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This is a FastAPI-based project that provides essential functionality for a web application.

Getting Started

To get started with the Project M Backend, follow the steps below:

1. Install Dependencies

Run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

uv sync

2. Activate the Virtual Environment

Activate the virtual environment using the following command:


3. Initialize the Pre-Commit Hooks

Run the following command to initialize pre-commit hooks to ensure consistent code formatting and linting before each commit:

uv run pre-commit install

4. Run the Application

Start the FastAPI development server with the following command:

uv run fastapi dev ./src/

This will run the FastAPI application with live reloading enabled.

Before Committing

Ensure that your code is properly formatted and passes linting before committing by running these commands:

1. Format the Code

uv run ruff format .

2. Check Linting

uv run ruff check .

Folder Structure

The folder structure of the project is organized as follows:

    .github                 # GitHub Workflow Configs
    .vscode                 # Visual Studio Code Configs
        /configs            # Configuration files for the application
        /functions          # Contains routes functions
        /interfaces         # Contains interfaces for the application
        /models             # Contains database models
        /queries            # Contains queries for the application
        /routes             # Contains routes for the application
        /utils              # Contains utility functions
        /            # Entry point for the application
    /tests                  # Contains unit tests and integration tests
    .editorconfig           # Defines coding styles and formatting rules
    .gitattributes          # Defines attributes for files
    .gitignore              # Specifies files to ignore in Git
    .pre-commit-config.yaml # Configuration file for pre-commit hooks
    .python-version         # Specifies the Python version used by the project                # Build script for the application
    ruff.toml               # Configuration file for the Ruff linter and formatter
    pyproject.toml          # Project configurations and dependencies               # Project documentation
    LICENSE                 # License information


This project is licensed under the Private License. The copyright and ownership rights to the code are solely held by the project owner.