This tutorial describes the steps to deploy the Self-Sovereign API REST that allows to build a Blockchain-based Root-of-Trust and issue/revoke/verify Verifiable Credentials: Below you will find a set of tutorials that explore all the possibilities using this API.
- Generate a new DID
- Register an X.509 RSA certificate to a DID
- Deploy a regional Public Key Directory (PKD)
- Deploy a national Trusted List (TL)
- Register a TL in a PKD
- Register an Entity in a TL
- Revoke a TL in a PKD
- Revoke an Entity in a TL
- Issue a Verifiable Credential
- Verify a Verifiable Credential
- Revoke a Verifiable Credential
- NodeJS: =v14.4.0
- MongoDB: >v4.0
- Docker: >v4.8 (Optional for that deploy method)
In order to deploy the API from source code it is necessary to clone the repository executing the following command:
git clone
The output of the command should download the source code in the ssi-api folder from the repository, as shown in the following image:
The API is developed in version 14.4 of Node JS. To install this version it is recommended to use the NVM version manager, executing the following command:
nvm use 14.4
Note: This tutorial assumes that you already have the MongoDB installed and running in the localhost at 27017 port.
Set the environment variables (see Configuration):
export ACCOUNT_ADDRESS=0xdfeb89479ad22cf277b3e3100c128a0151e612cb
export ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY=0a28986d50924c22fe1eb55b5ce6b351e2ff89216a78ad486e5bb8a129a68051
export ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_ENCRYPTION_KEY=0x9db1e671082908dbc5e5819b6dceb944f12ff927c6f3d64a4254bf7f2965b887
export ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY=a205ca50b424f17aa9e76d75b4a7e1fde75997d4c7e7bf14a03fdeb4b004a5039db1e671082908dbc5e5819b6dceb944f12ff927c6f3d64a4254bf7f2965b887
Now, it is necessary to install the dependencies executing the next command:
yarn install
After doing that, just run the following command to start the server:
npm start
If everything goes correctly, the server will run at http://localhost:8080:
There is a way to run the API server from Docker image, to do that you need first pull the image from the github registry:
docker pull
Now you are ready to start the server, just specify the environment variables (see Configuration section) by execute the next command:
docker run -e ACCOUNT_ADDRESS=0xdfeb89479ad22cf277b3e3100c128a0151e612cb \
-e ACCOUNT\_PRIVATE\_KEY=0a28986d50924c22fe1eb55b5ce6b351e2ff89216a78ad486e5bb8a129a68051 \
-e ACCOUNT\_PUBLIC\_ENCRYPTION_KEY=0x9db1e671082908dbc5e5819b6dceb944f12ff927c6f3d64a4254bf7f2965b887 \
-e ACCOUNT\_PRIVATE\_ENCRYPTION_KEY=a205ca50b424f17aa9e76d75b4a7e1fde75997d4c7e7bf14a03fdeb4b004a5039db1e671082908dbc5e5819b6dceb944f12ff927c6f3d64a4254bf7f2965b887 \
-e MONGODB_URL=mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/ssi-api \
-p \
Note: This tutorial assumes that you have installed MongoDB in the host at 8080 port.
The previous command will start and expose the SSI API at http://localhost:8080 url.
The full documentation of API is available in Swagger at http://localhost:8080.
Environment Variable | Default value | Required | Description |
NETWORK_RPC | | yes | Besu node RPC url |
NODE_ADDRESS | no | Node address (for LACChain Gas Model) | |
NODE_EXPIRATION | no | Expiration time (for LACChain Gas Model) | |
ACCOUNT_ADDRESS | yes | Account address that will act as sender of all transactions | |
ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY | yes | Account private key that will sign transactions | |
ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_ENCRYPTION_KEY | no (yes for issue VC) | NaCl public key used to encrypt VC sent using DIDComm protocol in Mailbox (must be registered as keyAgreement Verification Method in the account address DID) | |
ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY | no (yes for issue VC) | ||
MONGODB_URL | mongodb://localhost:27017/ssi-api | yes | |
MAILBOX_DID | did:lac:main:0x5c3968542ca976bec977270d3fe980dd4742865e | no | Mailbox DID, the default value is for Legacy Mailbox. For OpenProTest Newtwork use: did:lac:openprotest:0xf33bc23691245c2d5de99d7d45e9fdd113495870 |
NETWORK_NAME | main | no | Network name used for DID suffix (i.e. did:lac:<network_name>). Default is main which points to Legacy Network. For OpenProTest Network use: openprotest |