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mfreq by Markus Reschke is a suite of tools for FTS style file requesting. This respository contains my patches to this project.

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                              ReadMe for mfreq suite

                         (c) 1994-2013 by Markus Reschke


* About

mfreq is a suite of tools for FTS style file requesting. It consists of a
file index generator, filelist generator and a SRIF compatible file request
handler. The original version of mfreq was developed for the venerable
Commodore Amiga (tm) back in the 1990ies.

  - case-sensitive and long filenames
  - filenames with spaces
  - magics
  - ifcico-style magic files
  - password protected files
  - case-insensitive freqests (if enabled by cfg)
  - request limits
  - response netmail or text
  - dir.bbs and files.bbs
  - update of file description files
  - multiline support for filelists
  - tested with binkd and qico-xe

* Updating

If you update your current version of mfreq to a later one, always run
mfreq-index to update your file indexes. There might be some changes
in the file formats.

* Copyright

All files of the mfreq suite are coprighted by Markus Reschke.

* License

The mfreq suite is distributed under the EUPL v1.1. For details see 
EUPL-v1.1.pdf or




* About

This tool scans fileechos and directories to create a file index for a fast
frequest processing later on. It also takes care of magic file names. 

* Usage

The command line usage is:

  mfreq-index [-h/-?] [-c <cfg filepath>] [-l <log filepath>]

  -h/-?  prints usage information (optional)
  -c     configuration filepath (optional)
  -l     log filepath (optional)

Whithout the -c option the default filepath "/etc/fido/mfreq/index.cfg" will
be used as configuration file. The -l option overrides the LogFile command of
the configuration file. If neither the -l option nor the LogFile command are
given, nothing will be logged.

* Hints

mfreq-index collects all file data in memory until it writes the data into
an index file. If you have to deal with memory contraints please group your
file areas and create an index file for each group. The frequest handler
will accept multiple index files.

Symbolic file links are not supported for file areas or magic files. They
will be not followed.

* Configuration

The configuration file is more like a list of commands, which are processed
by mfreq-index to create the file index. It's a simple ASCII text file. For
a quick setup you'll find an example configuration "index.cfg" in the
sample-cfg directory.

+ Basic Syntax

Empty lines and lines starting with a "#" are treated as comments. Any other
lines should contain a valid command. Commands mostly got additional arguments
and options. Arguments with spaces, like a filepath, should be enclosed in
quotation marks, for example "/fido/my files".

The command parser also supports following quoted special characters:
  - \" for a literal "
  - \\ for a literal \

Outside quotations you may also use commas instead of whitespaces to separate

+ LogFile Command

  LogFile <log filepath>

The LogFile command specifies a filepath to be used as log file. If the -l
option of the command line is used, it will overwrite the LogFile command. This
command may be used only once. The best practice is to place LogFile as
first command in the configuration.

To prevent running several instances of mfreq-index writing the same file
index at the same time the logfile will be locked.

mfreq-index logs when it's started or ended. If you see a log entry that the
program ended with errors, please run it manually and check the standard
output for finding the cause of the error. 

+ SetMode Command

  SetMode [PathAliases] [BinarySearch]

With SetMode you enable following features: 

  Switch         Feature
  PathAliases    create path aliases
  BinarySearch   enable binary filename search

With PathAliases enabled mfreq-index creates automatically aliases for paths
in the index data file and writes those aliases into the index alias file.
That way the size of the index data file is decreased hugely. The drawback
is that the request processing might take a little bit longer. This feature
is supported just for regular files, not magics. 

If you got a large filebase with tons of files you should enable the binary
search feature to speed up filename searching for simple requests (no wildcard
as first character). Enable this feature for the request processor too. The
speed gain is achieved by creating an additional index file and using the
well known binary search algorithm.

+ Reset Command

  Reset [SetMode]

The Reset command does what you would expect :-) It resets several things
back to their defaults:

  Keyword        Action
  SetMode        resets all SetMode switches 
  Excludes       clears the list of file excludes

+ Magic Command

  Magic <name> File <filepath> [PW <password>]

The Magic command defines a frequest magic and its corresponding file. Add a
magic command for each magic you want to serve. If you need to connect a
single magic to several files add the same magic for each file.      

A password may be specified optionally to limit access.

+ MagicPath Command

  MagicPath <path>

The MagicPath command specifies a directory containing special magic files.
Such a magic file contains a list of filepaths and its name is the magics
name. This is used by ifcico for example. You may use this command multiple
times. If any file excludes are defined they'll be considered.

