # name of the channel: [F, W, in, opp]
DIXON: [0,1] # name of the channel: ['f', 'umap', 'w']
TULIP1_5T: # name of the channel : [img]
TULIP3T: [0] # name of the channel : [img]
NAKO: [0,1] # name of the channel:[DIXF, DIXW, PFP/SAT_1.23, PFP/SAT_2.46]
KORA: [0,3] # name of the channel ['_iso_F_', '_iso_in_', '_iso_opp_', '_iso_W_']

NAKO_AT: [0,1,2,3] # name of the channel: [AT, BG, LT, VAT]
DIXON: # name of the channel: ['f', 'l', 'w']
TULIP1_5T: # name of the channel: [AT, BG, LT, VAT]
TULIP3T: [0] # name of the channel: [AT, BG, LT, VAT]
NAKO: [1,2] # name of the channel: ['kidney_left', 'kidney_right', 'liver', 'pancreas', 'spleen']
KORA: [0,1] # name of the channel: ['liver2d', 'spleen2d']

# Splitting data
# Amount of fold of train/val data for each dataset. Leave empty if not use k fold for training of this dataset.
TULIP1_5T: 4
k_fold_merge_model: False

# select a specific subject for testing. A list of integers pointing into the dataset_info/database_pickle dump . Leave empty to use a random splitting into train, val, test

# Database for body_identification
read_body_identification: True
body_identification_n_classes: 6
# Image transform for database-specific corrections
# image intensity scaling/normalization
globalscale: False # bool, True: normalization of whole volume, False: axis-independent scaling

# Split dataset
ratio_test_to_train_val: 0.2 # ratio test to (train and validation) (tfrecords)
ratio_val_to_train: 0.2 # ratio validation to training (tfrecords)


# Saved models dir
saved_models_dir: ./saved_models
# Saved result dir
result_rootdir: ./result
dir_model_checkpoint: ./model_checkpoint
dir_dataset_info: ./dataset_info
dir_list_tfrecord: ./list_tfrecord

# Pipeline tf.dataset Configuration
num_parallel_calls: 4 # number parallel calls of
shuffle: 60 # shuffle seed of
index_shuffle: True

# Batch
batch: 100 # batch size of training model
evaluate_batch_size: 1 # batch size of evaluating model
predict_batch_size: 2 # batch size of predicting model

# Patch
patch_size: [1,200,16] # patch size of the model, Type list of n int, n=dimension. # body identification network :[1, X, Y]
patch_start: # patch size of the model, Type list of n int, n=dimension.
patch_end: # patch size of the model, Type list of n int, n=dimension.
patch_overlap_rate: 0.0 # value in [0,1)
squeeze_channel: True # Type bool, extract the first channel from the input image to the model. (For model body identification=True,others=False)
predict_patch_overlap_rate: 0.0 #value in [0,1)
#unpatch_overlap_rate: 0.0 # value in [0,1)
random_shift_patch: False # shift the patch or not for augmention
use: False # True if patch by pdf
normal: # True if use normal distribution
use: False
mu: # list of 3 floats/integers
sigma: # list of 3 floats/integers
uniform: # True if use uniform distribution

## MODEL ##
# Model (to train, evaluate, test)
model: model_body_identification_classification # model_U_net_double_decoder # model name, must be chosen from class ModelSet in models/
# or premodel name, (can be chosen from class Premodel_Set in models/
filters: 8 # base number of filters of the model
feed_pos: False # True if the position of the patches is input to the model
pos_noise_stdv: 0.01 # standard variation of feed position
multi_gpu: False
train_premodel: False # True if continue training the pre-trained model

# Premodel
# load_weights_only: True , load_premodel: False -> load model from models/ and saved_models_dir
# load_weights_only: True , load_premodel: True -> load model from models/ and saved_premodels_path
# load_weights_only: False , load_premodel: True -> load model from saved_premodels_path without pre-defining its structure
# load_weights_only: False , load_premodel: False -> Error

load_weights_only: True #( False: dilated_densenet,Exp_DenseNet_feedpos2-loaded, .., others are True.)
load_premodel: False

select_premodel_output_channel: # Sometimes the premodel output channels are not corresponded to channels in labels.
# It must be set to be the same amount channels as the labels
# For example, if choose channel 1 and 3 , write [1,3], if choose only channel 1, write [1]
# Leave empty if num(premodel output channels)= num(label channels)
model_output_size: # Sometimes the premodel output size is different from premodel input size. Set the model output size here.
# for example, if 3D output size is 24, write [24,24,24]. e.g. network dilated_densenet
#The values in model_output_size must be no greater than values in patch_size,
# Leave empty if the premodel output size is same as premodel input size.

custom_layer: # The name of additional layer from the model (e.g. resize_3D in dilated_densenet).
#All the names must be chosen from the class in models/ Leave empty if not used.
model_add_background_output: False # Type bool, add one channel from the model output when building the model. If segmentation has no background label, it better to set True here.
img_label_same_shape: False

# Epochs and steps
epochs: 10 # total training epochs
train_steps_per_epoch: # steps per one training epoch
val_steps_per_epoch: 3 # validation steps per epoch
evaluate_step: 20 # evaluation steps per epoch
save_training_model_period: 2 # epoch for saving the model
validation_freq: 1 # num epoch for one valiation process

# Verbose
evaluate_verbose_mode: 1
train_verbose_mode: 1

# Parameters of convolution layer if the model has convolution
convolution_parameter :
padding: same
num_parallel_calls: 1
kernel_regularizer: [l2,0.01]
dilation_rate: 1
kernel_initializer: he_normal

