Made by Dmitri Qiu.
MD2HTML parser is a easy to use Markdown parser/renderer written in Python. It's extendable, fast, and user friendly.
Import MD2HTML to your project by import MD2HTML as m2h
and then write the following code:
with open("Your md") as doc:
renderer = m2h.Renderer()
result, metadata = renderer.render(doc, False, True, "Your/Image/Folder") # The first boolean is for not displaying line count
# The second is for return as file object
Then, you will see a file named "Your md doc.html"
show up in your project folder.
Congrats! You rendered a MD file to html using M2H for the first time!
Adding custom tags in m2h is as easy as writing a simple parsing function! Your function will need to look like this:
def your_func(self, line, file, line_count):
# Parsing
return (parsed_text, line_count + 1)
And then just use a decorator or a function to add your custom parsing function into the renderer!
# Using a function
renderer.addBlockElem(r"Your regex pattern", your_func)
# Using a decorator
@renderer.addBlockElem(r"Your regex pattern")
def your_func(self, line, file, line_count):
# Parsing
return (parsed_text, line_count + 1)
After adding your custom function, you can just render like you usually do.
The example is a really simple custom md tag that renders text in a <code>
element but the text inside it is all red.
First, we need to create a parsing function.
renderer = m2h.Renderer()
# Make the function a custom tag parser.
def redCode(self, line, file, line_count):
'self' argument is the renderer itself, use self to access functions in renderers, or variables like emphasis_tags, md_tags.
'line' argument is the first matched line of your regex pattern.
'file' argument is the file that the renderer is parsing.
'line_count' argument is the line count of the line matched, don't forget to add 1 to this argument everytime you use the file.readline() function, and if the next line isn't matching your md tag, you should subtract 1 from line_count.
All parsing function should have this four arguments(Including 'self').
# Currently 'line' should be our first matched text, which is '|||'(The regex pattern is r"\|\|\|\n?")
result = "<pre><code>\n" # Open the html tags
# Make a loop to parse until eof or not matching text
while True:
# Read a new line and add the line_count
line = file.readline()
line_count += 1
# Check if it's the eof our end of element
if line == "" or re.match(r"\|\|\|\n?", line): break
# If not add the line to our parsed text
result += line
result += "</code></pre>\n" # Close the html tags
return (result, line_count + 1)
The returned value should be a tuple containing the parsed text and the line count of the first line after this md element.
Now let's try adding a custom emphasis parser that makes a span of text red and bold.
renderer = m2h.Renderer()
def redText(self, match):
The 'self' argument is the same as the block element parser.
'match' argument is the match or your regexr pattern.
# In emphasis parsers you only need to return the rendered text.
return "<span style=\"color:red; font-weight:bold;\">%s</span>" %(
Both emphasis and block element parsers can be written in a lambda function, as long as they have the correct arguments and return types:
renderer = m2h.Renderer()
redText = lambda self, match: "<span style=\"color:red; font-weight:bold;\">%s</span>" %(
renderer.addEmphasis(r"\|(.+)\|", redText)
MD2HTML is licensed under GNU GPL V3.0
(The license is longer than my code dude tf)
Capybaras come in diffrent colors:
Capybaras are chill af
Capybaras are generally cool dudes to hang out with
Shuchi senpai
Maxwell the cat
^ This won't render on github because this uses the dedicated image folder feature in the parser
This is code
This is the second line of the code
This is code too
A great philosopher once said:
Yiff me daddy uwu
And then he wrote this piece of code:cat = 1 def yiff(): print ("Owo whats dis?") # Aww yes give me the good ***y e e f s***
henlo|this|is test
|with|emphasis|heaw ya my chigga|
^I don't know why this table doesn't render properly on github, it works fine using my parser