+ Exclude Command

  Exclude <name or pattern>

To exclude specific files from being indexed use the Exclude command and
specify a name or a name pattern. A pattern supports following wildcards:
  - ? for matching a single character
  - * for matching any number of characters (including zero)

Both wildcards may be used multiple times in a single pattern.

Each Exclude command will add the given name or pattern to a list, which
is consulted when the MagicPath or AreaDir command is executed. 

+ FileArea Command

  FileArea <path> [PW <password>] [Depth <levels>] [AutoMagic]

With the FileArea command the files inside the given directory will be added
to the file index. Use this command for each of your file areas/echos. If any
file excludes are defined they'll be considered.

A password may be specified optionally to limit access.

The Depth argument enables directory recursion with a limit of the
given levels. The level value should be in the range of 1 up to 10.  

The AutoMagic switch will create a magic for each file with the file's
extension dropped off. For example:
  - -> myfile  

+ SharedFileArea Command

  SharedFileArea Path <path> [PW <password>] [Depth <levels>] [AutoMagic]
    [switches and options from mfreq-list]

This is basically the same command like FileArea, but with a slightly
changed syntax to share the command with mfreq-list. The mfreq-list specific
switches and options are ignored. The idea is that you may put all your
fileareas into an additional configuration file and share it by the Include
command with mfreq-list.

+ Include Command

  Include [Config <filepath>]

If you like to spread your configuration over several files you may include
those additional files with the Include command. Nesting is limited to 2
levels (main configuration is the first level).

+ Index Command

  Index <filepath>

The Index command writes all files in the file index to the specified
filepath. Following files will be written:
  - <filepath>.data
  - <filepath>.lookup
  - <filepath>.alias
  - <filepath>.offset

After writing the files the file index is emptied. So you could add other
files and create another index for those by calling the Index command again.
This might come in handy if you got memory contraints or you need different
files indexes for some obscure reason :-) 

* ToDo / Feature Requests

Some stuff which needs to be fixed or would be nice to have:
  - All done :-)




* About

The mfreq-list tool creates filelists and cleans up description files if

* Hints

Symbolic file links are not supported for file areas . They will be not

* Description Files

Brief overview of file description files and their syntax. All files may have
lines ending with a CR (carriage return / 13).

+ simple files.bbs

Plain ASCII file containing one or more lines for each file. Lines should not
exceed a length of 78 characters.

  <name 8.3>         [<counter>] <description>
  [                              <more description>]

- name 8.3: DOS style filename (<8 chars name>.<3 chars extension>)
- counter: download counter (usually [<number>])

+ extended files.bbs

Plain ASCII file containing one or more lines for each file. Lines should not
exceed a length of 78 characters

  <name 8.3> <size> <date> [<counter>] <description>
  [                                    <more description>]

- name 8.3: DOS style filename (<8 chars name>.<3 chars extension>)
- size: in bytes without commas
- date: file date (usually MM-DD-YY)
- counter: download counter (usually [<number>])

+ dir.bbs

Plain ASCII file containing one line with the description of the directory.

+ descript.ion

Plain ASCII file containing one line for each file.

  <name> <description>

Long filenames are supported. Filenames with space(s) are enclosed in
quotations marks.

* Usage

The command line usage is:

  mfreq-list [-h/-?] [-c <cfg filepath>] [-l <log filepath>]

  -h/-?  prints usage information (optional)
  -c     configuration filepath (optional)
  -l     log filepath (optional)

Whithout the -c option the default filepath "/etc/fido/mfreq/list.cfg" will
be used as configuration file. The -l option overrides the LogFile command of
the configuration file. If neither the -l option nor the LogFile command are
given, nothing will be logged.

* Configuration

The configuration file is more like a list of commands, which are processed
by mfreq-list to create filelists. It's a simple ASCII text file. For a quick
setup you'll find an example configuration "list.cfg" in the sample-cfg

+ Basic Syntax

Empty lines and lines starting with a "#" are treated as comments. Any other
lines should contain a valid command. Commands mostly got additional arguments
and options. Arguments with spaces, like a filepath, should be enclosed in
quotation marks, for example "/fido/my files".

The command parser also supports following quoted special characters:
  - \" for a literal "
  - \\ for a literal \

Outside quotations you may also use commas instead of whitespaces to separate

+ LogFile Command

  LogFile <log filepath>

The LogFile command specifies a filepath to be used as log file. If the -l
option of the command line is used, it will overwrite the LogFile command. This
command may be used only once. The best practice is to place LogFile as
first command in the configuration.

To prevent running several instances of mfreq-list writing the same
filelist(s) at the same time the logfile will be locked.

mfreq-list logs when it's started or ended. If you see a log entry that the
program ended with errors, please run it manually and check the standard
output for finding the cause of the error.