# Compile model
# Metrics of model
tensorflow_metrics: [accuracy] # metric defined in categorical_crossentropy
custom_metrics: [] #[recall_all,recall_per_class] # metric defined by custom, must be chosen from models/
# Loss
loss_functions: # loss function of the network, must be chosen from models/, if weight=0 it is not considered
# loss function name: weight
#dice_coefficient_loss: 0
#sigmoid_focal_crossentropy: 0
use_multiple_loss_function: False # True if use multiple_loss_fuction for multiple network outputs, else loss_functions is applied on single output note.
# name of notes of neural network outputs, If key loss_functions is applied on this note, write "loss_functions"
# Example of network model_body_identification_hybrid
class: binary_crossentropy # model_body_identification_hybrid output 1
reg: MSE # model_body_identification_hybrid output 2
loss_channel_weight: [1,5,8,2,6,3]
use_tensorflow_loss_function: True
tensorflow_loss_function: categorical_crossentropy

# parameter of optimizer , name : must be one in [SGD, Nadam, Adadelta, Adagrad, Adam, Adamax, Ftrl, RMSprop]
# arg: input of each optimizer function, see
name: Adam
learning_rate: 0.001



load_predict_from_tfrecords: True # If load nifti, write False, True if loaded from tfrecords.

# Without tfrecords
predict_data_dir_img: F:/nifti/NIFTI # path of prediction image, # paths of nifti file which are defined in nifti yaml file can be leave empty here.
predict_load_label: False # load label if predict data is available
predict_data_dir_label: # path of prediction label
path_yaml_file: # Path of additional yaml file
predict_nifti: D:/test_code/medseg/predict_data_processing/process_config/nifti.yaml # Path of prediction nifti yaml file, which more info of nifti can be set (path, orientation etc.)
# path of pre-trained model for prediction is in item saved_premodels_path.

# predict config
set_zero_by_threshold: True # True if param unpatch_start_threshold is activated
unpatch_start_threshold: 0.01 # The pixel is set to 0 if the value is smaller than unpatch_start_threshold
predict_image_scale: 1 # gain of the predict input image (adjustment if e.g. provided as Nifty)
predict_output_channel_order: # type list of integers, change the order of the output channel from predict result

predict_result_add_background_output: False # True if adding background of predict result
label_add_background_output: True # True if adding background channel in the label

predict_label_datatype: nii
predict_img_datatype: nii # string: file type of prediction image (before conversion), 'dicom' or 'mat' or 'nii'
max_shape: True # Bool, scale by max shape, for loading tfrecords dataset.
image_shape: # Bool, scale by current image shape, not for loading tfrecords dataset.
custom_specified: # list of 3 integers, custom scaling


# For data which has only images and without labels, any 'label_integers','label', 'label_onehot' should be deleted.

# Save predict data
save_predict_data: False

# Plot image
# name of the plotting figure by predicting the dataset. If multiple plots are needed. write: [plot_name_A, plot_name_B ...]
# further details are specified below
plot_figure: [plot_combine]
select_body_identification_predict_slice: 85

# Colors of the categories in the plot. type list of list of 3 floats, the float must be in [0,1]
colormap: [[0, 0, 0.1], [0, 0.2, 0.8], [0, 1, 0.5], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], [0.2, 0.1, 0.8],
[0.8, 0.2, 0.1]]

# Display which channel image is the background of the original image
display_origin_image_channel: 0
plot_mosaic: predict_integers # select predict_integers or label_integers
profile_plot_by_slice: [predict_integers,label_integers] # select predict_integers or label_integers
plot_area_ratio: [predict,label] # predict or label

plot_combine: predict
slice_dim: 0 # slice_dim: type int: dimension index of slicing. For 3D, 0 for Sagittal plain, 1 for Coronal plane, 2 for Axial plane.
colormap: # type list of list of 3 floats: color value of each category from :param: mask
vspace: 2 # type int, vertical interval between each mosaic sub-figure. vspace=0 if no space between them.
hspace: 2 # type int, horizontal interval between each mosaic sub-figure. vspace=0 if no space between them.
col: 5 # type int: the column of mosaic figure
origin_image: # type ndarray: original 3D image (input image) with specified channel
alpha_origin: 0.6 # type float in [0,1]: transparency of :param: origin_image
dataset: # type str: name of the dataset
name_ID: # type str: name ID of the plotted image

slice_: 80 # type int: slice index of displaying image
channel_only: 1 # type int, Select only one output channel to display, leave empty if display all channels
slice_dim: 0 # slice_dim: type int: dimension index of slicing. For 3D, 0 for Sagittal plain, 1 for Coronal plane, 2 for Axial plane.
space: 1 #type int, space between the images
title_list: [predict] #type list of str: title of the images
origin_image: # type ndarray: original image (input image)
alpha_origin: 0.5 #type float in [0,1]: transparency of :param: origin_image
figure_layout: c # type str: layout of subplots, 'c' for column and 'r' for row.
colormap: # type list of list of 3 floats: color value of each category from :param: mask_list
name_ID: # type str: name ID of the plotted image
dataset: #type str: name of the dataset

slice_dim: 0 # slice_dim: type int: dimension index of slicing. For 3D, 0 for Sagittal plane, 1 for Coronal plane, 2 for Axial plane.
merge_channel_plot: False # type bool, True if plot all in one figure
plot_label_series: [predict,label] # type list of str: name of each series, default: ['predict', 'label']
dataset: # type str: name of this dataset
figsize: [20,40] # type list of 2 ints, figure size


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