An application that simulates an online banking experience, from logging in and setting up a checking account, applying for a credit card or getting a loan to purchase a house. Built with Ruby on Rails.
- Ruby version - ruby 2.6.1
- Rails version - 6.1.4
Run $ bundle install
from your shell.
Run $ rails db:migrate
from shell to create database.
followed by $ rails db:seed
from shell to create store elements.
To use Facebook Authorization run rails credentials:edit
to create a config/credentials.yml.enc file and config/master.key file.
Navigate to Facebook for Developers and login or create an account.
Click on create app and follow prompts, go to basic section and scroll to bottom, in Website section enter server address, for example http://localhost:3000/
in the input.
Return to dashboard and select Facebook Login, under Facebook Login select settings. Under Valid OAuth Redirect URIs input a callback url. Enter the server address followed by auth/facebook/callback for example https://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback
From your shell run EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit
or EDITOR=vim
if you prefer to edit credentials.yml
The editor should display:
# aws:
# access_key_id: 123
# secret_access_key: 345
<!-- Insert facebook, app id, and secret as shown -->
id: 828...
secret: 3ac9...
# Used as the base secret for all MessageVerifiers in Rails, including the one protecting cookies.
secret_key_base: ...
Under your Facebook App Settings and Basic you will find App ID and App Secret listed at the top, insert as shown in the example.
Save and exit editor.
Run rails server
to start server.
Used to simulate a banking environement without using actual money or real world consequences. After login user can open a checking or savings account, request a debit card for checking account, and apply for a credit card. User can deposit money into checking account and transfer money between accounts. User can naviagate to store http://localhost:3000/store
and purchase items with debit or credit card, or take out a personal loan.
Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
License MIT