+ Exclude Command

  Exclude <name or pattern>

To exclude specific files from being listed use the Exclude command and
specify a name or a name pattern. A pattern supports following wildcards:
  - ? for matching a single character
  - * for matching any number of characters (including zero)

Both wildcards may be used multiple times in a single pattern.

Each Exclude command will add the given name or pattern to a list, which
is consulted when the FileArea command is executed.

+ Filelist Command

  Filelist <filepath>

The Filelist command starts a new filelist. If the given filepath already
exists it will be overwritten. An old filelist will be closed.

+ AddText Command

  AddText <text>

This command allows you to add some custom text to the current filelist. If
the text includes any spaces enclose it with quotation marks, for example:
  AddText "This is my custom text." 

For an empty line use:
  AddText ""

+ Define files.bbs Command

  Define files.bbs NameFormat <format> [NameWidth <width>]
    [SizePos <pos> SizeFormat <format>]
    [DatePos <pos> DateFormat <format>]
    [CounterPos <pos> CounterFormat <format>]
    DescPos <pos>

The command above defines the format of the files.bbs description file. It
tells mfreq-list which data fields are used. Each call will reset all settings
of the last call.

For all arguments the <pos> value is the position of the data field, starting
with 1 for the first character (valid range: 1-120). A position of 40 means
that the data field starts at character position 40.


  * NameFormat <format>
  Defines file name format.

  format  description
  DOS     8.3 DOS style
  Long    full name (you need to set NameWidth too!)

  * NameWidth <width>
  Defines the maximum length of the filename. If <width> is exceeded, the
  filename will be truncated with an asterisk ("*"). The valid range of
  <width> is 12 up to 60. 

  * SizePos <pos> SizeFormat <format>
  Enables file size field. Defines start position and format.

  format   description
  Bytes-8  number of bytes, max. 8 digits
  Unit-8   bytes with unit, max. 8 digits/chars

  The size field is right-justified! So take care when defining the position!

  * DatePos <pos> DateFormat <format>
  Enables file date field. Defines start position and format.

  format    description
  US        MM-DD-YY
  ISO       YYYY-MM-DD

  * CounterPos <pos> CounterFormat <format>
  Enables download counter field. Defines start position and format.

  format    description
  Square-2  [nn]
  Square-3  [nnn]  
  Square-4  [nnnn]  

  * DescPos <pos>
  Sets start position of file description.

+ Define filelist Command

  Define filelist [NamePos <line-pos>] NameFormat <format> [NameWidth <width>] 
    [SizePos <line-pos> SizeWidth <width> SizeFormat <format>]
    [DatePos <line-pos> DateFormat <format>]
    [CounterPos <line-pos> CounterFormat <format>]
    DescPos <line-pos> DescWidth <width>

This command defines the output format of the filelist. It's similar to the
"Define files.bbs" command. To support multiline output some data field
positions may have a line number included using following syntax:

  <line>-<pos> or <line>.<pos>

When omitting the line number, mfreq will assume the line number being 1. For

  - 1.10 means position 10 in line 1
  - 1-10 same as above
  - 10   same as above
  - 3-40 means position 40 in line 3 

The maximum line number supported is 5. To add empty lines skip line numbers.
If you set NamePos to 2-<pos> an empty line is added before the file name.

  * [NamePos <line-pos>] NameFormat <format> [NameWidth <width>]
  Position (range: 1 - 120), width (range: 12 - 60) and format of file name:

  format  description
  DOS     8.3 DOS style
  Long    full name (you need to set NameWidth too!)  

  * SizePos <line-pos> SizeWith <width> SizeFormat <format>
  Position (range: 1 - 120), width (range: 4 - 12) and format of file size:

  format  description
  Bytes   number of bytes
  Unit    bytes with unit

  The size field is right-justified! So take care when defining the position!

  * DatePos <line-pos> DateFormat <format>
  Position (range: 1 - 120) and format of file date:

  format    description
  US        MM-DD-YY
  ISO       YYYY-MM-DD

  * CounterPos <line-pos> CounterFormat <format>
  Position (range: 1 - 120) and format of download counter:

  format    description
  Square-2  [nn]
  Square-3  [nnn]  
  Square-4  [nnnn]

  * DescPos <line-pos> DescWidth <width>
    Position (range: 1 - 120) and width (range: 18-80) of description field.

+ InfoMode Command

  InfoMode [dir.bbs] [files.bbs] [Update] [Strict] [Skips]

  - dir.bbs     enables use of dir.bbs/DIR.BBS
  - files.bbs   enables use of files.bbs/FILES.BBS
  - Update      enables update of file description file
  - Strict      enables strict syntax checking
  - Skips       allows missing data fields

With InfoMode you set the source of file descriptions. When you enable
files.bbs, you have to define it's format with the "Define files.bbs" command.

