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Getting started

Damian Kalinowski edited this page Jul 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

1. Install VMware for Windows

VMware Workstation 12.5 Player version is enough.
Download link: LINK

2. Download Linux ISO

There are plenty Linux distributions, we'll use Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS.
Download link: LINK

3. Create a new Virtual Machine

Run previously installed VMware:

Select Create a New Virtual Machine
Install from: Installer disc image file (iso) > Browse... > Select ubuntu image you downloaded in step 2. > hit Next
Personalize linux: fill it with your data, remember username and password and hit Next > Next
You can leave maximum disk size 20GB, it is enough, leave disk split as it is, hit Next
Click Customize Hardware... > You can increase Memory to 2GB if you've got 8GB+, Processors > Number of processor cores select 4.
It should look like this:

Click Close and then Finish.
Now VMware should install your system, it takes a while.
After installation, system will ask you for login and password you specified before.
Your linux terminal should appear.

4. Clone emulator repository

We need git version control system, install it by typing: sudo apt-get install git
Clone this repository by typing: git clone

5. Install MySQL Server

Change directory: cd Bango

Install MySQL Server by typing: sudo apt-get install mysql-server
It takes a while and then asks you to set password for root user. Remember this password and hit OK.
Now enter this password to emulator's database setting file located in: bin/DBConfig.xml.
Use any editor you like, I prefer nano. Type: nano bin/DBConfig.xml

Enter password, save and exit.
Last thing to do with MySQL Server, populate your database using my sql script file.
Go back to previous catalog (where build.sql is located) and run mysql as root user: mysql -u root -p
Enter password and run my script: \. build.sql

You can now type quit.

6. Install more dependencies

Install Libzdb: sudo apt-get install libzdb-dev
Install C++ compiler: sudo apt-get install g++

7. Client

Download latest game client from official official website and update it.
Download VERSION.dll LINK and add it to your client.
Download XTrap folder LINK and replace it in your client.
Edit server IP using your favourite PK editor (I suggest PKED LINK).
You can obtain IP address from your linux server using ifconfig command: lays under data/Config/, its password is EV)O8@BL$3O2E and open it with old crypt.
xlate.dat should look like this in my case:

8. Compile and run DBServer & MainServer

Go back to ubuntu server and compile source to obtain binaries.
Run BUILD script: ./BUILD
Binaries in bin directory should appear.
To open 2 applications in the same time we will use screen.
Install it by typing: sudo apt-get install screen
Open new screen for DBServer: screen -S db
Change catalog to bin and run db server: ./DBServer
Quit screen by pressing CTRL+A and D.
Open new screen for MainServer: screen -S main
Change catalog to bin and run main server: ./MainServer

9. Start client and log in

Run engine.exe (new UI) or engineUI.exe (old UI) in your client to start the client.
There are plenty accounts created in database for use, for example:
ID: bot4
PW: passwd
2nd PW: 00000000

10. Fork repository and start adding new features!