This is a lambda function designed around reading a version.txt file from a terraform repo (or any repo really) and when a commit hits master, tagging that commit with whatever is in version.txt. This was designed for my use for Terraform Modules tagging, but it could really work for whatever.
- git_api_url: URL to the API for github with your repo's specific information
- slack_hook_url: URL For Slack Hook
- repo_name: The name of the repo to look for, like lanmalkieri/terraform-modules
- This now supports AWS Secret Manager.
- Create a secret called git_token and ensure your function has access to decrypt the secret
Follow these instructions to setup github/aws/sns integrations.
Create your lambda function using this script.
Make sure in your terraform-modules repo you are using version.txt files in each of your modules/blueprints, and that the top line of the file looks like:
name: 1.0.0