If you want mfreq-list to update the description file, e.g. removing deleted
files, set the Update switch.

For strict syntax checking of the file description files set the Strict switch,
i.e. all defined data fields must exist and their positions must match exactly.
The Skips switch allows missing data fields (premature end of line).

+ Reset Command

  Reset [SetMode]

As expected this command resetsseveral things back to their defaults:

  Keyword        Action
  InfoMode       resets all InfoMode switches 
  Excludes       clears the list of file excludes

+ Include Command

  Include [Config <filepath>]

If you like to spread your configuration over several files you may include
those additional files with the Include command. Nesting is limited to 2
levels (main configuration is the first level).

+ FileArea Command

  FileArea <name> Path <path> [Info <description>]

The FileArea command scans a directory and writes a sorted list of files to
the current filelist. Specify the file echos name and path. The Info argument
overrides any other source of the fileareas description.

+ SharedFileArea Command

  SharedFileArea Name <name> Path <path> [Info <description>]
    [switches and options from mfreq-index]

This is basically the same command like FileArea, but with a slightly
changed syntax to share the command with mfreq-index. The mfreq-index specific
switches and options are ignored. The idea is that you may put all your
fileareas into an additional configuration file and share it by the Include
command with mfreq-index.

* ToDo / Feature Requests

Some stuff which needs to be fixed or would be nice to have:
  - Support special formatting of additional description lines in files.bbs?
    ("<spaces>+ <desc>" / "<spaces>| <desc>")
  - Support comment lines in files.bbs?
    (" <comment>" / "--- <comment>")
  - Support of descript.ion?
  - Support file_id.diz? Try to extract?
  - Add switch for case-insensitive filenames in files.bbs.




* About

This is the SRIF frequest handler. It reads the mailers SRIF file, processes
the file request while checking for any limits, writes a response list and
creates a response netmail or textmail if configured. mfreq-srif requires an
file index created by mfreq-index.

* Usage

The command line usage is:

  mfreq-srif [-h/-?] [-c <cfg filepath>] [-l <log filepath>] -s <SRIF filepath>

  -h/-?  prints usage information (optional)
  -c     configuration filepath (optional)
  -l     log filepath (optional)
  -s     SRIF filepath (required)

Whithout the -c option the default filepath "/etc/fido/mfreq/srif.cfg" will
be used as configuration file. The -l option overrides the LogFile command of
the configuration file. If neither the -l option nor the LogFile command are
given, nothing will be logged.

If you are running binkd you would add following to your binkd.cfg:

  exec "/path-to/mfreq-srif -s *S" *.req

For qico-xe please add following to qico.conf:

  srifrp  /path-to/mfreq-srif -s

* Hints

Symbolic file links are not supported for file areas or magic files. They
will be not followed.

All FTS addresses (AKAs) will be normalized into following format:

The <domain> part is optional. Nodes get 0 as point number.

* Requests

Requests with the following format are supported:
  <filename pattern> [!<password>]

Each line should contain a single filename or pattern with an optional
password separated by a space. Due to internal token processing the
password may also be separated by comma or whitespaces. A filename or pattern
with spaces needs to be enclosed in quotation marks, e.g. "my file.lha".

  - ? for matching a single character
  - * for matching any number of characters (including zero)

Both wildcards may be used multiple times in a pattern.

* NetMail/TextMail

The frequest handler creates a response netmail or textmail for the requestor
and adds the netmail packet or textmail file to the response list (with the
delete-me-after-sent indicator).

A result textblock is generated for each requested file/pattern:

  <empty line>
  <file/pattern requested>
     - <file found or other feedback>
    [- <file found or other feedback>]

The message is formatted like this:


* Configuration

It's a simple ASCII text file. For a quick setup you'll find an example
configuration "srif.cfg" in the sample-cfg directory.

+ Basic Syntax

Empty lines and lines starting with a "#" are treated as comments. Any other
lines should contain a valid setting. Settings mostly got additional arguments
and options. Arguments with spaces, like a filepath, should be enclosed in
quotation marks, for example "/fido/my files".

The command parser also supports following quoted special characters:
  - \" for a literal "
  - \\ for a literal \

Outside quotations you may also use commas instead of whitespaces to separate

+ LogFile Setting

  LogFile <log filepath>

The LogFile setting specifies a filepath to be used as log file. If the -l
option of the command line is used, it will overwrite the LogFile command. This
setting may be used only once. The best practice is to place LogFile as
first setting in the configuration.

mfreq-srif logs when it's started or ended. If you see a log entry that the
program ended with errors, please run it manually within a test environment
and check the standard output for finding the cause of the error. For the
test environment simply create a pair of fake SRIF and request files. 

