The Engines Library Server provides:
- a public JSON api for listing app blueprint records
- an admin CRUD interface for managing app blueprint records
GET /api/v0/apps - list published apps GET /api/v0/unpublished_apps - list unpublished apps
Apps listed in array of hashes. App has keys: :id - library app record id :featured - true of app warrants specific attention, e.g. is a flagship title for the library. (To allow engines website to identify apps for home page.) :label :description :readme :website_url :blueprint_url :icon_url_small - 64x64 icon (used by engines library) :icon_url - 256x256 icon (used by mgmt gui)
Creates default admin user with username: 'admin' and password: 'password'
Rails 5
ENV['APPLICATION_TITLE'] default is "Engines Library"
ENV['BACKGROUND_COLOR'] default is "#fff"
ENV['TEXT_COLOR'] default is "#333"