Most changes in this release are to bring the LabThings implementation closer to Mozilla Web Things. This includes switching to the Mozilla @context
, altering how Actions return, removing forms
from the Thing Description, and preparing for a Mozilla-compatible WebSocket API.
0.6.0 (2020-05-12)
- Add Event coverage (8c9b9ef)
- Added basic Mozilla _webthing service to mDNS (038855a)
- Added Bytes field type and removed Schema jsonify (2559019)
- Added cbor dependency (6ebdc64)
- Added CBOR fixtures (c6cccdd)
- Added CBOR representation (783e4e5)
- Added CBOR representation tests (efcc038)
- Added deserializer for Bytes field (2d0748e)
- Added LabThing-level property and action builders (fe61a29)
- Added some bytes to the example (db1e6bf)
- Added specific error-log handler to server (ffe7952)
- Added type annotations (66e6731)
- Allow codecov upload failures (eb9025d)
- Better handle top level messages (dd8f67c)
- Bump gevent from 20.4.0 to 20.5.0 (31fad3c)
- Bump marshmallow from 3.5.2 to 3.6.0 (41af82b)
- Bump pytest from 5.4.1 to 5.4.2 (64d2592)
- Bump webargs from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0 (039d083)
- Bump zeroconf from 0.26.0 to 0.26.1 (a3d7410)
- Code format (48d2886)
- Created proper Event class (463ce8c)
- Custom Marshmallow APISpec plugin to handle Bytes field (66f1617)
- Draft testing with Tox (29db7b5)
- Enable multiple URLs in extension views (685285a)
- Fix argument name (f554a03)
- Fix coverage source (33e786e)
- Fixed bytes encoding tests (6926cdb)
- Fixed changelog format (4f87c33)
- Fixed mDNS service list (f473c69)
- Further reduced change of dictionary size change during loop (2d9f9ce)
- Handle top-level event types (bb35494)
- Map Bytes to Bytes field (b516110)
- Mozilla Web Things format and structure (#81) (21ef3f8), closes #81
- Only iteratively rapply on actual lists (97c5024)
- Patched up property responses that are a generator (needs proper fix) (4c7cef4)
- Rapple iteratively to tuples and ranges (aaf25c9)
- Rearrange PropertyView dispatch_request (2fafff8)
- Remove unused imports (#83) (d08d42b), closes #83
- Removed sketchy static file tests (c0024bb)
- Simplified service constructors (6b0d372)
- Started allowing more general event notifications (282d6c0)
- Support index pages in static folder (66be1d7)
- Switched to /src structure (f8b1b71)
- Test b64 decoding (6b29de8)
- Updated test_get_value_response_text (fdba1fa)
- Use custom Marshmallow APISpec plugin (d0ab02c)