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Downgraded GNOME GTK applications

Luke Horwell edited this page Oct 28, 2024 · 3 revisions

For some applications, you may wish to consider the downgrading (and pinning) to an older version which doesn't have double window controls or were the last version based on GTK 3.

This page is purely for informational purposes. Downgrade at your own risk!

Arch Linux

Older packages can be acquired from While rolling releases generally discourage downgraded packages, GNOME programs seem independent enough to not cause any breakages. What works for me may not for you. Other GTK apps could stop working if they depend on shared libraries, in which case you'll need to accept their fate to upgrade to using GTK 4.

To prevent packages from being upgraded again, add them to the IgnorePkg line in /etc/pacman.conf.

Downgraded GNOME apps

Package Version Description
adwaita-cursors 44.0 Last version with the older Adwaita black/white cursor theme.
gnome-disk-utility 3.38.2 Manage disks, partitions and view SMART data.
ghex 3.41.1 Hex editor
meld 3.20.4 Diff viewer
zenity 3.44.2 Continue using GTK 3 "traditional" looking dialog boxes, as used by scripts.

Downgraded GTK apps

Package Version Description
handbrake 1.7.3 Last version to use GTK 3.

Other apps

  • Inkscape 1.4 replaced context menus with popovers (#117)
    • Downgrade not possible due to dependencies. Rebuild may be possible.
    • Consider AppImage for 1.3.2, but it will use the bundled GTK (e.g. it won't use the patched file dialog)