This is a FastAPI-based project that provides essential functionality for a web application.
To get started with the Project M Backend, follow the steps below:
Run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:
uv sync
Activate the virtual environment using the following command:
Run the following command to initialize pre-commit hooks to ensure consistent code formatting and linting before each commit:
uv run pre-commit install
Start the FastAPI development server with the following command:
uv run fastapi dev ./src/
This will run the FastAPI application with live reloading enabled.
Ensure that your code is properly formatted and passes linting before committing by running these commands:
uv run ruff format .
uv run ruff check .
The folder structure of the project is organized as follows:
.github # GitHub-related files
.vscode # Visual Studio Code-related files
/routes # Contains all the API route definitions # Root route and basic endpoints # Example of additional route files
/models # Contains ORM models and database schemas # User model # Post model
/config # Configuration files for the app # Settings for environment variables # Database connection configuration
/hooks # Custom hooks or utility functions
/tests # Contains unit tests and integration tests
.editorconfig # Defines coding styles between different editors and IDEs
.gitattributes # Defines attributes for files
.gitignore # Specifies files to ignore in Git
.pre-commit-config.yaml # Configuration file for pre-commit hooks
.python-version # Specifies the Python version used by the project # Build script for the application
ruff.toml # Configuration file for the Ruff linter and formatter
pyproject.toml # Project configurations and dependencies # Project documentation
LICENSE # License information
- /routes: Contains all the route files where API endpoints are defined. Each route file corresponds to a feature or resource of the application (e.g.,
- /models: Contains the database models that define the structure of your data in the database (e.g.,
- /config: Contains configuration files for various services and settings such as database connection, environment variables, etc. (e.g.,
- /hooks: Contains custom utility functions or hooks that are shared across different parts of the application.
This project is licensed under the Private License. The copyright and ownership rights to the code are solely held by the project owner.