Switch input source automatically in vim for macos, modified from vim-osx-ime, but use macism to switch ime.
When vim switches to insert mode:
If the character before cursor is a Chinese character, switch to Chinese IME and put it in Chinese mode.
If the character before cursor is an English character, switch to Chinese IME and put it in English mode.
Switch English IME whenever vim switchs to normal mode.
brew tap laishulu/homebrew
brew install macism
- If you use
, then add the following codes in your.vimrc
NeoBundle 'laishulu/vim-macos-ime'
- If you use
, then add the following codes in you.toml
repo = 'laishulu/vim-macos-ime'
change default Input Method of Insert Mode
" Plugin default Input Method: 搜狗拼音输入法
let g:macosime_cjk_ime = 'com.sogou.inputmethod.sogou.pinyin'
" 简体拼音
let g:macosime_cjk_ime = 'com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM.ITABC'
" 简体双拼
let g:macosime_cjk_ime = 'com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM.Shuangpin'
" 简体五笔
let g:macosime_cjk_ime = 'com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM.WBX'
" 鼠须管
let g:macosime_cjk_ime = 'im.rime.inputmethod.Squirrel.Rime'