A command line SPARQL console. Works with endpoints as a well as local/remote graphs.
Prototype. Runs but largely untested.
- Install via
python setup.py install
then callsparql-cli
Otherwise, you can run in dev mode:
- get to the source top folder and run
python -m sparql-cli.main -h
This is an attempt to build a sparql console using python-prompt toolkit
Idea: either pass a sparql endpoint / or a graph URI which is loaded in memory using RDFLib = useful to test things out quickly!
- click
- colorama
- rdflib
- pygments
- export results as html / web
- allow passing an endpoint @done
- add more saved queries
- store endpoints? eg via an extra command line
- add meta level cli eg .show or .info etc..
- namespaces and shortened URIs
This tool relies on pygments for the syntax highlighting, however the current Sparql Lexer included in Pygments stable releases is broken (https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/pygments-main/issues/1236/sparql-lexer-error) hence you either have to update it from the dev branch or wait for the 2.2 release of Sparql Lexer.
October 22, 2016
- various improvements to print out
- added Endpoint connection and tested with DBpedia
October 22, 2016
- improved rendering of results
- added options via click
October 21, 2016 NOTE: > problem with Sparql Lexer https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/pygments-main/issues/1236/sparql-lexer-error "fixed in 2.2 release soon"
Improved by installing this commit https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/pygments-main/commits/60afc531aa2b
installed manually 'hg clone https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/pygments-main' and it works