,您可以编写简洁的Python代码来控制硬件,而不必使用复杂的底层语言(例如C或C ++)(Arduino用于编程的语言)。对初学者来说很棒!
- 由于MicroPython与mPython会存在细微区别,并不一定完全能在mPython上运行。同时我们也会标识出哪些驱动可在mPython上正常运行。
- 对应一些需要二次修改才能使用的驱动或经典的驱动,我们将会收收纳至awesome-mpython/library。
ADXL345-with-Pyboard - ADXL345 16g 3轴加速度计
adxl345_micropython - ADXL345 16g 3轴加速度计
micropython-lis2hh12 - LIS2HH12 3轴加速度计
MMA7660 - MMA7660 1.5g 3轴加速度计
CCS811 - CCS811 空气质量传感器
upython-aq-monitor - PMS5003 颗粒物浓度传感器
micropython-bme280 - Bosch BME280 气象传感器(温度/湿度/气压)
mpy_bme280_esp8266 - Bosch BME280 气象传感器(温度/湿度/气压)
wipy_bme280 - Bosch BME280 气象传感器(温度/湿度/气压)
micropython-bmp180 - Bosch BMP180 气象传感器(温度/气压/海拔)
micropython-ov2640 - MicroPython class for OV2640 camera.
micropython-esp8266-hmc5883l - 3轴数字指南针
pyb_ina219 - INA219 电压/电流传感器
micropython-gp2y0e03 - Sharp GP2Y0E03 红外测距传感器
micropython-vl53l0x - VL53L0X Time-of-Flight 激光测距模块
micropython-vl6180 - vl6180近距离感测器(光学测距/环境光线)
micropython-hcsr04 - HC-SR04/05 超声波测距
ATM90E26_Micropython -ATM90E26 功率测量
micropython-MQ - MQ系列烟雾传感器
MQ135 - MQ135 烟雾传感器
MicroPython-SI1145 - SI1145 光线传感器(紫外光/可见光/红外光)
micropython-tsl2561 - TSL2561 数字光强传感器
mpy_bh1750fvi_esp8266 - BH1750FVI 数字光强传感器
micropython-bmx055 - Driver for Bosch BMX055 IMU sensor.
micropython-bno055 - Bosch Sensortec BNO055 9DOF IMU sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-lsm9ds0 - LSM9DS0 g-force linear acceleration, gauss magnetic and dps angular rate sensors.
micropython-mpu9250 - I2C driver for MPU9250 9-axis motion tracking device.
micropython-mpu9x50 - Driver for the InvenSense MPU9250 inertial measurement unit.
MPU6050-ESP8266-MicroPython - ESP8266 driver for MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope.
py-mpu6050 - ESP8266 driver for MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope.
micropython-chirp - Driver for the Chirp Soil Moisture Sensor.
micropython-max31855 - Thermocouple amplifier, SPI interface.
max31856 - Precision thermocouple to digital converter with linearization, SPI interface.
bme680-mqtt-micropython - Driver for BME680 gas, pressure, temperature and humidity sensor.
LM75-MicroPython - Driver for LM75 digital temperature sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-am2320 - Aosong AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-dht12 - Aosong DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-hdc1008 - Driver for the Texas Instruments HDC1008 humidity and temperature sensor.
micropython-mcp9808 - Driver for the Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor.
micropython-mpl115a2 - Pyboard driver for the MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor.
micropython-sht30 - Driver for SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor.
micropython-sht31 - Driver for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor.
micropython-Si7005 - Driver for Si7005 relative humidity and temperature sensor.
micropython-si7021 - SI7021 Temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-si7021 - SI7021 Temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
micropython-Si705x - Silicon Labs Si705x series of temperature sensors, I2C interface.
micropython-Si70xx - Silicon Labs Si70xx series of relative humidity and temperature sensors, I2C interface.
micropython-tmp102 - Driver for TMP102 digital temperature sensor.
