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swagger-to-types README


Export Swagger JSON to Typescript interface

Each interface generates a namespace (for grouping and avoiding duplicate names), including Params, Response, and each DTO can generate an independent interface.




Name Description Type Default
swaggerToTypes.swaggerJsonUrl Swagger API list SwaggerJsonUrlItem[] []
swaggerToTypes.swaggerJsonHeaders Append request headers (global) object {}
swaggerToTypes.savePath .d.ts interface file save path string 'types/swagger-interfaces'
swaggerToTypes.showStatusbarItem Show status bar button boolean true
swaggerToTypes.compareChanges Whether to compare changes when updating the interface (no change, no update) boolean true
swaggerToTypes.reloadWhenSettingsChanged Reload data when user settings change. (Need to be turned off in some cases of frequent refresh settings) boolean true


Attribute Description Type Required
title Project title string *
url swagger json url string *
link Open external link in browser string
basePath basePath string
headers Custom request header information (such as authentication Token, etc.) object

Shortcut keys

  • Search interface list: alt + shift + F

The following are optional configurations:

Ignore one-click update

Add the @ignore tag to the header comment of the .d.ts file to ignore the current file when updating the local interface with one click.

* @name Example interface
* @path /demo/demo-api
* @method POST
* @update 10/19/2020, 11:22:53 AM
* @ignore

Interface template

Used to customize the output content format in some special scenarios.

Method name Parameters Return value
namespace TreeInterface string
params TreeInterface string
paramsItem TreeInterfacePropertiesItem, TreeInterface string
response TreeInterface string
responseItem TreeInterfacePropertiesItem, TreeInterface string
copyRequest FileHeaderInfo string | string[]

For detailed types, refer to TemplateBaseType

Example: Add group prefix

Edit the .vscode/swagger-to-types.template.cjs file.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Note: If the package.json of the project has the "type": "module", field, the template configuration file must have the .cjs suffix, otherwise the plugin will not work properly.

function namespace(params) {
return `${params.groupName.replace(/[\-\n\s\/\\]/g, '_')}_${params.pathName}`

module.exports = { namespace }

Example: Convert field names to upper camel case

Edit .vscode/swagger-to-types.template.js file

* Capitalize the first letter
* @param {String} str
function toUp(str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') return ''
return str.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)

function paramsItem(item, params) {
// Project title (swaggerToTypes.swaggerJsonUrl[number].title) is demo-1 Ignore custom solutions when 
if (params.groupName === 'demo-1') return

return `${toUp(}${item.required ? ':' : '?:'} ${item.type}`

module.exports = { paramsItem }

Copy request function

Configure a request function template for quick copying

Edit the .vscode/swagger-to-types.template.js file

If the copyRequest function is exported, this function can be used

Related buttons will appear in the following locations:

  • Local interface list operation button
  • .d.ts file title bar operation button
  • .d.ts file code line first text button

Here is an example:

* Request function template
* @param {{
* fileName: string
* ext: string
* filePath: string
* name?: string
* namespace?: string
* path?: string
* method?: string
* update?: string
* ignore?: boolean
* savePath?: string
* }} fileInfo
* @returns
function copyRequest(fileInfo) {
return [
`/** ${} */`,
`export async function unnamed(params?: ${fileInfo.namespace}.Params, options?: RequestOptions) {`,
` return $api`,
` .request<${fileInfo.namespace}.Response>('${fileInfo.path}', params, {`,
` method: ${fileInfo.method},`,
` ...options,`,
` })`,
` .then((res) => res.content || {})`,

module.exports = {
// ...

Source code related

Development preview debugging: Press F5 in vscode.


  • Support swagger v2 API
  • Support openapi 3.0.0 (new in 1.1.4)
  • Please do not directly assign values to the parameters of the template processing function, which may have destructive effects.