+ SetMode Setting

  SetMode [NetMail] [TextMail] [RemoveReq] [AnyCase] [BinarySearch]

With SetMode you enable following features: 

  Switch         Feature
  NetMail        send response netmail
  TextMail       send response textmail (plain ASCII file)
  RemoveReq      delete request file after processing
  AnyCase        match file names case-insensitive
  BinarySearch   enable binary filename search
  LogRequest     log file requests in more detail

Please set the RemoveReq switch if your mailer doesn't delete the request file
after calling the frequest handler.

If you've enabled the binary search feature for mfreq-index, enable it here
too. This feature uses an additional index file to perform a binary search to
speed up the processing of file requests.

With LogRequest set mfreq-srif logs which files are requested and which are  
going to be sent.

+ Address Setting

  Address <zone>:<net>/<node>[.<point>][@<domain>]

This defines your FTS addresses (AKAs). At least you should set your main AKA.
Add an Address setting for each AKA.

+ MailDir setting

  MailDir <path>

This setting is optional and specifies the path for response netmails or
textmails. A good choice would be your outbound directory or /tmp. Used only
once in the configuration. If not set, the default path "/var/tmp" will be

 MailDir /tmp

+ MailHeader/MailFooter setting

  MailHeader <text>
  MailFooter <text>

Both settings allow you to add some custom text to the netmail or textmail
response. MailHeader adds text at the top of the mail and MailFooter at the
bottom. In between mfreq-srif will report any results of the request. The text
is written to the mail in the same order as in the configuration.

If the text includes any spaces enclose it with quotation marks, for example:
  MailHeader "This is my custom text." 

For an empty line use:
  MailHeader ""

Some message readers won't display empty lines at the beginning of a netmail.
To circumvent that just add a space, like:
  MailHeader " "
  MailHeader "bla bla"

+ Limit Setting

  Limit <FTS address pattern> [Files <files>] [Bytes <bytes>]

This settings limits what a requester may retrieve. Actually it's a list of
rules linked to a specfic FTS address pattern. The first matching rule will be

The FTS address pattern is based on the normalized format (see hints)
and supports following wildcards:
  - ? for matching a single character
  - * for matching any number of characters (including zero)

Both wildcards may be used multiple times in a pattern.

Some examples:

  pattern          matches
  ?:*              any system in a zone with one digit
  2:*              any system in zone 2
  2:244/*          any system in zone 2 and net 244
  *@fidonet        any system in domain fidonet
  *                any system (for a rule of last resort)

The Files argument limits the number of files which may be requested. And
the Bytes argument defines the maximum number of bytes allowed. Both values
should be in the range of 0 to 2147483000 (2^31 - 1). Zero means "none". 

For the byte value you may use following units:
  - kB for kilo Bytes (kiB)
  - MB for Mega Bytes (MiB)
  - GB for Giga Bytes (GiB)

Place the unit directly behind the value or enclose the term in quotation
marks if you insert a space:
  - 10MB
  - "10 MB" 

A rule like
  Limit 1:2/3.4 Files 0
would deny any files for the given system.

With the IfListed switch set the rule is only used if the node is listed
in a nodelist. That information is provided by the mailer via the SRIF file.

If you define any rules it's strongly recommended to define also a rule of
last resort, like
  Limit * Files 10 Bytes 2MB

The following defaults are used if no limit is given at all:
  - 20 files
  - 2000000 bytes

+ Index Setting

  Index <filepath>

The Index setting adds a file index to be used for file searching. You may
add several file indexes if you like.

The <filepath> argument will be expanded to a pair of files:
  - <filepath>.data
  - <filepath>.lookup

* ToDo / Feature Requests

Some stuff which needs to be fixed or would be nice to have:
  - Support of removable media (Index option: [IfMounted <path>])
    by checking /proc/mount?
  - Support Time setting in SRIF file?
  - Support packet header based on FSC-0039?

                                  misc stuff

* Log Files

Format of entries in the log file:
<MMM> <DD> <HH>:<MM>:<SS> <YYYY> [<PID>] <message>

* Contact the Author

  Netmail:   Markus Reschke 2:244/1661

* Credits

A big thank you to:

  Paul Quinn, 3:640/384, for beta-testing and some great feature suggestions.

------------------------------------ EOF -------------------------------------


mfreq by Markus Reschke is a suite of tools for FTS style file requesting. This respository contains my patches to this project.






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