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Steps to deploy in docker swarm


  • Install docker and docker-compose.
  • Create new user and add to docker and sudo group.
  • It's necesary configure a dns record on your provider. In the example case it will be
  • Init docker swarm mode with docker swarm init

Folder structure

├── configs
│   ├── frappe-mariadb-config      # Maria DB initial docker config
├── stacks                    # Test files (alternatively `spec` or `tests`)
│   ├── frappe-mariadb.yml          # Docker compose Maria DB services
│   ├── traefik.yml         # Proxy service and SSL Certificates
│   └── frappe-bench-v13.yml                # Docker compose file to execute frappe-erp-next services
└── ...

Steps to Install Traefik Stack

Create .env-trafik file

Go to cd stacks/ then create a .env-traefik file with the following content:

export NODE_ID=$(docker info -f '{{.Swarm.NodeID}}')
export USERNAME=username
export PASSWORD=supersecretpassword
export HASHED_PASSWORD=$(openssl passwd -apr1 $PASSWORD)

Execute .env-traefik

Run source .env-traefik

Creat a docker network to traefik-public

Run docker network create --driver=overlay traefik-public. This command create a network that will be shared with Traefik and the containers that should be accessible from the outside.

Create a tag

Create a tag in this node, created as env variable in last step, so that Traefik is always deployed to the same node and uses the same volume:

docker node update --label-add traefik-public.traefik-public-certificates=true $NODE_ID

Run Stack

docker stack deploy -c traefik.yml traefik

Check Stack

Check if the stack was deployed with docker stack ps traefik

Traefik logs

You can check the Traefik logs with:

docker service logs traefik_traefik

Steps to Install MariaDb Stack

Create a docker config

Go to cd configs/

Run docker config create frappe-mariadb-config ./frappe-mariadb-config.config

Create a docker secret with db credentials

Create a folder secrets with mkdir secrets then create a file called frappe-mariadb-root-password.config with this content:


Run docker secret create frappe-mariadb-root-password ./frappe-mariadb-root-password.config

Run Maria DB Stack

Go to stacks directory and run docker stack deploy --compose-file frappe-mariadb.yml frappe-mariadb

Inspect if all services have been created

docker stack services frappe-mariadb

Steps to Install ERPNext

You must check if /var/lib/docker/volumes directory has root as owner. It's very important. If not change with this command chown -R user:user directory/

Create .env-frappe in stack folder

export ERPNEXT_VERSION=v13.11.1
export FRAPPE_VERSION=v13.11.0
export MARIADB_HOST=frappe-mariadb_mariadb-master
export SITES=\`\`

Export env variables

Run source .env-frappe

Steps to install custom apps

Go to custom-apps directory and change Dockerfile on custom nginx and worker. If root directory does not has execute permission you must run chmod -R 777 ..

Build custom worker docker image

docker build --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=v13.15.0 -t gallon-erpnext-worker:v13.15.0 custom-apps/worker

Build custom nginx docker image

docker build --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=v13.15.0 -t gallon-erpnext-nginx:v13.15.0 custom-apps/nginx

Run Frappe Stack

Go to stacks folder and then run docker stack deploy --compose-file frappe-bench-v13.yml frappe-bench-v13

Steps to create Site

Actually only works enter into docker container and executing

bench new-site --install-app erpnext --db-type mariadb --no-mariadb-socket --admin-password ADMIN_INITIAL_PASSWORD

Steps to migrate

Site operations

Create and use env file to pass environment variables to containers,

source .env

Or specify environment variables instead of passing secrets as command arguments. Refer notes section for environment variables required

Setup New Site


  • Wait for the database service to start before trying to create a new site.
    • If new site creation fails, retry after the MariaDB container is up and running.
    • If you're using a managed database instance, make sure that the database is running before setting up a new site.

MariaDB Site

# Create ERPNext site
docker run \
    -e "INSTALL_APPS=erpnext" \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    frappe/erpnext-worker:$VERSION new

PostgreSQL Site

PostgreSQL is only available v12 onwards. It is NOT available for ERPNext. It is available as part of frappe/erpnext-worker. It inherits from frappe/frappe-worker.

# Create ERPNext site
docker run \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    frappe/erpnext-worker:$VERSION new

Environment Variables needed:

  • SITE_NAME: name of the new site to create. Site name is domain name that resolves. e.g. or erp.localhost.
  • DB_ROOT_USER: MariaDB/PostgreSQL Root user.
  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: In case of the MariaDB docker container use the one set in MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in previous steps. In case of a managed database use the appropriate password.
  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE - When the MariaDB root password is stored using docker secrets.
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD: set the administrator password for the new site.
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE: set the administrator password for the new site using docker secrets.
  • INSTALL_APPS=erpnext: available only in erpnext-worker and erpnext containers (or other containers with custom apps). Installs ERPNext (and/or the specified apps, comma-delinieated) on this new site.
  • FORCE=1: optional variable which force installation of the same site.

Environment Variables for PostgreSQL only:

  • POSTGRES_HOST: host for PostgreSQL server
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Password for postgres. The database root user.


  • To setup existing frappe-bench deployment with default database as PostgreSQL edit the common_site_config.json and set db_host to PostgreSQL hostname and db_port to PostgreSQL port.
  • To create new frappe-bench deployment with default database as PostgreSQL use POSTGRES_HOST and DB_PORT environment variables in erpnext-python service instead of MARIADB_HOST

Add sites to proxy

Change SITES variable to the list of sites created encapsulated in backtick and separated by comma with no space. e.g. SITES=``,`` .