SHT10_uPython - Driver for SHT10 temperature and humidity sensor.
sht25-micropython - Driver for SHT25 temperature and humidity sensor.
micropython-mlx90614 - Driver for Melexis MLX90614 IR temperature sensor.
micropython-mpr121 - Driver for MPR121 capacitive touch keypads and breakout boards.
micropython-ttp223 - Examples using TTP223 capacitive touch module.
XPT2046-touch-pad-driver-for-PyBoard - Driver for XPT2046 touch pad controller used in many TFT modules.
micropython-nunchuck - Driver for Nunchuk game controller, I2C interface.
- micropython-adafruit-pca9685 - 16-channel 12-bit PWM/servo driver.
- micropython-pca9685 - 16-channel 12-bit PWM/servo driver.
- L298N - Driver for the L298N dual h-bridge motor controller.
- micropython-upybbot - A4988 driver for bipolar stepper motors.
- JQ6500 - JQ6500 UART MP3 模块的驱动
- KT403A-MP3 - Driver for KT403A, used by DFPlayer Mini and Grove MP3 v2.0.
- micropython-buzzer - Play nokia compose and mid files on buzzers.
- micropython-dfplayer - Driver for DFPlayer Mini using UART.
- micropython-longwave - WAV player for MicroPython board.
micropython-epaper - Pyboard driver for Embedded Artists 2.7 inch e-paper display.
micropython-ili9341 - SSD1606 active matrix epaper display 128x180.
micropython-waveshare-epaper - Drivers for various Waveshare e-paper modules.
Grove_RGB_LCD - Driver for SeeedStudio's Grove RGB LCD.
lcdi2c - Driver for HD44780 compatible dot matrix LCDs.
micropython-charlcd - Driver for HD44780 compatible LCDs.
micropython-i2c-lcd - Driver for I2C 2x16 LCD Screens.
micropython_grove_rgb_lcd_driver - Driver for SeeedStudio's Grove RGB LCD.
pyboard-LCD-character-display - PyBoard driver for HDD44780 compatible 1602 LCDs.
python_lcd - Driver for HD44780 compatible dot matrix LCDs.
micropython-lcd-AQM1248A - ESP8266 driver for AQM1248A graphic LCD.
micropython-lcd160cr-gui - Simple touch driven event based GUI for the Pyboard and LCD160CR colour display.
micropython-pcd8544 - Driver for Nokia 5110 PCD8544 84x48 LCD modules.
micropython-st7565 - Driver for ST7565 128x64 LCDs.
micropython-st7920 - Library for simple graphic primitives on ST7920 128x64 monochrome LCD panel using ESP8266 and SPI.
MicroPython_PCD8544 - ESP8266 driver for Nokia 5110 PCD8544.
Official LCD160CR - Driver for official MicroPython LCD160CR display with resistive touch sensor.
micropython-ili9341 - Collection of drivers for TFT displays, ILI9341, SH1106, SSD1606, ST7735.
micropython-ili934x - SPI driver for ILI934X series based TFT / LCD displays.
MicroPython-ST7735 - ESP32 version of GuyCarvers's ST7735 TFT LCD driver.
micropython-st7735 - Driver for ST7735 TFT LCDs.
MicroPython_ST7735 - Driver for ST7735 128x128 TFT.
SSD1963-TFT-Library-for-PyBoard - Driver for SSD1963 864x480 TFT LCDs.
ST7735 - Driver for ST7735 TFT LCDs.
led matrix
- micropython-ht1632c - Driver for HT1632C 32x16 bicolor led matrix.
- micropython-matrix8x8 - Driver for AdaFruit 8x8 LED Matrix display with HT16K33 backpack.
- micropython-max7219 - Driver for MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix modules.
- micropython-wemos-led-matrix-shield - Driver for Wemos D1 Mini Matrix LED shield, using TM1640 chip.
- micropython-wemos-led-matrix - Driver for Wemos D1 Mini Matrix LED shield, using TM1640 chip.
- LKM1638 - Driver for JY-LKM1638 displays based on TM1638 controller.
- max7219_8digit - Driver for MAX7219 8-digit 7-segment LED modules.
- micropython-max7219 - Driver for MAX7219 8-digit 7-segment LED modules.
