- Johan Lanzrein
- Omar Meiho
- Bruno Wicht
- This project is done with the agent based model created by the FHNW. Thus all of the code concerning the agent based model has been done on an other project and we have not contributed at all to it. Our work is only on the visualization.
This project was done firstly by a team of researchers of the FNHW. The website of the research project can be found here http://commoning.rocks/ . Our task was to create a visualization that would be helpful for the research team. Since this task is more of a visualization than a data story, it constited more of doing meaningful graphs and displaying them in an pleasant to see way.
- design : contains our sketches, our questions we had to design.
- myiris : contains the original code if the IrisModel and the code for the viz.
- images : images ressources
Since most of the code was already in place we put all the code that was done in the scope of our project in the js/visualization folder. Moreover the file style-dark.css and viz.html is also done by us.
- The display is not friendly with firefox for some reason.