Reload variables with following command.

docker-compose --project-name <project-name> up -d

Backup Sites

Environment Variables

  • SITES is list of sites separated by : colon to migrate. e.g. or By default all sites in bench will be backed up.
  • WITH_FILES if set to 1, it will backup user-uploaded files.
  • By default backup takes mariadb dump and gzips it. Example file, 20200325_221230-test_localhost-database.sql.gz
  • If WITH_FILES is set then it will also backup public and private files of each site as uncompressed tarball. Example files, 20200325_221230-test_localhost-files.tar and 20200325_221230-test_localhost-private-files.tar
  • All the files generated by backup are placed at volume location sites-vol:/{site-name}/private/backups/*
docker run \
    -e "" \
    -e "WITH_FILES=1" \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    frappe/erpnext-worker:$VERSION backup

The backup will be available in the sites-vol volume.

Push backup to s3 compatible storage

Environment Variables

  • BUCKET_NAME, Required to set bucket created on S3 compatible storage.
  • REGION, Required to set region for S3 compatible storage.
  • ACCESS_KEY_ID, Required to set access key.
  • SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, Required to set secret access key.
  • ENDPOINT_URL, Required to set URL of S3 compatible storage.
  • BUCKET_DIR, Required to set directory in bucket where sites from this deployment will be backed up.
  • BACKUP_LIMIT, Optionally set this to limit number of backups in bucket directory. Defaults to 3.
 docker run \
    -e "BUCKET_NAME=backups" \
    -e "REGION=region" \
    -e "ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_id_from_provider" \
    -e "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret_access_from_provider" \
    -e "ENDPOINT_URL=" \
    -e "BUCKET_DIR=frappe-bench" \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    frappe/frappe-worker:$VERSION push-backup


  • Above example will backup files in bucket called backup at location frappe-bench-v13/{filetype}.{extension},
  • example DATE_TIME: 20200325_042020.
  • example filetype: database, files or private-files
  • example extension: sql.gz or tar

Restore backups

Environment Variables

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD or MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE(when using docker secrets), Required to restore mariadb backups.
  • BUCKET_NAME, Required to set bucket created on S3 compatible storage.
  • ACCESS_KEY_ID, Required to set access key.
  • SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, Required to set secret access key.
  • ENDPOINT_URL, Required to set URL of S3 compatible storage.
  • REGION, Required to set region for s3 compatible storage.
  • BUCKET_DIR, Required to set directory in bucket where sites from this deployment will be backed up.
docker run \
    -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin" \
    -e "BUCKET_NAME=backups" \
    -e "REGION=region" \
    -e "ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_id_from_provider" \
    -e "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret_access_from_provider" \
    -e "ENDPOINT_URL=" \
    -e "BUCKET_DIR=frappe-bench" \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    -v ./backups:/home/frappe/backups \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    frappe/frappe-worker:$VERSION restore-backup


  • Volume must be mounted at location /home/frappe/backups for restoring sites
  • If no backup files are found in volume, it will use s3 credentials to pull backups
  • Backup structure for mounted volume or downloaded from s3:
    • /home/frappe/backups
        • 20200420_162000
          • 20200420_162000-site1_domain_com-*
        • 20200420_162000
          • 20200420_162000-site2_domain_com-*

Edit configs

Editing config manually might be required in some cases, one such case is to use Amazon RDS (or any other DBaaS). For full instructions, refer to the wiki. Common question can be found in Issues and on forum.

common_site_config.json or site_config.json from sites-vol volume has to be edited using following command:

docker run \
    -it \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/sites \
    alpine vi /sites/common_site_config.json

Instead of alpine use any image of your choice.

Health check

For socketio and gunicorn service ping the hostname:port and that will be sufficient. For workers and scheduler, there is a command that needs to be executed.

docker exec -it <project-name>_erpnext-worker-d \ doctor  -p postgresql:5432 --ping-service mongodb:27017

Additional services can be pinged as part of health check with option -p or --ping-service.

This check ensures that given service should be connected along with services in common_site_config.json. If connection to service(s) fails, the command fails with exit code 1.

Frappe internal commands using bench helper

To execute commands using bench helper.

 docker run \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    --user frappe \
    frappe/frappe-worker:$VERSION bench --help

Example command to clear cache

 docker run \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    --user frappe \
    frappe/frappe-worker:$VERSION bench --site clear-cache


  • Use it to install/uninstall custom apps, add system manager user, etc.
  • To run the command as non root user add the command option --user frappe.

Delete/Drop Site

MariaDB Site

# Delete/Drop ERPNext site
docker run \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    frappe/erpnext-worker:$VERSION drop

PostgreSQL Site

# Delete/Drop ERPNext site
docker run \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    frappe/erpnext-worker:$VERSION drop

Environment Variables needed:

  • SITE_NAME: name of the site to be deleted. Site name is domain name that resolves. e.g. or erp.localhost.
  • DB_ROOT_USER: MariaDB/PostgreSQL Root user.
  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Root User password for MariaDB.
  • FORCE=1: optional variable which force deletion of the same site.
  • NO_BACKUP=1: option variable to skip the process of taking backup before deleting the site.

Environment Variables for PostgreSQL only:

  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Password for postgres. The database root user.

Migrate Site

# Migrate ERPNext site
docker run \
    -v <project-name>_sites-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites \
    -v <project-name>_assets-vol:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/assets \
    --network <project-name>_default \
    frappe/erpnext-worker:$ERPNEXT_VERSION migrate

Environment Variables needed:

  • MAINTENANCE_MODE: If set to 1, this will ensure the bench is switched to maintenance mode during migration.
  • SITES: Optional list of sites to be migrated, separated by colon (:). e.g. If not used, all sites will be migrated by default.


Frappe Erp Next Gallo Negro






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