- micropython-my9221 - Driver for MY9221 10-segment LED bar graph modules.
- micropython-tm1637 - Driver for TM1637 quad 7-segment LED modules.
- micropython-tm1638 - Driver for TM1638 dual quad 7-segment LED modules with switches.
- micropython-tm1640 - Driver for TM1740 8x8 LED matrix modules.
- micropython-morsecode - Blink an LED with morse coded message.
- micropython-p9813 - Driver for P9813 RGB LED used in SeeedStudio's Grove Chainable RGB LED.
- micropython-ws2812-7seg - 7-segment display using WS2812 RGB LEDs.
- micropython-ws2812 - Driver for WS2812 RGB LEDs.
- Official APA102 - ESP8266 APA102/DotStar RGB LED driver.
- Official WS2811 - ESP8266 WS2811/NeoPixel RGB LED driver.
- tlc5940-micropython - Driver for TLC5940 16 channel LED driver.
- ledstrip - micropython neopixel module的增强版.
- Grove_OLED - Driver for SSD1327 used by SeeedStudio's Grove OLED Display 1.12" v1.0.
- micropython-oled - Collection of drivers for monochrome OLED displays, PCD8544, SH1106, SSD1306, UC1701X.
- micropython-ssd1327 - Driver for SSD1327 128x128 4-bit greyscale OLED displays.
- micropython-ssd1351 - Driver for SSD1351 OLED displays.
- MicroPython_SSD1306 - ESP8266 driver for SSD1306 OLED 128x64 displays.
- Official SSD1306 - Driver for SSD1306 128x64 OLED displays.
- SH1106 -
- PyBoard-HC05-Android - Pyboard HC05 Bluetooth adaptor example application.
- Official wiznet5k - Official driver for the WIZnet5x00 series of Ethernet controllers.
- micropyGPS - Full featured GPS NMEA sentence parser.
- micropython-gnssl76l - MicroPython I2C driver for Quectel GNSS L76-L (GPS).
* 红外 * [micropython-necir](https://github.com/MattMatic/micropython-necir) - NEC infrared capture for TL1838 IR receiver LEDs. * [Micropython-IR](https://github.com/designerPing/Micropython-IR) - Pyboard infrared remote sniff and replay. * [IR Remote](https://github.com/labplus-cn/awesome-mpython/tree/master/library/ir_remote) - 红外编解码(NEC)的驱动
Official OneWire - For devices using the OneWire bus, eg Dallas ds18x20.
micropython-radio - Protocols for nRF24L01 2.4Ghz radio modules.
micropython-rfsocket - Micropython implementation of popular 433MHzn based RFSockets.
Official nRF24L01 - Official driver for nRF24L01 2.4Ghz radio modules.
micropython-mfrc522 - Driver for NXP MFRC522 RFID reader/writer.
micropython-wiegand - Wiegand protocol reader.
micropython-tinyrtc-i2c - Driver for DS1307 RTC and AT24C32N EEPROM.
Micropython_TinyRTC - Driver for DS1307 RTC.
HueBridge - Philips Hue Bridge.
- ads1x15 - Driver for the ADS1015/ADS1115 ADC, I2C interface.
- micropython-ads1015 - ADS1015 12-Bit and ADS1115 16-bit ADC, 4 channels with programmable gain, I2C interface.
- Micropython_ADS1115 - ADS1115 16-bit ADC, 4 channels with programmable gain, I2C interface.
- micropython-mcp4725 - Driver for the MCP4725 I2C DAC.
- MCP23017-ESP8266-Miniature-Driver - Driver for MCP23017 16-bit I/O Expander.
- micropython-mcp230xx - Driver for MCP23017 and MCP23008 GPIO expanders.
- Micropython-AD9833 - Pyboard driver for AD9833, spi interface.
- microbit - 掌控板兼容MicroBit
- ivPID - PID控制器
- urllib.parse - URL编码 (MicroPython-lib@urllib.parse精简版)
- bigiot - 贝壳物联
- yeelight - YeeLight
- qqai - 腾讯AI开放平台
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- 维护者:tangliufeng
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